Instant Karma and Pluto’s Globe

This article is written after the article about the signs the Universe sends. Life is hard, metaphysics is harder yet. As a result, there is no … way of explaining to people how EVERYTHING works. If you choose a shortcut, people will come up with some bullshit to cover blank spaces. If you go for a thorough, detailed way of explanation, people will get bored and miss the important. If you pick a straightforward approach, they will label you as “mundane”. However, if you speak metaphorically, it will result in the exhausting process of searching for deeper sense where there is none. All religions and practically all “subtle” sciences, including eso-/ecsotherics and astrology, suffer from it. Here we will talk about a deplorable variant of interpreting the ‘shortcut’ way of explanation.

How does instant karma work? Why can your entire life collapse within a couple of days after you’ve met some people?

“Once Buddha was walking along a village with his disciples. Suddenly, a few people in the street started to insult him. He listened to them quietly, keeping calm. The ones who insulted him felt uncomfortable because of his calm.

“There’s something wrong here”, – they thought. “We are insulting him, and he listens to us like he’d listen to music”.

One of them spoke to Buddha:

-Don’t you understand what we’re talking about?

-If I did not understand, I would not keep quiet”, – Buddha answered. – If you had come to me ten years ago, I would have started fighting you. I did not understand back then. Now I do. And I can’t punish myself because of your foolishness. It is your choice, either to insult me or not, but it is within my rights not to accept your insult. You can’t impose it on me. I simply reject it. It’s not worthy of me. You can take it back. And now my disciples are going to beat the shit out of you”.

This “parable” has been on the Internet since, like, first centuries A.D. , haha. Both the original and the funny versions. And the people who have somehow been close to being interested in Buddhism, Hinduism or some spiritual practices, are fond of using stories like this wherever they can. Until the time comes, it works. These people think that, if it was Buddha himself who said it, they can now take it and apply it to real life. These people don’t stop to think for a moment if Buddha really said that and how to interpret it correctly. So, such people come to such weird concepts once they’re full of stories like this that you can sometimes lose the power of speech when listening to them. For example, they think they can do whatever they like and after that just “not accept” others’ talking back, criticisms and complaints.

A while ago I had an unpleasant conversation with a person who had demonstrated some really unacceptable behavior towards me and a few other people, disappearing after that for a long time without even leaving their number. So, after some time this person surfaced like some unwanted substance and, without any sentimentality, tried to continue our communication. We all sometimes go off radar for years and suddenly reappear with “Hi there, how’re things”, no big deal. But here an interesting thing happened. My indignant speech about this kind of behavior not being right, about it being a dirty act, about us being worried because of the disappearance was faced with an answer you read above in the form of the parable about Buddha. In short, it was MY opinion only, the person did not think so and was not responsible for my attitude, and it was my expectations towards this person that were my problem only. This person did not “accept this”, haha. There must be a picture of someone dressed like Buddha galloping by to some circus music.

We should take into account the fact that this person works with people and even makes attempts at correcting other people’s lives. It looks even more abominable now. So you feel like shit’s been poured down on you, morally, and you keep thinking: “Buddha, what the…?”

What if we just added one tiny detail to that Buddha parable? Imagine: all those people met Buddha on his way and started insulting him because he had robbed them the day before. Or burned down their houses. Or he had, like my acquaintance, simply screwed them up without thinking about their emotional condition. Doesn’t this parable sound much more interesting now? See how the focus point shifts? And we don’t really know why those people were shouting insults. Can there be a chance they were in their own right not only to insult Buddha but beat him up as well?

The parable logics seem to be intact, but how the meaning has changed! If we dig deeper, we will see that a frivolous interpretation of this story can justify literally any behavior demonstrated by “Buddha” and his fans! You can morally destroy a person, insult them, abandon them, humiliate and rob them and then, when faced with all the indignant commentary, take a gracious tone to answer: “This is not mine, this is yours, I do not accept it!” And, this done, you can walk away showing people behind your enlightened ass. This is the idea all the scum catches at happily. The kind of scum that doesn’t care about other people’s feelings or the fact that they hurt others, rob them and leave them in trouble. “It is you who’s blaming me”, the scum says, “but it’s your opinion, it’s your wrong perception and your expectations, I am not responsible for it, I don’t accept it, so get away from me with your rudeness”, the scum says. “I am enlightened, I am wearing shining armor”, the scum says. Sometimes the scum is so persuasive that an immature mind might feel ashamed and think it might have really been some high expectations or a nervous reaction. Google the term ‘gaslighting’.

But no. No! Listen to yourselves, guys. Please, always listen to yourselves. You are a part of the Universe, and others are, too, and your reactions mean a lot to you and to those people. So, if YOU feel pain, you feel you’ve been hurt and then gaslighted happily, like: “Oh, you only think you’ve been hurt, you’re just overreacting” – you shouldn’t fall into this trap of words and concepts. You are in pain. This is it. If we talk about signs from the world, your pain is a powerful indicator of what a person has sent into the world. We all send “signals”, and we get our answers. All these “Buddhas”, when they justify their behavior, simply don’t want to get their signals back. They choose to act as if the entire world and the people around were their servants and merely a background for their triumph, so they should endure if their master is displeased! Sure, for some time they will endure, but he that steals honey should beware of the sting.

Pluto and instant karma

… And the sting is called Pluto. And Saturn. These two planets are fond of leaving parcels with shit on such people’s doorsteps. No matter how cunningly such people justify their behavior and how successfully they come out of arguments and similar situations and cover their tracks after their vile actions, they will immediately get a massive kickback for everything they’ve done to others once they’ve faced Pluto. Right back in their faces. Pluto is a wonderful planet, the one that I love tenderly, the one that sits high, looks afar and sees all. In western astrology it is responsible for deepest transformation and rebirth when you lose the ground under your feet and the sky seems to be placed on your shoulders like on Atlas’s . Pluto does not simply bring global changes, it cuts open all the wounds and furuncles that have contained rot for many decades. Also, Pluto brings the very same instant karma (in other words, revenge) to certain people.

The point is that the entire life of a person is build upon the becoming a higher, cleaner and better version of themselves. So, Saturn our whole human life gives us different challenges to evaluate how we deal with them. And the better and more honest we are when doing it, the fewer trippings and obstacles we get on our way. Shani does not give us any unnecessary trouble but it will not stop repeating the lesson until you change from the inside. All the recurring problems in your life are from Saturn by default. Pluto is the last frontier that is activated when a person ignores the signs and moves around obstacles, endangering others. In simple words, if Saturn sends you 2 challenges but you continue being a jerk – here is when Pluto takes charge giving you the last chance to fix yourself. If you don’t change at this point, your life is ruined in every aspect.

Graha Domaha has no solid physical body, so it acts through people whose birth charts have especially strong plutonian aspect. These people are unavoidable in a mean person’s life and they keep appearing. When meeting these people, the turning inside out happens very often. Domaha takes the person it needs to teach a lesson to and makes them shake all the shit they’re full of out of themselves against their will, with everyone watching. People can’t resist this “X-ray” and show their true colors. A person who played a sweetie for years might suddenly turn into a dysfunctional hysterical thing throwing shit at people and shouting in dirty language. So much can be uncovered about such a person within the shortest time that they will lose everything. People who have witnessed it might whisper about it all being so strange, a “pretty normal” person going off the rails and destroying their own life, family and career within an hour. They say something like “he/she’s never been like that”.

But of course this person has! Only they were used to acting differently from what they had inside. But, if there has always been nothing but shit inside, you won’t discover anything else when a person’s turned inside out. What is also fascinating is that Pluto brings positive change as well: if a person has been shy for years, afraid of speaking out on the outside but honest and kind on the inside, it will be it. This person will become bolder and show their true beautiful self, coming out of the shadow and changing. If there’s nothing rotten and mean inside this person, they will rise high on the same day in every aspect of their life.
We might call Pluto Saturn’s big brother in some respect. You will not get any diamonds and laurels until you find all your issues and weak spots and deal with them. This planet does not favor those who escape difficulty and do not acknowledge their imperfection and weaknesses. Here is about my acquaintance: every person radiates something into this world and this way attracts events and other people, inversive of what this person sends out. So, if an individual radiates filth, acrimony, a sneering and derogatory attitude, insulting everyone they meet and not even trying to change – they will, with a great deal of possibility, attract someone who will out an end to their mean and abominable actions towards other people. This “someone” is going to be a person with strong, highly aspected Pluto in their birth chart.

Plutonians appear in your life the same year, day and hour when it must change through problems and overcoming. Or when you’ve been getting under normal people’s skin with your actions and attitude and the Universe decides to ruin some sphere of your life to make you have a go at yourself. When you meet a plutonian person, it is highly advisable to start looking at yourself and find these flaws and gaps in your psyche and your personality growth that need mending badly. You should also stop justifying your toxic behavior with some high-flown postulates.

By the way, plutonians’ lives aren’t beds of roses as well. Sure at some point you’ll be sick to death watching every person you meet spill out all the shit they’re full of. It’s kind of hard making friends when you have this feature and go around as a living litmus test.

Pluto also favors people who are constantly on the edge between life and death, those who feel the fragility of human life and psyche. Firemen, surgeons, pathologists, oncologists, rescue service workers etc. are under its control and they know everything is possible in this life. You only need to concentrate your energy, clean out the dirt, close all the breaches in your consciousness and subconsciousness and brace yourself to make a breakthrough. Pluto allows to reach sky-high levels abruptly, despite “I can’t, I don’t want to do that”.

I can give you an example of how a plutonian person became a facilitator of both weak and strong human sides of the whole country. Joseph Stalin. It is not possible to give an unambiguous evaluation of his policy, and I am not even going to try. We can remember the phrase that’s become popular in Russia: “The five year plan done in three years!” and the pace the country was developing at. Yes, at the cost of millions of lives – but the leader managed to turn the “wooden plow” country into a world state within a comparatively short amount of time. Everyone looking at the picture of Stalin understood that it was either them working on top of their powers and finds physical and mental strength to work a twelve-hour shift with one day off a week – or them announced a loafer or an enemy of the people and sent to fell the trees or worse, shot right away. All the USSR people remember public reprimands and reprovals for acts against the society and the collective.

This was how people were caught by a powerful personality cult, all their dirt and their backgrounds dragged out into the light, both in a negative (writing vile delations) and a positive way. There is probably no point talking about World War II, The Great Patriotic War for Russia. Those four years were hard for Russia and people were ready to worship Stalin despite the fact that the Red Army was suffering horrible losses, retreating and almost letting the enemy close to the key points. It was Joseph Dzhugashvili who found the power in himself to grip the leverages to make the service members around him do the utmost to push the enemy back from Moscow. After that the enemy was thrown away from the Soviet Union and finally, after Berlin was taken, the Nazi lair was destroyed. The leader of the peoples would not have lasted on his charisma only. A peculiar force of the psyche was required, a force almost sadistic, the one that allowed imposing the desires of one on huge masses of people and rule them like a tsunami wave. Only Pluto grants this kind of power.

In your life you’ve probably met people who suddenly drive you up the wall and seem to be provoking you to be mean to them. Or people who change your life beyond recognition once they come into it. They are Plutonians, Pluto’s people. On the one hand, their appearance in your life is frightening because they bring you your karma directly, here and now. But on the other hand, it can be the beginning of your fast rise in life.

Mylene Maelinhon & Astrovelle (c) Archaic Heart materials

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  • Спасибо Милен за статью.У вас удивительная способность складывать слова и доносить доходчиво смысл,без многословия и словоблудия.:))Периодически,да что там,постоянно и регулярно захожу на ваш ресурс.Перечитываю иногда отдельные статьи.Ищу и нахожу то,что нужно.Думаю,пока Архаик единственный ресурс на просторах России и СНГ(а он ещё существует;)? ) ,для русскоязычных граждан,с таким качеством, подачей информации и удобным интерфейсом.Хотя наверно нет пределов совершенству :).

    • Ай спасибо, приятно :))) Мы сейчас ещё подкасты для нашего Ютуб канала начали делать, заходите в гости при случае.

  • Здравствуйте, Милена. Статья как всегда пронизывает все сознание. Но у меня есть один вопрос, точнее несколько – какие подношения принимает Домаха? Какими мантрами его нужно призывать? Я ни разу не встречала его имя на просторах интернета, у какого народа есть сказания о Домахе?

    • Зачем мы опять копаемся в мифологии? Нету к нему мантр и подношений. Его любимое подношение – эмоции и призвать его довольно нетрудно. Трудно выдержать его приход, если призвали…

  • Анализирую теперь где у меня плутонианцы проходили в жизни, очень информативная статья, как всегда, зачитываюсь!

  • Статья живая. Спасибо Милен.
    У меня Плутон в карте очень сильный. Поэтому всегда чувствовала себя катализатором процессов в обществе. Например, если я где то начинаю работать, то там с руководством начинаются изменения. Или становятся полными неадекватами или просто людьми с большой буквы. И когда я ухожу, по независимым от меня причинам, всегда а течении года, после трудоустройства. То фирма или разоряется или становится очень богатой. В жизни тоже так и с друзьями. Поэтому вопрос – как направить себе эти изменения и трансформации окружающих и общества во благо? Потому что меня это всё затрагивает тоже и мне приходится постоянно начинать сначала. И можно ли перестать быть катализатором общества???

    • Увы, нет. У меня та же ситуация, и с людьми вокруг в том числе. У меня практически нет старых друзей. Потому что после знакомства со мной многие либо идут на дно и шизеют, либо взлетают реактивно вверх. В обоих случаях трудно сохранить нормальное общение 🙁
      Если это и можно исправить, то способ мне неизвестен.
      Упайи к Плутону я делала в прошлом году, полностью отработав у него всё, что можно было. Это сильно повлияло на меня, но не на людей вокруг – точно так же отваливаются.

      • Почему шизеют? Вы для меня источник знаний, с чего бы шизеть?

        • Спросите их.
          На сайте и на канале каждую неделю выгребаются тонны дерьма из комментариев, матерных, оскорбительных, с проклятиями, обвинениями в чем только можно и тд. И в
          мой адрес, и в адрес Фламмии и даже всего коллектива. Что это у нас вызывает? Недоумение. Это сколько надо иметь свободного времени, чтоб всё это читать, а потом писать тонны комментариев?
          Зачем? Почему? Чего хотят добиться? Как бы, не нравится сайт – так чего ты тут сидишь безвылазно? Иди туда, где тебе нравится, читай тех, кто тебе приятен. Но нет же, сидят годами (!!) и строчат, строчат пакости. Что это, если не шиза? Я знаю парочку людей, которые это пишут – жизнь их настолько убога, что просто других отдушин нет, мне их очень жалко лично. Насколько тяжело должно быть человеку, чтобы кидание дерьмом было для него радостью? Я надеюсь, что никогда этого не узнаю.

          • 1)Тогда понятно.
            2) У вас Плутон, случайно, не в 11-м доме по западному гороскопу?

    • Вы не обязаны приносить благо всем и вся. Люди либо проходят проверку на вшивость, либо нет, и вы в этом не виноваты

      • Я не виновата, но и огребаю в итоге тоже я. У меня никого особо нет, ни друзей, ни близких. Все в какой то период времени отваливаются.

  • Благодарю Вас Миленочка! Отличная статья, многое об'ясняющаяВсего Вам самого наилучшего

  • Здравствуйте, это как раз про меня! Благодарю, еще один кусок паззла встал на место. Уже который раз ваши статьи заставили меня вцепиться в волосы и орать чтото типа "аааа!!!"

  • Спасибо, важная информация сегодня

  • Спасибо Вам, Милен!!! Словами не передать то чувство, которое я сейчас испытала, читая статью. Многое как про меня написано. Я хирург, онколог. И действительно очень чувствуется с порога в каком состоянии пришел человек. Физически чувствуется. Страх, боль, багаж, который за плечами каждого, с чего начнет разговор. И тонкие изменения, мелькнувшие в пространстве, через минуту-другую после которых может засуетиться анестезиолог. Когда возможно все. Давно пыталась понять, что происходит с людьми, которые приходят ко мне. Почему одни на глазах меняются, аж до тряски фонтанируют без причины, другие плачут, будто сорвало сдерживающие барьеры, и благодарят… не зависимо от знака эмоций, это всегда максимальная интенсивность, на которую способен человек. Я одно время шутила цитатой, что “вызываю в людях необъяснимые чувства”. Плутон. И теперь меня прорвало)), накопилось. Наверно потому что Вас, плутонианца встретила). Вы потрясающе проникновенно, душевно пишете! Благодарю!!!

  • Доброй ночи всём!
    Милена, прошу вас поделитесь и наапишите, будьте так добры, как прокачать Плутон,
    3 основных критерия.
    Благодарю вас заранее.

    • Почему три?
      Нет никаких критериев. Обращаемся к грахе и просим ревизию. Если есть вопросы, которые можно проработать, он вам на них укажет.
