Grassar Maelinhon: An infinity and beyond of questions

Grassar Maelinhon: A Hundred Thousand Questions to the Skies (Maelinhon)


Today we have a very interesting article, a continuation of the cycle of interviews with all sorts of extraordinary personalities of the subtle plane. Namely Interview with the Serpent. How was it? Genius, playboy, philanthropist… 🙂 And here we have a mathematician and engineer, musician, creator and inspirer of the Archaic Heart project, who intended it as a large-scale experiment on people and their reaction to the latest and real information on subtle topics. Grandson of Prince Amaymon and just a good non-human.


Mylene: Remember in the comments to the Badcomedian podcast, there was a performance: “How Bazhenov and his cameraman Anuar pretended for 2 hours that they were seeing each other for the first time”. 😀 I want to do everything in this format. Let’s imagine that I am an unaware, naive journalist who suddenly got access to a subtle plan and I ask a block of stupid and strange questions. Actually, though, we’ve been collecting questions from around the world from YouTube and our groups.

Grassar: Perfect 🙂 Where do we start?

М: Introduce yourself, please. What is your full name and what is your place in the world? People love hierarchies and positions.

G: Well, we don’t have hierarchies, we have a complex horizontal power structure, where there are many equal units and it’s probably quite difficult to imagine from that side. When there is simply no ” boss”, because all attempts to concentrate power in one person have so far ended badly. My name is Largsamiel Grassar Elalilithon Fersis Altair Ieremin Ortis Halterimon ael Maelinhon. Officially, I’m an advisor to Satanael and her government on all sorts of technical and engineering matters. I also occasionally work for the government of the First Tree, also on engineering matters and a bit on weapons. Well, that’s official!

М: Why so many names? Do you use them all?

G: No, I use three of them. We have a tradition that before a child is born, each family member and their friends come up with one name for the newborn. And bad for those Inferns who have many relatives and sociable parents… Plus, the individual himself can come up with new names during his life, for example, in connection with a new life cycle. New time – new name. And new rails. A name is an important element of self-awareness, because it is your personal coordinates in space in essence. And a large number of names gives some distinction in “access to the body”, for example, one name you get for only official inquiries and letters, the second – for friends, some other – for the closest ones. Largsamiel is my common name for everyone.  Grassar is my ” home” name, for family and friends, my mom gave it to me. It actually means “serpent” or “reptile” in Aramaic. That’s why, by the way, there is no sense in “book” names of entities: if the name has flashed in humans, most likely it will now be for the conditional folder “Spam”. And the mail will be for some other name.

М: What’s your attitude towards people?

G: I have sympathy, I study them as much as I can, I go to all sorts of parties, sometimes, of course, incognito. I remember sitting listening to an interesting report at a university in Canada, and there the lecturer gave an example of his work on thermal radiation with a joke, like, if there were demons in this audience, the graph would shift so-and-so. But since they don’t exist, the graph for this auditorium would be this. Everyone laughed 🙂 I laughed too.

Otherwise, a species with its own frolics that constantly chops up its own progress and creates strictly in spite of itself. Humans have invented, written and created such a pile of stuff that it takes almost forever to sort it out.

We have very few who are interested in people as such, but everyone likes to read books, watch movies, and listen to music. Household appliances, again. We have traditionally different systems for heating, water and other things, but for example bathtubs, refrigerators and stoves have been adopted by many of us as a more convenient option. And people’s current dwellings wouldn’t be too shocking. And also the Internet, being essentially a subtle structure, is as easy as possible to connect to infostreams. So the subtle world is quite watching YouTube and similar services, playing games, broadcasting to the wall or directly into the eyes.

I don’t understand everything about people, far from it. But with those with whom I communicate or write something, I always try to somehow adapt the differences of cultures, to speak and write more clearly for them. After all, we all have some basic, common things – food, sleep, laughter, love, children…..

М: What are the basic differences? 

G: There are few of them on the surface, but in the little things, in reflexes, in problems… If you walk into a room and someone is standing naked, we don’t have the reflex to cover ourselves with something. We have a different attitude to marriage and love, a different principle of raising children, different cycles of life and rest. We also have a very slow life, compared to humans. It’s measured, with weeks of self-indulgence, and respect for our own personal fancies. I mean, nobody’s in a rush or in a hurry.

М: How do you sleep?

G: About once a month I sleep in, 3-4 days in a row. Then I work for a month, for us night is just a different time of activity.

М: How many languages do you know?

G: There’s 16 on various levels. 4 subtle, 12 human. I speak Spanish, Hebrew and English as a nativist 🙂

М: What’s your accent if you were heard on YouTube?

G: Just like the Israelis.

М: What language does your native language sound like?

G: Hebrew, perhaps, and even Yiddish.

М: Top 3 things that seem wild to you about humans.

G: Hmmm… #1 – The tendency to get the fuck out of everyone, to find some flaw or problem in everyone and use it to create conflict, war, revenge, etc. A lot of plots in history and books are based on this..Someone was going about their business, minding their own, when suddenly people noticed them, started yelling, attacked, and accused them… It just pisses me off to no end. It’s time for people to fuck off from everyone around them and from themselves, then there will be peace and universal happiness..

#2 – Attitudes towards children. I often read threads on the Internet, almost everywhere there are stories about the childhood of different people. And a huge number of them have a lot of childhood traumas. Unloving, violence, coldness, bullying and just plain parental neglect. I don’t understand why you have kids if you don’t want them. It’s such a hassle if you are not ready for them psychologically, financially, if you have nothing to give them. I don’t understand a lot of things about people, but I try to explain it to myself somehow… I don’t understand this one at all.

And number three, I guess, is cruelty. Some kind of basic, universal cruelty and lack of respect. For others, for themself, for nature, for enemies, for family, for other people’s lives… It’s as if there is no such thing. You can do anything! You can dig your feet into someone else’s soul, kill, misappropriate, pollute and abandon – anything is possible. Our society is built on the opposite: respect for our own, a certain sacredness of their lives and existence. You come first, then your people, then respect for other species and their rights.

М: The first point is a real problem.  Especially our favorite topic is Satanists and magic, where 99% of stories are based on the fact that someone very much needs to pester people with unclear goals.

G: It’s an extrapolation. People themselves can’t stay still all the time, they have to behave like thugs. Reach, chase, ruin, catch, disembowel… Literally everyone who didn’t have time to run away. So they attribute all that shit to the rest of the species. It’s the conditional demons that are so desperate to get to people and do something to them. The whole universe is just waiting to break into any hole and do some damage! But have you seen medieval frescoes where devils/demons do to people literally what the Inquisition did to them? I mean, the people themselves invented it and did it, but they attributed it to demons in the frescoes. No infern has ever put a human in a vise or broken their bones, because why would they?  No one cares much for humans, no one needs to see them. And if they do, subtle beings just come when they need to, not waiting for a parade of planets, eclipse and other nonsense from the movies.

М: Oooh… I’m currently reading Howard Lovecraft’s collected works, and every time he starts going on about “evil sorcerers and their ancient books that summon some horrible entities”, I get a chuckle out of it. For example, he often mentions Satanists and devil-worshippers (sic!) who existed in some prehistoric times. But before the first centuries and the advent of monotheisms in their current form, there was no such thing as the Devil, it’s quite late. How can someone who is older than Ygweh be some kind of rival to him?

Or he gives as an example of some incredibly powerful, creepy spells, some gibberish a la “Sabaoth Necromonikon Samael Tetragramaton Avalon”. Which is quite reminiscent of “Very Scary Movie”, where the hero-Japanese spoke with the names of Japanese trademarks and words known to Europeans, such as “harakiri suzuki nigiri fuji aiwa toyota konichiwa”. It’s a comedy. What do you think?

G: Nothing good, just like with the whole genre. In many such plots, in movies and books, the Christian view of the world seems to be frozen. That the world around us is very evil and hostile, that any subtle beings only want to harm everyone. The question of why remains hanging in the air. That is, the world is either from Ygweh and good, or it is NOT from Ygweh and evil, other options, like “no one cares about you,” do not exist. So, I’m telling you: no one cares.

Such writers parasitize on Christian dualism and the idea that heroes know something so profound, so significant, that their eyes roll back in their heads from realizing the sacred secret they have uncovered! From that “evil” side.

But there is one problem: there are simply no such secrets. Everything about the subtle world is a vivid picture, it’s right here, right now. Changing, living, flowing, like water. And you cannot describe the pattern of water in a river and leave it to your descendants, so that they will see the same thing centuries from now. The river has long since changed and flowed away, names have disappeared, realities have changed and life has become different. And the secret is known not by the one who has the cooler book, but by the one who does not look in the book, but communicates with the world as the living does with the living. Here and now.

What are the rituals? Man saw and felt the world around him, and acted on his feelings. He picked flowers, burned candles, drew something and sang, transmitting into space the sensory vibrations heard in the other world. If another person repeats all the same things, it will not work, because it is not his words, his urges and feelings. Resonance occurs only once.

So pathetic attempts to write down rituals and record something like this in a grimoire are like taking a beautiful poem about nature and rationally put its essence in dry terms. It’s like, “A leaf of wood, 1 pc, was on the window frame. Snow, 1.6 kg, was lying in the yard.” Is that poetry? Can a sensual dance around a campfire be described in this way? The mantras sung in a semi-hypnotic trance? The beauty of feeling when you see a stunning thunderstorm over the ocean?

Magic, what people call it, is inner freedom of action and openness to the world. I can do what I want! I do whatever I want! If I want to break branches, I break branches; if I want to sing, I sing… To those I see in the darkness in the forest.  Freedom cannot be fixed in a letter, corked in a bottle, kept for centuries… It is either there or not. A grimoire is an attempt to make it so.

So Lovecraft is funny as a sci-fi writer, but metaphysically ridiculous and stupid. His whole concept is very Christian (with words like “godly” and “god only knows” across the line). There the suspense is built on understatement. And to summon someone, it is only necessary to find the right book, to get into the parade of planets, to pour blood there, and all with a hard flavor of the Christian vision of the theme… And here is a question: and those, on the other side, what about them? Are they standing and patiently waiting for him to say all this junk in a book and arrange the candles in the right order? What kind of strange absolute is it that is powerless without the actions of people?

М: And here he is, Carlin. Ygweh is almighty, but he constantly needs money! And also — a bunch of crutches from weak humans, who are forced to do everything for him, supposedly fulfilling his will. But if he’s almighty, why do people need to do anything for him? Let him do it himself, he’s almighty, damn it…

G: Lol, well, he’s stumped himself on that one.  When the density started to increase a few centuries ago and the human world started to become kind of static, it became very difficult to influence it. That is, subtle beings now do not have such access to this level as they had 2-3 thousands years ago. When we see old books and gods literally sculpting all sorts of things for people – forget it, it is long gone.  It is impossible to take and conjure up a lot of money for a person.

You can give a person energy, pour a gas tank, jerk the lines somehow… If he or she gets oriented, he or she will catch the flow. But you know what that reminds me of? There’s a simple children’s game where there are pegs and rings floating in glycerin on the screen. And you press 2 buttons that create a pulse in the liquid to make the rings put on the pegs.

That’s roughly how it feels from this side to influence people and their world. You create momentum and hope for the best 🙂 There’s not much precision, you can’t see very well, the pulses are chaotic. Maybe they will not be realized in any way, or maybe they will hit the bull’s-eye.

М: Can anyone summon you?

G: It depends on who and why. It’s not enough to call out someone’s name, even from a very old book. And that’s what people do in the movies. They just shout Lilith! Asmodeus! Samael! But they don’t feel what they are doing, they just repeat it, like our favorite cargo cult.

If a person can do basic work with the flows and feel the answers, why not? I’m quite communicative.

М: What was your childhood like?

G: Extremely happy, I’ve been lucky with that. It’s not usual for us to show our children until the approximate ages of 9-10 to anyone but family and their closest friends. So I grew up in a huge, quiet mansion in the woods. With long hallways, a mosaic terrace and a starry sky above. Not socializing with my peers because teachers came to the house and part of their function was performed by my parents. All day long I walked, studied, read books, played more often, and at home there was quite usual family fun, parents, guests, and sittings. My childhood hobby was collecting all sorts of small mechanical toys, like iron birds and robots that flew and walked on their own. We had the most peaceful, contented life with no upheaval and a good relationship with our parents 🙂

М: Your main passion in life?

G: Music :3 It’s simply what fills my world and my mind. Everything else is secondary. In fact, it’s probably the brightest memory of my childhood… My mom loved music very much; for her, it was another way to communicate with the world. Not speaking, but singing, playing, conveying emotions through music, because music can be understood by everyone, unlike words. She taught me to play the lute when I was a child, and I was struck by the fact that I could also speak in another way. Not just with words, flows, but with melodies—I could play and pour out my sadness or joy into the music, and others would feel it.

М: What instruments do you play?

G: On the guitar and its derivatives, it’s my favorite instrument. On lutes, theorbos, but they are essentially more complex guitars, and on a basic level —on the harp. And on the piano, though I don’t particularly like it and don’t feel it well. If the guitar is a second voice, then the piano is just a technical skill. I write quite a lot of music and share it with people. The sensitive ones get it 🙂.

М: What genres of music do you like?

G: In general, I have a strong affinity for heavy music. Lol, stereotypes :))) I also like classical and instrumental music, but in general I’m an omnivore, the main thing is to put soul and real emotions into the music.

М: The most embarrassing and idiotic moment in life? Something so cringeworthy that it’s shameful to even talk about.

G: Ooh, to blush again… I guess the machine in the basement. When King Corson died (and he was a hermit with oddities), and the family started to slowly open up the house to others and get the affairs sorted out, a lot of strange things were discovered. It felt like His Majesty had done many things in the castle himself, such as the lighting or heating.He did it the best way he knew how, without calling on anyone to help him.It looked very much like the work of folk craftsmen who, without education, make radios out of basins, copper wire and a couple of rubber bands.

I was invited to sort out this mess, because there was a reconstruction and they wanted to replace everything with new ones. Apart from the lighting system a la masterpieces of Pakistani electricians, there were two machines of unknown purpose in the darkest corner of the basement. They had levers, tubes, like something out of a 60s sci-fi movie. Hand-made. For what purpose?..

Usually, there are instructions and schematics for any piece of technology in the flow. I just pull up the documentation and see what’s in front of me. In this case, there was none, nor were there any labels, instructions, anything… I and a couple of other mates spent two weeks struggling with these machines, trying to turn them on and wondering – what the heck is this? A lethal weapon from the last war? An artifact?  A lighting device? A time machine? A laser machine? It doesn’t look like anything and it refuses to turn on!


We were afraid that it was really something destructive and dangerous, and it would be good to report it to the government….

In the end, there was one lady witness, a very old one, who showed how to turn on this machine. One was for making toffee, the other for making patties or dumplings. In short, a strange kitchen machine, and it was not clear how the author came up with it. It was a fiasco.

М: Can you blush?

G: Of course 🙂 I’m very emotional in general, I react strongly to everything.

М: Back to Lovecraft and his goats with legions of young. Many schizo-esotericists, after reading such books, have an opinion that any demons and entities in general are insensitive. That is, do not feel anything or only negative.

G: Oh, if only it were nothing… Humans and non-humans have the same organized psyche. The engine itself, the patterns of emotions, feelings, thinking, reactions are the same. Subtle beings have radically different memory functioning and access to information, but emotions and reactions are the same. Everyone has pain and hardship, everyone can cry, love, envy, hate, understand emotions and humor, and so on. So, everyone can lose their marbles in pretty much the same way.

М: And what about the memory?

G: Well, my reality is like having a browser with messenger, search engine and translator open in my head all the time. I don’t remember a huge part of everything, I just look it up in the database.

М: Have you ever dressed up as a woman? 

G: Does a kilt count? 🙂 I haven’t changed, but I like wearing kilts..

М: How is your economic and political life organized? How do you work?

G: To put it in clear terms, we have a wild mixture of monarchy and socialism. It took us a long time to get to this point, but it’s a very convenient system for everyone. Strange, but convenient. All the mistakes of the past were taken into account when creating it, and it worked.

We don’t have any common territory, it’s more like feudalism: 4 kings, 1 administrator + 1 manager of the whole territory. The rest is divided into a bunch of cells. Each one generates energy, as much as it can. A cell has produced, let’s say, 100 units. It spent 80 on itself and its needs, and gave 20 to the egregor of the Underworlds.

And a huge amount of energy is accumulated there, which the rulers, having a permit, use for some needs. They build something, make safeguards, repairs, etc. From the same pot goes the distribution of benefits for those who for some reason can not work out their own one, or he needs more than the norm. For example, those who are sick now or they need time for something.

No one is forced to work and produce, in most cases, people find their own use, what is closer and more interesting to them. And young people have the opportunity to seek their way for a long time at state expense as long as they need it. There is no money and currency on the subtle world, only the amount of energy, which is then converted into something. It is generated either by the being itself or by those with whom it works.

There is also the concept of a patent, where a certain invention from the subtle world  is given to people or whomever, and they, using it, produce energy to the inventor again.

 We live VERY autonomously, from everyone, because we produce ourselves more than we need. That’s why we do not really give a shit about people, or the Upworlds, or anyone else. That is, the whole layer of the Underworlds produces as much as it does not even need, so there is no problem of lack of funds or anything else.

Due to the relaxed nature of the society, all this has been working perfectly well for a very long time.

This same ultra-affluence influences the fact that we can choose only the most interesting things for ourselves in terms of working with people. When you’re not limited in resources, you’re not going to grab anyone to collaborate with, for why would you.

As for work, it varies. Those who work in the sphere of power often need to be there, but mostly everyone works on their own projects. At home or somewhere else.

I personally work partly at home, partly – I go to work somewhere in other structures for a couple of weeks. Basically, I am an engineer and I work on all sorts of civilian mechanisms, and occasionally on military mechanisms

M:  Do Inferns have courts?

G: There are no courts of law, the judgment is made by the one on whose land something happened. If it’s something serious, then it’s Samael personally.

M: Are there any sort of medical facilities in the subtle worlds ? Or does everyone treat himself?

G: No, there are no hospitals here, although there are doctors. It’s hard to explain, but the entity is more a projection than a body. It’s like a hologram or something. A stream of particles packed together into a tightly packed structure. Its matrix is projected out into space, that’s why it’s not dense. If a human arm is torn off, you can’t grow a new one. If a tooth is knocked out, it will not grow back, there are scars and deformations remaining. And the subtle body aligns itself, it just renews itself according to the base, “as it was before”, regrowing the lost. On condition that the base is not damaged, there are no failed organs, there is enough energy for regeneration, etc.

Since access to the body’s systems is open, basically everyone treats themselves. They dig around, find the cause of pain or imbalance, and fix it. A doctor is only needed if the patient is unconscious and time is running out and outside help is needed. Or if the damage is such that one’s own strength is no longer sufficient for recovery. Then the doctor takes over the patient completely and does not let him fall apart while basic regeneration is going on. But, again, health is always a matter of resources, and sometimes entities die. There are no immortal organisms, only well-resourced ones.

демон Ларгсамиэль Маэлинон

M: Are Inferns predators as a species?

G: Who likes it. I’m a vegetarian 🙂 I eat meat very rarely, it’s not easy for me to digest it, although I love the taste.  The older generation and all those who are well very pure, old blood – no, never eat meat and blood, fish at most.  Mestizos and later versions of the amadakh are omnivorous, but the species as a whole doesn’t eat much meat. In general, food is a fairly “new” invention for worlds, so the first versions of the Amadakh system had only mouth and vocal cords, further it was a dead end, they didn’t eat or drink anything. Then they started drinking and in the upgrades they got a throat. Then they started eating plant food, then meat. It’s a matter of everyone’s body “version” 🙂 In general, entities don’t need food to live, it’s more of a fun than a necessity. Resources are pulled up from space, I won’t live long on food, I need about 50 thousand calories a day. And 10 liters of water. So a snack is just a treat for the receptors, I don’t need it in general.

M: And blood? And why is blood drinking not welcome to your society?

G: Blood affects the whole system directly, as if you absorb Qi and all the data of the one you eat with blood. Blood and semen, if we talk about people, are universal carriers of Qi in a pure form, and why do we need someone else’s dirty Qi, with all the waste and impurities? It is ultimately contaminated by another body in this state.

M: Do you like kitties? How do you feel about animals in general, can you communicate with them?

G: I love animals very much, and kitties and birds especially. I personally have a raven, but my family has 9 cats, 2 dogs and 12 horses.

Communicating – yes, I do. Animals understand the thought-form stream, your thoughts actually. I even talk to kitties in the physical world, they run to me, caress me, purring. In general – they recognize, communicate as equals.

But dogs get hysterical when they see me. They bark until they foam at the mouth.

М: Let us continue with readers’ questions.  During 60-90 years of earthly life a human being gets tired morally and worn out physically, his or her zest, motivation and interest in life are gone. What is it like for higher beings to live thousands/millions of years without burnout, to retain feelings of attachment to relatives and friends, to retain interest in their affairs and hobbies, etc.?

G: The life of subtle beings is cyclic and each cycle ends with a kind of zeroing and hibernation. Hibernation can take years.

 That is, you have lived up to some years and the number of problems, accumulated mistakes, it became hard – you fell asleep. You woke up in a slightly different state, renewed and the old problems kind of faded.

 People (as far as I understand) have a problem of finiteness of thinking and aging of the body itself, absence of this hibernation with easy dying and regeneration. Who knows how a 90 year old person would behave if they had a young body? He could have rushed to the other side of the earth, learned a new profession, changed partners, etc. This also has a big impact on perception! People at such an age simply do not have the opportunity to enter a new stage and do not think about it.

 In the subtle plane, those who have already passed all the ways die. Everything has been tried, all the moves have been made, the world has become boring and predictable. Such entities die, but it is millions of years of experience.

 I’m over 90, much more, but I feel good 🙂 I’m interested in everything, I have tons of ideas, I want to live, I want to have kids and tons of stuff. Yes, it can be hard or sad, but definitely not boring. How many roads are in front of me?

M: More from readers. How old are you psychologically in human terms? How do Inferns regulate their age?  What does the age of an Infern depend on? Can ael Agriel from being 60 become a 20 year old again? Under what circumstances? Is it possible to maintain an age of 17-20 without a stable emotional background?

G: I’m about 26 now. That’s actually the feeling of fatigue and the roads traveled that determines it. Infern always looks a little different because it looks at psychological age, not actual age, and is reassembled in space in a new way. The renewal comes from emotion. If a new cycle comes in, new impressions, love, new experiences overwhelm – the appearance automatically rolls down in age. Not strikingly, but visually perceptible. It can go on for almost forever if you know how to be surprised and find new things.

М: Emotions and sex, also from readers. What is betrayal for Inferns? Relationships, love?  How strong are possessive instincts among Inferns?

G: Wow, what a huge topic… I’ll try to explain..
Inferns, like most entities, have a radically different attitude to this issue. We don’t have some special cult about sex, shame, or sacredness. That’s the first thing. That is, there are no special boundaries and rules, who with whom and how – as they want, so they …

Secondly, marriage and relationships are NOT necessarily cohabitation and especially not 24\7\365 sitting together, doing everything together and dissolving into one. Not at all.

 It’s a union of equals and free individuals who may even live in different places.

Yes, there are human options, but not many. Mostly it is a more free relationship, where partners can come to live for a week, leave, live separately, etc. The kids go back and forth too. The point is to miss everyone 🙂 If you see your partner from morning to night, know all their business, are together all the time – it gets boring and sickening. You run out of stories to tell each other, especially if you travel together and do everything like that.

And if you’ve been living apart for a while, the joy of meeting and the flow of news is a guarantee of refreshment and joy 🙂 In sex including.

We have everything tied to emotions. Sex, like physical sex, is not considered betrayal, it’s just a physiological need. Like food or water. You don’t get jealous if your partner ate out or at home, do you? He wanted to eat, so he ate. Cheating is in the mind. It’s feelings for someone else, not coitus with them.

М: Weirdest place you’ve ever had sex in?

G: On sharp rocks by a huge waterfall. My butt was somewhat affected by the landscape and my ears were affected by the sound.

М: What is freedom for you, how does it feel?

G: Freedom is when I feel that I can influence something. Events, the world, myself… That is, I can CHANGE something. I feel I can if I want to. And nobody prevents me from doing it, I am not constrained by limits, I don’t have to do what I don’t want to do.

М: What is your Dao?

G: Good question 🤔 We have been living in a swamp and dictatorship for a long time, where nothing has changed for centuries. My goal at the moment is to help us all to reform into something new, to move forward. I want everyone to become freer and easier to breathe, easier to live, everyone in general! That’s why I’m doing all sorts of social things right now, including for people. Well, and studying them 🙂 People are usually not put into classes so to speak, they go kind of separately. That doesn’t seem normal to me, so I want to make the world more even and more harmonious. Here’s Dao.

(c) Translation and illustrations by Mylene Maelinhon \ Material from the Marginal Metaphysics Project

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On Immortality (Maelinhon) On the Absence of Cause

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        • Милена здравствуйте замечательное интервью. И да мир Стругацких+ плюс немного Желязны хроники Мерлина. Кстати ваш друг очень похож на этого Мерлина. Замечательный инферн. Хорошо бы ему удалось все насчёт нашего мира . А что касается Лавкрафта так это кто как читает: мне там только телепортация при помощи геометрии понравилась в паре рассказов… Но в свете предыдущих статей понятно что в нашем мире это невозможно. Вы замечательная что подняли все эти вопросы особенно науки. И пока познаешь новое жить невероятно интересно…

          • Опять аналогии ищете? :(( Да что ж за болезнь такая… Почему нельзя информацию воспринимать наново?
            Что угодно покажи, первая реакция “О, это у моей одноклассницы такое было”, “На кино такое-то похоже” или “Да, у писателя такого то похожее видел”.
            Это настолько характерно звучит, что даже страшно. Когда любая информация или картинка не рассматривается сама по себе, а мгновенно тащит себе костыль из коллективного бессознательного. Надо ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО найти аналогию, на что это похоже, иначе столкновение с новым-неизвестным почему-то пугает до икоты. А если допустить, что оно новое и похоже только на себя само?

            • Нет не пугает я новое очень люблю и вы многое объяснили и подтвердили, магию всегда считала наукой. Просто там говорили о Стругацких вы не обижались мне тоже Стругацких напомнило, а что до Желязны так просто когда я вас стала слушать и читать ну напомнило мне так что извините если вам эти аналогии неприятны. Не буду больше.

    • Благодарю, Милен! Люблю ваши беседы! И про магию ощущения близкие, взаимодействие живого с живым❤️

  • Спасибушки Грассару за ответы на вопросы и огромное спасибо Милен за перевод и проделанную работу! ❤

    Мне очень нравится формат интервью, потому что он показывает димутов не какими-то шаблонными страшными болванками, как люди привыкли, а живыми. Очень приятные ощущения от таких диалогов, даже если темы сложные. Это как раз то, чего в э(к)зо-пространстве сильно не хватает. Хотелось бы, чтобы такие интервью как-то крупно поменяли отношение новых читателей к миру и его обитателям. Ещё и написано вкусно

    Отдельный лайк улыбающемуся портрету, он очень-очень уютный, аж уголки рта подняло :з

    • Спасибо :3 Долго не получалось передать его любимое выражение лица. Но улыбака получился 🙂
      Следующее интервью, возможно, сделаем с Корой

  • Здравствуйте, прекрасное интервью.
    Окошко в Тонкий Мир. Интересно, а Грассар разговаривает на русском или вы, Милен, всегда переводите его ответы?

    • Да, он знает русский и украинский, но больше на уровне чтения. Разговаривает не очень (начал изучать не так давно).

      • Всё равно здорово. Я, например, на арамейском, родном языке Грассара, даже букв не знаю, неуч(

  • Сколько бы ни было статей и интервью с Грассаром и другими гостями проекта, всегда будет интересно и познавательно. Я вчитывался и буквально проживал это интервью, перед взором стояла оранжерея, пара стульев и столик небольшой, и такой шелест листочков, переворачивание страничек блокнота, как у журналистов. И мгновенно ощущаешь жизнь и личность, а не словно ответы chat gpt. Мира вам и свежести во всем, Милен и Грассар.

  • Милен восхишаюсь вами,человек который просто общается с мирами..открывает глаза,на все..
    Когда читаю ваши статьи понммаю что я не одна такая.

  • Каждое интервью вызывает светлую печаль. Спасибо за то, что тонкий мир становится чуть ближе в интервью с димутами, таких непостижимо идеальных и удивительных схожестью в эмоциях.
    Монохромный портрет хорош необыкновенно.

  • Спасибо за интервью. Оба портрета замечательные ❤️

  • Благодарю за это интервью✨
    Мне очень нравится такой формат. И так приятно(жаль, нет такого слова, которое бы означало, что ты одновременно рад, чувствуеш благодарность и вдохновение), что Грасару есть дело до людей, зная о нашем скверном нраве.
    А еще для меня тоже измена – это про чувства 🙂

  • Интереснейшее, потрясающее интервью. Очень многослойное, нужно будет много раз перечитать. Огромная благодарность Милен и Грассару.

    • Машина для производства ирисок) это был очень смешной момент 😁. Восхищаюсь Вашим и Грассара чувством юмора. Спасибо за вкусную и честную информацию 🤝

  • Интереснейшее, потрясающее интервью. Очень многослойное, нужно будет много раз перечитать. Есть чему поучиться в восприятии мира. Огромная благодарность Милен и Грассару.

  • Подяка від серця Мілен та шановному співразмовнику. Такі побутові дрібнички, маленькі рисочкі якби додають об’єму. А це теж цікаво. А от насправді, с жінками меньше бесід чомусь. Було б непогано. Чекаємо.

  • От чтения этого интервью такое ламповое ощущение, как от чтения хороших книг в детстве. Архаик восхитительный.

  • Хорошее интервью… душевное… в целом, лично для себя, я увидел много пересекающегося и схожего у нас… есть отличия, но это и нормально, учитывая даже плотность тел и элементарными сроками жизни… есть чему поучится и перенять и даже как оказалось с обеих сторон (это например что касается ванн и холодильников-))))) то что у нас другое обустройство управления – ну и ладно, видимо это особенность плотного мира, у нас что люди что животные сбиваются в стаи и выбирают себе вожаков… нормально для многих… мне вот вожак не нужен был никогда… да и многим из присутствующих и читающих здесь тоже… а то что люди делают ошибки, действуют шаблонами – тоже нормально, оглядитесь на историю тонких миров там такие же шаблоны – создать новое и потом устроить вселенский катаклизм, разрушить всё бомбами, переубиваться и отстраиваться заново… и диктаторы и у нас и на тонком плане… поэтому всё хорошо, полёт нормальный)))) нам бы побольше контактов, побольше живого общения… может пора всем «миром» подумать и убрать окончательно диктатуру того, кто нас тут замариновал на физе, понизить уровень плотности чтобы убрать эти барьеры между плотным и тонким миром, восполнить или воссоздать то что уничтожено или загнано в неведомые дали… и будет всем счастье и гармония)))) я за революцию в этом вопросе))))

  • Хорошее интервью… душевное… в целом, лично для себя, я увидел много пересекающегося и схожего у нас… есть отличия, но это и нормально, учитывая даже плотность тел и элементарными сроками жизни… есть чему поучится и перенять и даже как оказалось с обеих сторон (это например что касается ванн и холодильников-))))) то что у нас другое обустройство управления – ну и ладно, видимо это особенность плотного мира, у нас что люди что животные сбиваются в стаи и выбирают себе вожаков… нормально для многих… мне вот вожак не нужен был никогда… да и многим из присутствующих и читающих здесь тоже… а то что люди делают ошибки, действуют шаблонами – тоже нормально, оглядитесь на историю тонких миров там такие же шаблоны – создать новое и потом устроить вселенский катаклизм, разрушить всё бомбами, переубиваться и отстраиваться заново… и диктаторы и у нас и на тонком плане… поэтому всё хорошо, полёт нормальный)))) нам бы побольше контактов, побольше живого общения… может пора всем «миром» подумать и убрать окончательно диктатуру того, кто нас тут замариновал на физе, понизить уровень плотности чтобы убрать эти барьеры между плотным и тонким миром, восполнить или воссоздать то что уничтожено или загнано в неведомые дали… и будет всем счастье и гармония)))) я за революцию в этом вопросе))))

  • Режиссерская версия:
    – Ты одевался женщиной?
    – Сегодня еще нет.
    – Бля, я серьезно.. 😒

  • Огромное спасибо, Милен, за интервью!
    Для меня оно стало как бы призмой: взгляд через интервью на прошлое.. И через свет этого прошлого Ти видишь утро будущего)

  • Как же сильно мучала паранойя покойного аэля Корсона, если он решил вообще все делать сам.

  • Шикарнейшая статья. Интересные вопросы и очень интересные ответы. Аэль Грассар на высоте, как всегда😊 История про машины в подвале, мне больше всего понравилась, даже представила себе лица всех вовлечённых, когда узнали о предназначении махин. Супер. Благодарю 💋💋

  • Я знаю, как надо назвать ту машину, которая пельмени делает. Киберпельменье.

  • Мне очень нравится дао аэля Ларгсамиэля.

  • Мне очень нравится отношение аэля к людям.

  • Меня зацепила реплика аэля касательно интернета и информационных потоков. Особенно слова про игры. С тонких можно играть в видеоигры плотного мира, или я что-то не так понял?

  • Спасибо огромное за интересное интервью! Наверное, и нам , людям, было бы неплохо что-то перенять у инфернов.

  • Как же это захватывающе интересно , а портреты красота просто, спасибо огромное за статью , пишете вы совершенно замечательно, такие эмоции яркие после прочтения, как свежий воздух после дождя , настенный озоном и музыка звучит в голове, попробую записать как то ,

  • Благодарю за интервью! Портреты завораживают – что-то ускользающе родное

  • благодарю,особенно определение Свободы мурашечное

  • Здравствуйте, назрел вопрос к аэлю Грассару: Как вы относитесь к такой теме как перепрограммирование эгрегоров? Вывести эгрегоры в ничто это работа на не одну сотню лет, а вот если их перегрограммировать, чтобы это шло на пользу и людям и Нижним Мирам? Как вам такой способ решения? Я за симбиоз

  • Просто перенаправить эгрегориальные потоки, чтобы эгрегориальные плюшки не в фонд Яхве, Алиях или Эммануэля, а распределялись для людей и инфернов?

  • И видоизменить саму структуру эгрегоров плотных миров