Jupiter: Maslow’s Pyramid and Guru (Maelinhon)

There is an interesting category of people who, when paying for someone’s services, always try to start complaining that the master took as much as X amount of money for some 15 minutes of work! Where have you ever seen such impudence?! Fifty cents is more than enough, after all, it wasn’t like he was messing around with their order for half a day! He pressed a couple of buttons, laid out a couple of cards and already wants money, the bastard! For this reason, many masters (be they IT specialists, artists, or tarot readers) say with a worried look that there is a looooot of work here, and they will have to sit until tomorrow, or even until the day after tomorrow! They take the order, spend the same 15 minutes, and then go drink coffee and watch a TV series, handing in the work the next day and saving the client from a picture with pressing a couple of buttons.

And every time we see some very cool skill, a top level of proficiency in his craft, it seems to us that the master does it effortlessly. A pianist produces sounds without even looking at the keys, an electronics specialist presses a couple of buttons, a translator rattles off a simultaneous translation without looking at the dictionary… And a simpleton always thinks that he can do the same, literally tomorrow, just give him a manual!

I never quibble with the price of personal services. Never, ever. Bargaining in this sense is inappropriate, because we are not buying a product, but the time that a person is devoted to mastery, and he knows better what he wants for thousands of hours of his life.

No matter what people write about me, as a runologist or demonologist, I consider myself a mantic. Mantic and tarot are my painful old passion, which I began to be interested in around the age of 7. When I was 15 years old, I bought my first deck at the Petrovka book market in Kiev, it was Lenormand-36, classic, with owls. When I was 17, I bought my first tarot. Before that, I studied mantics abstractly, but since about July 2005 I have been consistently doing from 3 to 15 layouts a day. Every day, without exception. If I don’t have any orders, I just talk to the tarot deck or look at my personal affairs. On average, I spend 1-2 hours a day, sometimes much more… For the sake of fairness, let’s say 2 hours a day without a break. That’s about 730 hours a year. Now I am 30 years old, and by simple arithmetic calculations, we can come to the conclusion that I have spent almost 11,000 hours of my life practicing tarot. This is a very rough calculation, the real figure is much higher, because I work with live clients (and this is sometimes a 3-hour marathon), and I work through decks in promotions (another marathon), and the number of hours per day sometimes reaches 6. And yes, now I can casually shuffle the cards, lazily pull out a pair and give a detailed answer to almost any question.

Do you know what to call it? It is the working out of Jupiter energies. Jupiter and his graha Guru are planetary flows that are responsible for the long, tedious, but necessary and gradual elaboration of anything. Developing a skill, leveling up skills, a schedule of rules, dogmas and a consistent increase in status. And its further maintenance at the achieved level. It could be the skill of a musician who spends hours practicing scales, it could be a yogi and magician working out the body and soul, a statesman writing down the correct law, a priest observing and maintaining order…

Therefore, the two main functions of Jupiter in astrology and metaphysics are the development and maintenance of the level and strict execution of order and rules, consistency in development and actions. Jupiter knows how to give all the benefits, values, wealth, power and luxury in any sense, but he never gives them to those who have not yet overcome the path of development necessary to enjoy such benefits. Simply put, he won’t give money to someone who doesn’t know its value, because he didn’t work hard for pennies. He won’t give fame if a person hasn’t earned it and is doing his job poorly, neglecting experience and its development.

Jupiter’s gifts are hard to obtain, but it is very difficult to take them away later, because the Guru not only gives order, but also maintains it, fixing the state of affairs, lines, events and statuses following Mercury. If Jupiter has not fixed someone’s easy money or popularity in space, both will melt away in a short time. Then the song of the singer N was played from every direction, although she doesn’t know how to sing, and in six months everyone forgot about her, because she really didn’t deserve fame. At the same time, the audience patiently and reverently waits for years for new albums of some truly talented person, buying up all the tickets, even if the singer has been silent for 10 years. He is fixed in the Guru space as a cool specialist, and it will be very difficult to lose this status. This applies to statuses, and capital, and position in society and anything else.

The flow of Jupiter, which is absorbed and works correctly, gives all the signs of high phases of development of personality, soul and mastery in any business. Jupiter is the top level of everything and everyone. Jupiter’s favorite is noble and generous, strives for justice and openness, is friendly and truthful, he is not tempted to envy anyone, slander, intrigue and dirty tricks, petty damage to competitors and looking for someone to blame. He is busy with himself, and busy in a big way. In general, Jupiter is a large planet, and all its features are also large, deep, majestic and top-notch. The energies of Jupiter are alien to the “petty and potty” features that are often inherent in undeveloped, stupid and greedy people who strive to grab more, faster and no matter what the cost. Jupiter never runs over heads and does not take (and does not give!) information in huge, undigested chunks and superficially. He is an optimist, but a bore: now you will rattle off some 5000 hours of practice for me, and look what luxurious prospects you will have later! It will be long, but high-quality. This is his approach.

In ordinary life, his work can be well illustrated by Maslow’s pyramid of needs: a person who is hungry and poorly dressed, always tormented by illness and delayed by a hated job, will never be idle in studying languages or painting pictures. He simply has no time, no need and no resources for it. Therefore, according to the rules (and Jupiter is the eternal RULES and sequences), first get full, get some sleep, improve your health, find a normal job (and this may be connected with new studies, which is Jupiter again), and cover your basic needs and desires. Then gain experience: let life fuck you, Saturn, trials and betrayals, unrequited love and losses… And then we’ll talk about the fact that you want a lot of money and to be a rockstar. The point is that a person who has not tasted the hardships of life, the pain of betrayal, the severe burns of personal experience, will never be able to truly open up and behave worthy of a high status. Personal experience and development also mean hundreds and thousands of hours of work on yourself, and if they are not completed, success will be short-term and superficial, because if you haven’t completed all the levels, the Guru will not record your success in the picture of reality. This is the conflict between Mercury and Jupiter: the first wants quickly, the second wants slowly. In the same way, Venus wants novelty and masterpieces-insights, while Jupiter wants to do everything consistently and academically. And again we come to the basis of metaphysics: everything needs a balance.

By the way, about children. Giving birth to 5 babies while living in a 20-meter rented apartment without work is the Guru’s favorite form of humor, in which Buddha sends greetings to him.

In the esoteric field, Jupiter behaves in a very special way. If we consider the same pyramid of needs, then the need for spiritual growth is higher than the peak point in Maslow’s scheme. Simply put, if you want to be a magician, then eat your fill, arrange your life and housing, acquire a minimum status and normal relationships, work on your position in society and self-respect, then travel the world and pump up your understanding of beauty, find yourself, AND THEN you can become a magician, priest and savvy sorcerer who really turns big business. And no other way! A hungry and impoverished man, who has never ventured beyond his village, may be a true Venusian gem of village magic, but the Jupiter flow is closed to him. Because you can’t climb a pyramid without going through its wide part. Just as you can’t build it by piling the wide part on top of the narrow one. It doesn’t work that way.

That’s why I find all sorts of schizoterics and “great sorcerers” very amusing, who are sadly blogging against the backdrop of carpets from the USSR and the peeling walls of someone else’s rented hovel, filming this action on a cheap phone. Their path to magic is a path from despair, when there is nothing in life, nothing to lose, they don’t know how to do anything and don’t want to, but they have to live somehow. They take 1-2 books or some course from the school of magic, read it superficially, and now the esoteric “guru” is already telling the hackneyed truths of others, not understanding even half of the clever words that he dumps on camera or to clients. And here it is, the symbiosis of a broken Mercury with the absence of Jupiter.

This works in any field. An undeveloped, broken and crooked Jupiter in the natal chart gives a great ego and tyranny with very meager resources of experience and laziness. A person is internally petty, hypocritical and cunning, wants quick results and no responsibility. Smart, developed and worthwhile people, professionals in their field, infuriate such a person terribly; he cannot stand competition and the calm development of HIMSELF, instead, he is always looking into someone else’s garden in an attempt to make a mess there or push his problems onto someone else. They are also characterized by hypocrisy, love of bureaucracy, a bunch of unnecessary complications (maintaining order at the level of absurdity), hysterical rejection of the new and an even more hysterical desire to trample this new. And here it is, the Venus imbalance.

From the metaphysical point of view, Jupiter correlates with the element of Wood and the element of Shadow. And considering that we all now live on the big Tree Yggdrasil, this makes Jupiter the main acting force in our reality. The Hindus (and the Chinese) figured this out a long time ago and called the Guru the main deity, sucking up to him and pleasing him in every possible way. The Chinese consider Jupiter the main planet influencing the Earth and people: the magnetic axes of the Earth and Jupiter, as well as the magnetic anomalies of both planets and many other aspects completely coincide, and the Earth’s magnetosphere reaches the orbit of Jupiter, which gives the planets a direct connection and a powerful influence of Guru.

Jupiter corresponds to the organs of the Wood element in the human body: the gallbladder and liver, the biliary system, the eyes and tendons, the immune system and the globus pallidus in the brain.

The flow of Jupiter’s energy is transparent and multi-layered, similar to a juicy tree leaf and giving off the well-known riot of Life that is felt in the air in spring, when the Wood element is most active. Everything is raging, growing, filling with juices and life, elastic young plants stretch upward, flowers bloom and we feel Life itself in the air. Then summer will come, Surya will burn it all out with fire, but Jupiter will always be at the peak of spring. He always and in everything loves the peaks.

(c) Mylene Maelinhon / Material of the Marginal Metaphysics project

Translated by Schwarzenstern

When copying material or part of it, copyright and a link to the source are strictly required, otherwise it is punishable by law and I’m not talking about lawyers.

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Mercury: Fateful Puzzles (Maelinhon) The Element of Fire, Mars and Positive Mindset (Maelinhon)

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Write a comment
  • Огромное спасибо! А не подскажете, Юпитер как любитель правил и церемоний упайи принимает только в старом четко прописанном виде без отступлений? Или лучше как с остальными грахами – пингуем и на основании этого делаем упайи?

    • Ну не знаю, я пинговала и в многомерном сне видела свойства. Ритуал не проводила, не люблю я этого, я из любимцев Шукры :))) Но ответ от Гуру был вполне дружелюбный и яркий.

  • Ах вот же ж где собака зарыта: когда начинали с девчонками играть в группе, через некоторое время то знакомые правильные начинали находиться, то инструмент нормальный как из ниоткуда появлялся.. И чем больше репетировали и сочиняли, тем больше плюшек приходило.
    Спасибище огромное за статью, Милен!) вот правда вопрос не давал покоя))

  • Ещё один клад) сколько я крутилась вокруг да около этой информации и только сейчас всё стало на свои места, пазл сложился.

    • Большое спасибо за этот цикл! С нетерпением жду статью про Сурью.

  • Он такой прозрачный и прочный ☺☺
    Когда десятки часов ты что-то делаешь, меняется взгляд на всё.

  • Спасибо огромное, Милен!! Не устану повторять, какую важную работу Вы делаете, разъясняя людям такие важные нюансы. Благодарю!

  • Для меня очень важная статья, поняла насколько важен опыт во всем, потраченные часы времени на практику. Не надо торопиться прыгнуть выше своих сил и знаний.
    Статью читаю второй раз, в первое прочтение не дошла до меня суть, вероятно была не готова к принятию этой информации. А сейчас как прочитала и как поняла 😅 аж перетряхнуло меня

  • Милен, скажите пожалуйста, если в натальной карте есть дефицит стихии дерева, и карьера димута складывается как раз по “юпитерианскому” сценарию – постепенное, кропотливое накопление знаний, навыков, ступень за ступенью к мастерству, и в процессе подключается осознанность – можно ли рассматривать подобный расклад как будто такая жизнь, с изначальным дефицитом, димуту дана именно чтобы он как следует прочувствовал этот сценарий с постепенным накоплением мастерства и то, как это помогает проявлять личный потенциал? Дефицит как вызов, а достигаемое мастерство и даваемые им плюшки и ноу-хау – как закономерное вознаграждение, и плюс личным трудом выстроенная гармония себя с миром?

  • Да уж, индусы зовут Гуру главным божеством, и Сурью тоже, но тут мне прям кричит в ухо Роберт Свобода из книги “Величие Сатурна”, что Гуру велик, но и он боится своего ученика, ибо Сатурн не щадит никого, потому его считают Самым Великим.
    Тот случай, когда величие – не прямая, а кольцо с некой нулевой точкой.
    Спасибо за статью.

    • Шта, кта… Явор, у вас в роду золотистых ретриверов не было? Я пытаюсь выкинуть пыльные книжки и старье, а вы их упорно тащите обратно. Я опять выкидываю – а вы тащите. Зачем? Чтобы что?

  • Юпитер говорит нам: “сперва построй теплый сортир, и только потом – лети в космос”.