50 Shades of Physics (Igly & Maelinhon)
We are speaking different languages, as always, but that doesn’t change the things we talk about.
Mikhail Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita.(с)
People who have gone into esotericism have two very common problems. Firstly, everyone sees (or tries to see) something very different in it, stretching the subjective onto the objective, and the second is the general shift in the perception of such topics into an ephemeral, shaky and foggy spectrum, where there are no rules or specifics. It’s as if metaphysics and esotericism don’t come into contact with reality at all and don’t have the slightest relation to it. Everything there is shaky, imprecise, works outside of any logic and laws, in general, some kind of incomprehensible nonsense is happening and entities in the form of gnomes are running around. There is a normal, strong, scientific science of physics, and there is obscurantism for the crazy. Let’s refute this thesis and try to connect the main concepts a little, shall we? It’s a paradox, but we also consider magic, tabloid astrology and other things to be quackery. Everything is physics and everything is much more interesting!
There are really big problems with the subjective in metaphysics, when something that is objective for everyone begins to be considered from the position of “I don’t see it that way!”, and something that, on the contrary, requires an individual view is replaced by a strict dogma from the outside. For example, adherents claim that the universe consists of only 4 elements. At the same time, they do not compare this picture with the objective picture of the world that they observe day after day, simply living in it and sitting on a wooden chair, which does not exist in the concept of four elements. For metaphysics, the diagram of the elemental composition of the world is the same as the periodic table for chemistry: it is a set of individual structural elements into which absolutely everything that this science touches can be disassembled. From the position of metaphysics, absolutely everything consists of elements. So which of these four elements does information consist of? What about the magnetic field? What about electrons and protons in the atoms of your phone? What does the space between them consist of? And what about the notorious wooden chair? Which of the elements is ego or fear? The adherents of the old Greek model either won’t find an answer, or someone else will pop up, for example, the so-called subtle ether (which can be used to conveniently explain everything in the world). Which should already lead to some reflections, but this happens, alas, almost never.
The comparison of metaphysics with science was not made by chance and not for the sake of clarity of the image. The fact is that any science existing in the world describes, in essence, the same huge object – our universe, only from different angles and different sections. Each of them begins its study in its own way and from different points, but, ultimately, as knowledge accumulates, they always run into each other. Chemistry comes into contact with physics, physics with mathematics, mathematics with biology, and so on. And if their conclusions correspond to reality, then they either give rise to a certain adjacent area of flowing one into another (from chemistry to biology there is a kind of “bridge” through biochemistry). Or one of them confirms and explains the phenomena discovered in the other: for example, the discovery by physicists of particles that form atoms explains the behavior of chemical elements.
Human physics and Eastern metaphysics in its adequate version generally meet each other at some point, calling the same things by different names. In essence, this is one and the same science, only it originates at points with different densities of matter. And today we will briefly tell you what the world looks like from the point of view of subtle physics, and where this picture comes into contact with dense physics. This will be a short excursion, not a detailed article, but it is intended to provide answers to frequently asked questions and comments on the articles of the Marginal Metaphysics project.
13 Schrödinger’s cat
Let’s start with metaphysics. Initially, there were 3 primordial elements – Darkness, Emptiness and Chaos. In the language of dense physics – energy/matter, information and space respectively. All other elements are either their gradually decreasing parts or a consequence of their interaction with each other. An example of the first is Time generated by Chaos or the generation of the element of Life from the element of Wood, and the second – the well-known elements of the dense world, the particles of which, in essence, are Darkness wrapped in Emptiness. All these secondary and tertiary elements, however, are recognized by subtle science as independent elements, since they differ strikingly in properties from their “parents” and from each other.
The same element of Life, derived from the elements of Wood and Time, is far from them in scale and properties, and is completely unlike the original Chaos. In addition to them, there are smaller variations of elemental particles that differ little from their “source”, therefore they are called sub-elements. For example, Yin and Yang Fire in Eastern metaphysics. The element of fire is fire everywhere, but whether it will be a candle flame, lightning, a huge burning star in space or a radioactive wave during an atomic bomb explosion – these are already the nuances of the sub-elements. It is worth noting that there are no clear and strict criteria for separating sub-elements from each other, they flow into each other and are in permanent motion. Sub-element is more of a technical concept adopted for convenience than some separate phenomenon with strict boundaries. From the element of Fire, we can separate electricity and magnetic fields as derivatives, or we can “glue” them into one sub-element, depending on what is more convenient for us in a particular case.
In total, there will be more than 30 elements and sub-elements in the universe. But there are only 13 main elements in the universe: Void, Darkness, Chaos, Nothingness, Light, Time, Death, Life, Shadow\Wood, Fire, Water, Metal\Air, Earth.
Such diversity has come about because many generations of subtle physicists, engineers and biologists have been endlessly experimenting with elements, deriving new and new bases for creating objects and playing with their characteristics. For example, humans are a biological species that emerged during a very long experiment with the element of Wood. The element of Jupiter, which is characterized by strict cyclicity, was twisted and remade many times to achieve the emergence of a species diversity of plants for food. All fruits, vegetables, berries, trees and bushes, all this was invented remarkably recently and was an “open source project” where any subtle citizen could breed a flower or a berry for himself. Everything became much more dramatic when this hybrid of Wood and Time was placed in a living being and finished until the element of Life appeared. We are still sorting out the consequences and ethical dilemmas, but this is a good example of how inspiration sometimes leads scientists to global changes in the entire world around them. By the way, this is why Chinese metaphysics places Jupiter, and not the Sun, at the center of the Universe.
Due to the fact that people were eventually given their own space, where matter is compacted and stabilized hundreds of times stronger than in other areas of the Universe, many elements in modern realities exist in two forms – dense and subtle. Streams and sections of some elements, passing through the space of the physical world, begin to change properties and become, in fact, ordinary particles visible to physicists. Shadow turns into Wood, Death becomes radiation of all spectra. And their subtle manifestations are especially interesting, because each element on the subtle plane is characterized by the properties of elementary particles of the dense plane, even if we take the element on a macroscopic scale. Like a photon or an electron, any of them will be both a wave and a particle at the same time: for example, Emptiness as a wave sets the shape of everything in the universe, but as a bunch of particles it forms the space of dreams and a number of spatial dimensions of the Universe. We understand that the hero of the book does not exist, as well as the reality we invented in our spare time, but in some sections these images exist.
Accordingly, all the elements of the world work both as particles and as vibrations. Each of the elements corresponds to a wave with a certain amplitude and frequency of oscillation, “setting” its properties. To be more precise, each element has a certain frequency range, within which all its “subspecies” fit. People have already approached this concept in String Theory and Superstring Theory, in the first of which the most elementary indivisible component of the universe are incredibly small strings oscillating with one frequency or another, and in the second, these strings also have a non-oscillating twin particle. And if you exhale and exit the denial mode, then the subtle and elemental can already be seen with the naked eye.
In general, to make it easier to understand what metaphysics works with and what exoterics is trying to talk about, you can draw a range of frequencies and vibrations and compare them with sound. Both elements and sounds are (including) waves, which means they are characterized by two main quantities: the period of oscillation and amplitude, that is, the maximum values of displacement and change in variables from the average in some conditions (in a vacuum, in water, in air, under conditions of different densities there will be different speeds and characteristics). The inverse value is called frequency (for sound it is Hertz, for the elements the term will not tell you anything :), and based on it you can already build a frequency table: low, medium and high. The elements vibrate, move and move in exactly the same way, aligning space, objects and bodies according to the height of oscillations.
All models of Worlds and World Trees are built on the same principle: high frequencies “pop up” from above and entities live there for whom they are more convenient as a living environment, and bass “falls down”, that is, the space there has lower frequency vibrations … Note that these are vibrations, not the elements themselves, which can “sound” both low and high. The entire space is still woven from 13 elements both here and there, it just “sounds” differently at the bottom than at the top. The same principle is observed in all living bodies, built from the upper to the lower frequencies, each type of which is responsible for something.
Therefore, the cheerful monotheistic idea that the carnal and the base are vile, and the upper and high are wonderful, sounds like nonsense not only to physicists, but also to any dimut whose IQ is even slightly higher than that of a tablespoon. We cannot give up physiology, food, sex, the body as such, and go to the “high spiritual distances”. Then we will become distorted and we will die, because the organs built in the low-frequency section need nutrition and movement, and all living beings have them, including completely subtle ones. If we pump only the “spiritual” top, then the cuckoo will fly away to the stratosphere, not balanced by low-frequency energies. There must be balance everywhere.
Time. Not when, but where.
Now for the space.
It is worth noting two things right away:
— There is no single system of spatial dimensions on the subtle ones. And the number of these dimensions will vary from system to system. The reason is exactly the same as with the sub-elements: some of the dimensions, due to their properties, can be taken as one piece in technical calculations, or divided into +100500 smaller dimensions, depending on how meticulous the calculations are needed. In this article, we will consider the option with 9 dimensions, sometimes stipulating where another one or five can come out here.
— Homogeneous axes perpendicular to each other represent only 3 dimensions familiar to us – length, width and height. The remaining 6 will have almost nothing in common with this trio or none at all. Let’s start with those that are closer to them, and then, the deeper into the forest, the further the partisans.
The fourth dimension, formed by the element of time, can still be imagined as an axis. But, firstly, this axis will not be straight and uniform, but uneven and winding, with a bunch of curls of different sizes, signifying different kinds of cycles, looping in different directions. Moreover, these curls will be very well described by the Fibonacci number series and the shape will resemble a golden spiral. And secondly, both this axis and its individual parts are constantly moving forward. Moreover, both by themselves and along the three dimensions familiar to you. Accordingly, we cannot go back in time, it is constantly moving away from us (in astrology this corresponds to the Ketu node and its section of space), we can only move further along the spiral, forward (in the Rahu section). The very contact with these two sections generally provides such concepts as memory, imagination and all sorts of “mystical” things like prophetic dreams. You simply see the space of the Rahu slice and its realities in front of you and read some information about the near future there. Or you look back, through the slice of the Ketu element (this is the sub-element of Time), and you see things that are no longer there, they remained behind you, in the past.
The second type of time movement is even more obvious than the first, but it often escapes perception in everyday life. Imagine that it is nighttime for you now, exactly 2 o’clock. But somewhere it is now 8 pm, and somewhere it is 2 pm. That is, somewhere in the same space in which you are, there is a different time of day, it is different from yours. Yes, this is due to the movement of the planet in space, but along with it there is also a cyclical movement of the turn of the axis of time, equal to your day. Following this flow of time, the rest of the elements move in a cyclical manner through space, forming a kind of gradient of energies moving after time. It will look different for each individual point of the planet or coordinate on the Tree. And since none of the points from the elemental view is empty, then the surrounding energies will interact with each of them differently, their “chemical reactions” will form what are called stars, gates and spirits in the metaphysical system of Qimen Dunjia.
By the way, this type of time movement is used by entities when they want to stretch time within their spatial pocket, in which their home is located. They move it following the flow of the time loop so as to always be at the point with the desired value. For clarity, imagine that you are watching the sunset and have the opportunity to instantly move to some point in space of your choice. Sunset. You move in latitude to where it has just begun and … sunset again. You move again to where it has just begun and … sunset! And so you can hang in one conditional point as much as you like, subjectively stretching the moment for yourself for at least a week. That is why time is where you are, not when you are, and subtle physics considers it from this position, and minutes, days and years are insignificant things for the Universe. Aging occurs not from the time you have lived, but from the consumption of resources for tissue regeneration. Time in this process plays a very secondary role.
The first type of movement is what we understand by the flow of time. If we imagine time as a coordinate axis, where point -1 is yesterday, today is 0, and tomorrow is 1, then the next day we will not be at point 1. The axis will shift and we will again be at a point called today, at point 0, and our past “today’s” point will shift towards negative coordinate values. We can say that the flow of the time element moves backwards in time, just like some kind of tachyon. In metaphysics, this is the trio of Ketu-Moon-Rahu and their sections, which also line up the sections of the brain responsible for perceiving this moment and realizing its difference from yesterday or tomorrow.
By the way, the fact that time for our perception flows from the past to the future is the fault of the monster called entropy, as well as the second law of thermodynamics. Entropy is a physical quantity that can be described as a measure of disorder in a system. Let’s imagine a shelf with books in alphabetical order. This is a system in which the entropy value will be minimal. And if the books are arranged haphazardly, the entropy value on the shelf will increase. And, according to one of the formulations of the second law, the system strives to adopt exactly the state that can be obtained by the greatest number of options, that is, the one with the highest entropy value.
There is only one option for the past. In order to get there, you need to shift all the objects in the system to the state they were in at the previous moment. Dense scientists were able to jump into the past only for small fractions of a second, and then within a very simple system of several qubits. And then they only transmitted a monosyllabic information signal there, that is, a piece of Emptiness. It is quite difficult to imagine moving a macro-object into the past, because you might have to suck back in all the CO2 you produced, and exhale oxygen, and also shove carbon into the cells in the same position it was in at the moment of destination. In general, the idea is not so good.
The future has quite a few options of what it could be, which is why the time axis so easily pushes one of its options, embedded in the probability lines, into the present.
And here we come to the fifth dimension – the dimension of Chaos. Chaos is very difficult to fit into a coordinate axis or at least to represent as a plane. Chaos is space, this dimension includes all other dimensions, all their possible points and all directions at once. Three spatial dimensions and time are a direct part of this element, which allows us to declare with pathos that time and space are one and the same. And that the space-time continuum is Chaos. Those very lines of probability (cosmic strings), from which the future is composed, hang out directly in chaos. And they consist of Emptiness. Accordingly, esoteric systems like Tarot do not look through the future, they look through the space of options and the most probable events by many parameters.
The element of Void together with the element of Nothingness form two parallel spatial dimensions. In a global sense, the Void dimension contains everything that exists at least at the level of information and imagination, and the dimension of Nothingness contains that which simply does not exist (Hello to the creators of the theory of the anti-universe!). In a local sense, the dimension of Void is everything that you know, and Nothingness is everything that is beyond your perception. By the way, check out this crazy paradox: for those who are familiar with the model of 13 elements, the element of Nothingness will be part of the spatial dimension of Void , and for those who are not familiar, Void will be part of Nothingness.
And it is here that we can significantly multiply entities by dividing these two dimensions into four according to the “global meaning – local meaning” criterion, from the Void into a separate dimension, allocate the dimension of dreams and the imaginary, mental space (collective unconscious), put the imaginary in a separate pile, and also pull out into the category of a separate dimension at the junction of the Void and Chaos the main probability lines.
The eighth dimension, like the ninth, unlike the other dimensions, will not be solid and continuous relative to other dimensions. They will both look like pieces scattered here and there, connected to each other across the distance by something non-obvious akin to quantum entanglement. It’s almost like a pair of socks, where one always disappears somewhere, but if you put the second one on your left foot, it will automatically become your right foot :). This dimension includes all the matter of this universe, both subtle and dense, all the conditional particles that create the fabrics of space and objects. This dimension is created by the element of Darkness.
The ninth dimension – the dimension of Elemental Planes – is “auxiliary” in relation to the dimension of Darkness, and is a set of projections of individual types of elemental particles capable of creating one or another type of matter. It can be compared to a set of images of a human head obtained in different medical devices. And here we can also have fun, gluing the 9th and 8th dimensions into one, if we do not really need to separate the types of matter, or split the 9th into several dimensions, each of which can be defined as a section of one of the elements or its component.
And here it is, by the way, sacred geometry. This is nothing more than an attempt to depict the entire system of these highways and streams, and not an amorphous and unsteady creature mentioned in some Vedas, sagas and other waste paper.
To sum it up, there is no difference between physics and metaphysics if you take a minute to look away from the microscope and out the window. There is no magic, no foggy esotericism with laws unknown to science and invisible objects. Mysticism leads either to nowhere or to a madhouse. Everything else remains physics.
Tsemra Igly and Grassar Maelinhon (c) material from the Marginal Metaphysics project.
Спасибо за прекрасную статью.
Максимально доступно, даже для таких имбециллов по физике как я;)
Мы старались!
Есть ли способ получить информацию (не известную людям сейчас) о, например, суперструнах, либо о практических способах влияния на время? Как попасть в спираль времени по своей воле?
Прибором-получатором конечно. А проверить – проверятором.
Вы в данный момент уже находитесь в спирали времени, из нее невозможно как-либо выпасть или находиться вне ее, если только вы не в Ничто.
А если серьезно, то бесит это массовое желание найти какой то универсальный, очень простой и всем доступный ответ на ОЧЕНЬ сложные вопросы, требующие кучу сил, времени и информации.
Во всем виноваты писатели-фантасты, давшие надежлу, что можно изобрести плотный прибор, который как лодочка будет плыть по пространственно-временному континиуму) На самом деле, судя по этой статье, нужно обладать потенциалом Ткачей, что нереально даже для существ тонкого плана, не говоря уже о людях (
Благодарю за ответ о стихии Ничто. Вопрос был не о простоте задачи, даже если так прозвучало, а о том, “у кого” спрашивать.
Надо перечитать статью про Вуду. Тенгрюшки мои, как всё взаимосвязанно🤯
Зачитала маме про Таро и пространство вероятностей, она сказала, что на всё ” воля божья”!?
Я знаю, что она имела ввиду не Кришну и не Тенгри, и даже не аццкого Сотону. Насколько люди запуганы безликим Боженькой, который подслушивает и подсматривает. Кстати, до Архаика Я на полном серьёзе думала, что кто-то постоянно читает мои мысли.
Даже когда открывается правда на миллиметр, человек всё равно с упорством закрывает глаза?
Мне интересно тема пространства вероятностей Хаоса. Ведь это же можно круто поменять свою судьбу и не только, вплоть до судеб народов. Аж дух захватывает от этого потенциала. Чувствую себя как инвалид, который хочет двигаться, ходить, но не может.
Хаоситы и пустотника так и могут сделать при желании 🙂
Игра с вероятностями , в хорошем смысле. Как пианист, только у него музыка , а у джинна – жизнь….
Интересно, а мадам с Ближнего Востока, если она имеет отношение к джиннам, тоже умеет вероятностями рулить, или ей этого не дано?
Снова добрый день. А можно с вами по g-mail переписываться?
А зачем?
Мне не с кем поговорить)
Ееее) Физика – это мое слабое место. Очень про время понравилось читать, авторы великолепны, спасибо!
50 оттенков прелести😊
Статья восхитительная, получил массу удовольствия.
Мне не с кем поговорить)
Извините не туда)
Огромная благодарность создателям статьи, перечитала раза 3, потому что с физикой на Вы)
Очень понравилось про парадокс о 13 стихиях : для тех, кто знаком с моделью 13 стихий, стихия Ничто будет частью пространственного измерения Пустоты, а для тех, кто не знаком, Пустота будет частью Ничто. 👌
Значит, для того, чтобы выйти из спирали, можно обратиться к живущим на стихии Ничто. Вопрос был не о простоте задачи, даже если так прозвучало, а о том, у кого спрашивать.
Чтобы жить вне местной временной системы, нужно иметь Ничто в матрице тела, иначе вас такой выход просто размажет. Спросить то не грешно, вопрос в том, что у вас с вероятностью 99,99% такой стихии в базе нет. Это примерно как рыба мечтала бы жить на дереве, и спрашивала у птиц, как этого добиться. Они, конечно, расскажут ей, что ей нужно дышать легкими и махать крыльями, и собирать лапами ветки в гнездо, но толку ей с этого ответа? У нее ни легких, ни лап, ни крыльев. С пустотниками и представителями Ничто та же картина. Большинство живущих в уравновешенных мирах физиологически не приспособлены для жизни за их пределами.
Благодарю за ответы! Еще вопрос, если можно. 5 у-син и пустоту легко найти в ба цзы. Еще есть такие явления, как ‘Процветание в пустоте’ и темные структуры карт. Есть ли способ ‘распознать’ остальные стихии, скажем, Ничто в карте?
Комментарий на счет предыдущего вопроса. Антиматерия аннигилирует при встрече с обычной материей, но античастицы уже синтезировали в плотном мире. Для нас Ничто – ‘антимир’. Есть известная нерешенная задача, почему антивещества изначально появилось меньше, чем обычного вещества. Плотные физики пока не знают ответ, можно посмотреть с другой точки зрения. Также, некоторые плотные математики, занимаются системами с нелинейным течением времени. ‘Ничтатели’ (?) могут поделиться опытом и идеями.
Статья интересная, спасибо.
Пустоты нет в ба-цзы. То, что в калькуляторе подписано “пустота” и пустотные столпы – это не стихия Пустоты, а провал течения Ци в столпе или области карты, яма на пути. К стихии это не имеет никакого отношения, система у-син рассматривает ТОЛЬКО плотные элементы и только 5, потому что направлена на коррекцию и выправление физического тела и психики.
Тонкие стихии в карте вообще не представлены и просматриваются только в матрице.
Как стихия жизни появилась из стихии дерево? Получается дерево это уже продукт цикличности, жизни. Как это понять?
То есть стихия дерево – это все растения, так? А стихия жизни – это уже животные и человек, верно?
Если хочешь чтобы твой мозг взорвался, то почитай архаик😅🥴
Статья сложная, и мне ее сложно понять с первого прочтения, словно прочитал “Война и Мир” . Когда читаешь сразу идут разные картинки, и даже сумел представить (или увидеть) как мир плотный и тонкий выглядит, что они находятся в одном пространстве, но имеют разную природу. (Что логично) и по факту , рассматривая физический космос учёные так и не придут к ответам о создание мира.
Про прошлое →настоящие →будущее хочу сказать, я попробовал рассмотреть их не с точки зрения что каждая точка это отдельный мир, а попробовать ощутить настоящие , подумать о том, что было час назад , и о том что будет. И по факту все происходит в одном пространстве, прошлое это только память(либого вида) но туда невозможно вернуться, ибо все надо будет менять под прошлое. А будущее -это следствия настоящего, а точнее мы совершаем какие-то действия и под эти действия притягивается (условно) та линия , которая будет ей соответствовать. Но полностью будущее в плоть до деталей (навсегда) не получается простроить и это связанно не только с тем что это энергозатратно.
Также добавлю, что для меня будущее с родни большому дому с квартирами чтоль, каждая квартира это линия вероятности, и зайдя в одну там появляются ещё двери(в комнаты) ещё линии , новые.
Короче, сложно, много размышлять, но написана статья в действительности интересно и подача офигенная.
Насколько я понимаю, путешествия во времени технически возможны, но практическая реализация этой возможности чрезвычайно затруднительна. Делориан всегда будет ехать в будущее.
Любимая статья. Спасибо🙏💕