Bent and Closed: The Chakra System

“Your chakras are bent, we’re popping them back up!” Goblin.

I have long ago noticed this interesting tendency of something that could be described as “the more one remembers long Sanskrit words, the less one actually understands what they are talking about”. This is an intriguing phenomenon, the meaning of which is not quite clear to me yet. Most unfortunately, knowledge of Sanskrit and a good memory in no way guarantees erudition, a lively mind and the ability to use it. It’s akin to crossword puzzles: yes, it’s sometimes useful to exercise your memory in some ways, but most of the data we get around is absolutely useless for life. For example, names for coins of Laos or the area of the Earth are needed not more often than once every five years and it is easier to Google them than to carry this junk in our attic, displacing useful information.

But a massive number of people are fascinated to draw all sorts of conclusions about you, asking questions along the lines of “When did World War II start? Huh? You don’t know? You don’t know?! What a fool! By the way, can you tell me how to convert dollars into rubles?…”. And for real, a lot of people do not know how to Google information properly, how to convert values, how to write applications or quickly find the necessary data and goods. But if you wake them up at night they will tell you that the Hundred Years’ War lasted 116 years. But why? It’s a question of information priorities: the date of the beginning of World War II is needed either by narrow specialists or by those who like to boast of this knowledge. At the same time, we need to calculate currencies, prices and search for things every day.

The situation with chakras is rather special. Chakras are such a special schizoteric light of terms, which has not been used only by lazy people to stimulate an esoterically-turned audience. Chakras are closed, and bent, and blocked, and crooked, and produce an aura with some kind of rubbish… Shortly speaking, this word, due to the blurred understanding of its meaning, has turned into a universal excuse a long time ago. Headache? Chakra’s blocked! No money? Chakra is clogged! And from the point of view of common people, chakras represent some kind of obscure crap with a small door, which sometimes open, sometimes closed, or cluttered with something, or changes color, or is completely destroyed. And if you search it up in Google, it’s just tables and schemes! From which we understand that Anahata is green, but we don’t understand why the heck we need it.

And no, I don’t mean to say that the chakra doctrine is nonsense. Not at all. The thing is that correct and useful information about them has long ago turned into a farce and vinaigrette, which is generously pushed down the throats of literally everyone, even of a lazy one, from ordinary people and fitness instructors to gurus and enlightened people.

Let’s turn off Google and talk about these very chakras from the perspective of sane metaphysics.

Metaphysical Slice

The very first thing a person diving into esotericism and body energetics needs to know is the concept of the metaphysical slice. Have you seen an anatomical slice of the body? Or have you seen an intricate bread made with colorings, where each slice forms a pattern inside due to the slice? Fix this image in your mind: your whole body is a set of slices of planetary energies.


To visualize how it works more clearly, take a box and fill it in your mind with small balls of 7 different colors. Imagine that all the yellow balls are lit up at the same time. They are mixed in with the others, but on the click only yellow ones light up, while the others do not. And now all the red ones light up. Then, only the green ones light up. No matter how chaotically they are mixed, each color forms a kind of slice that reacts only to a trigger of identical color.

So, each planet that has an influence on you gives rise to “balls” of elements that put together slices of your body, just like balls in the box. Jupiter folds the cells of the biliary system and some parts of the brain, Saturn is responsible for cells and their potential, Mercury is responsible for speech and kidneys, etc. But each slice is not limited to physiology! For example, the Jupiter slice is also activated when you feel anger, scream, exhale air, when your stomach juices are working… And Venus starts to shine like a decorated tree if you hear smells, feel longing or anxiety, cry when you have something itchy. Wherever you look, you’re always in some sort of slice. Laughing is Mars, peeing is Mercury, spitting is Saturn…..

Thousands of processes occur in your body every second, which you do not even control, but they make the “balls” corresponding to one or another planet and its elements shine. And when you contact other people, a chemical reaction takes place and the activity of each slice is complicated by the slices of external ones. So you walk around the world shining blue, green, or even all colors at once.

Chakras and organs

Does it make sense so far? So, chakra is the main organ of the subtle body, which represents the control center of each elemental-planetary slice. According to different data, the human body contains about three hundred chakras, marmas and other energy centers (321, it seems), 9 of which are the largest – 7 chakras in the body and one chakra each on the palms. Slightly smaller ones are on the feet. And these are exactly the organs! Contrary to all myths, chakras are internal organs, just like the liver, heart or testicles, only in the subtle body. They live, they breathe, they fulfill in the subtle body the functions that primarily govern all the processes of the dense body. First the impulse arises in the chakra (which is pulled by the cut that is pulled by the planet), then it is transmitted to the dense body through the hormones and there goes the already traceable reaction of the flesh. The flesh is Saturn, but this section of metaphysics I advise already to deep enthusiasts 🙂

And here you can flood gurus with logical questions, take out the popcorn and watch them squirming in hysterics. What yoga trainers call closure is a block of SLICE, and a slice is a complex thing that cannot be described in two words. And while a chakra is an organ, can an organ be CLOSED if the body is alive? Can your liver be closed? What does an open heart look like? There is no door for us to use such a colorful way of saying it! And if you have a chakra that’s really CLOSED, you’ll be dead in about 15 seconds. And the cause is the stopping of the organ in the slice of which this organ is a part. Yes, the organ may be sick or malfunctioning, but it can’t close in any way!

Properties of Chakras and Planets

And only now, having realized the very basics, it is possible to speak about the properties of chakras. Since any astrology distinguishes as many as 12 slices of planetary influence, which each will have its own, then in relation to chakras and their connection with the planets everything is not so obvious. If you ask Google about how chakras and planets are connected, you can find up to 5-7 different options, often contradicting each other. In fact, this set of connections will be individual, because each planet of different people is in different positions and different spheres, respectively the properties of chakras will be different and partially imposed on each other. I will describe this connection according to my experience, but try not to apply it thoughtlessly and not to pull it on anyone you meet.

The body’s energy system is built in such a way that most chakras and channels work like a motor or filter: you suck energy from space with one, process it with another, and output the “change” with a third. That is why energy centers differ greatly in the type of work. Channels are a completely separate system, so looking for “money in the chakra” is a frankly stupid idea, though tempting.

Sahasrara is the chakra located at the back of the head and is responsible for connecting to the upper planetary octaves and egregores. All egregores, to which a person has a relation, will be connected and will show their influence in the upper part of the head. You can find literally any planet. If a person lives all his life in the everyday reality of the same space, grows carrot or beet and is not concerned with spiritual matters, then the cut of the upper chakra will most likely work on Jupiter. Jupiter likes gradualism, calm monotony, stability of position. But it would be ridiculous to assume that, let’s say, Che Guevara will have everything identical to Auntie Klava from the village of Zuzuevo. People who are passionate, bright, revolutionary, and strong are more likely to have Neptune, Uranus, or something even farther away from us. Therefore, the set of connections and planets in different people will be very different.

Ajna, aka the Third Eye. It is located in the center of the forehead, and its satellites are on the palms of hands. Ajna is one of the most active chakras in the body and works only on reception, pulling in and interpreting information from the outside. The palm chakras give the main tactile information, which can ALSO be read magically, depending on the type of magical vision. Thanks to Ajna we see, hear, think, understand, distinguish smells and sounds, use subtle vision, etc. So, consequently, its malfunctions, underdevelopment and traumas hit the cuckoo of the physical body hard 🙂 Ajna can be tuned to wrong frequencies, in that case it may give different variations of autism and perception problems.

Essentially, this chakra operates on the slice of the Moon-Ketu-Rahu trio, as the Moon is responsible for perception and its siblings are responsible for understanding the past and the future. We see prophetic dreams “because Rahu” and remember the past because of the Ketu slice. And the Moon gives a touch of the present moment and everything in it. But satellites on the palms and tactile reading with the hands more often works through Neptune.

Vishuddha is the throat chakra, which operates on the Mercury slice. Responsible for speech and expressing your thoughts to the world through words or singing (although cool singers sing with their whole body :). Some people speak in such a way that others fall silent, music fades and flies stop flying. These guys literally hypnotize with their speech, because this is how the highly developed Vishuddha and its planet manifests itself. Have you ever met a blabbermouth who can’t close his mouth, but at the same time they are not able to describe or convey anything properly? Their speech jumps from one thing to another, goes off topic 5 times a minute? Their minds bounce around like that too. Alas. This is how a broken Mercury works in the chart, respectively, his slice and “his” chakra will malfunction in some way. Here we can also mention all the diseases of the throat and ligaments, which are dragged by the block of the “speech” slice – the unexpressed is translated into a disease.

Anahata is the heart chakra. We live as if moving towards the flow of time, walking along the road, if you like. And we meet different people on our way. Some we reject, some we interact with, but only a very small group of people we recognize as our own. This is them we think about. We worry about them, we love them, we always wait for them and we welcome them. Anahata is responsible for the connection we create with these people. When there is “uneasiness in your heart” for a dear one, you feel Anahata spasm. It works on the Venus slice and is the antipode of rationality, because its sphere is irrational and heartfelt desires and deeds, and we love someone not for something, but often in spite of it. Love is a complex concept, but platonic love comes from Anahata.

Manipura is the chakra located in the solar plexus, the gas tank of the body. Manipura is powered by Mars, occasionally by Pluto (be afraid of these people) and it contains the fuel for life (Qi) like a machine. All your reserves, first, second and third breath, physical and moral strength, resource of body resistance to external factors, etc. When you have more than the standard amount of force, your things go well, you “go fast”, you have enough for everything. When Qi is low, the body slips to the base – eating, sleeping, walking, no resource. When Qi runs out, clinical depression sets in – a person simply cannot get up, although there may be no clear reasons for this. He just lies there like a piece of bread and is unable even to get up to eat, so he can’t even consider overcoming his condition.

And if Anahata is responsible for the people you choose, then Manipura lets everyone through. Through Manipura “go” events in which you find yourself, people you meet. The flows of energy that the body accepts or does not accept also go through Manipura. You can treat the world and humanity differently, but your attitude to it will ALWAYS go through Manipura. By the way, it is Manipura chakra that is eaten by vampirism and where “butterflies in the stomach” arise when a certain person touches the Mars and Venus slices above.

Svadhisthana is located near the navel and is the only chakra that works for energy output only. Each of us looks in a particular way inside and outside, each of us thinks something about himself, and they think something about him, and this pile of opinions may not coincide deeply. So actually Svadhisthana represents the pure Sun, and this planet is responsible for OBJECTIVE REALITY in relation to ego and personality. This is what you are, objectively. Some like you, some don’t, but Svadhisthana will indifferently bring out the objective data about you into the world and show it to everyone. And the healthier your ego and attitude, the more interesting the aura is generated by Svadhisthana. Other people, like hounds, smell your Svadhisthana and by this information clearly know whether you love yourself, whether you like yourself and how much of the element of attraction you have. This is how the proverbial “nobody’s going to love you until you love yourself” works.

Muladhara is a chakra that most “cosmic” gurus hate fiercely, to the point of foaming at the mouth, for whatever reason. It is a chakra which is located on the front side of the coccyx and works at the lowest frequencies of energy. The only chakra working only inside the body and responsible for its work as a whole. All physiological processes, metabolism, blood, communications and the coherent work of other slices – it’s all Muladhara’s work. Our physical body consists of cells, and cells are always Saturn, he sets their work and their potential for development and regeneration. Therefore, excessive potential of cells results in oncology, and insufficient potential results in poor healing and lack of “ durability”. Muladhara’s work is based on the slice of Saturn, but it also seriously affects the other planets, as it interacts with everyone little by little. It is most often polluted with negativity and it also “gives” excess weight.

So, why is it not loved? According to gurus, there are “good” chakras, high ones, closest to gods (?), and there are “bad” chakras, down-to-earth ones and anyway, there is a bowel there. We all know that yogis do not poop, so many schizoterics are tend to call the lower chakras dirty, bad, unworthy of attention, and actually come on, we should strive with our heads in space, eat sunshine and holy water only! And you’re all about borscht. Ew. Only Ajna, only hardcore! But, by all means, the body is a pyramid, and without providing a “wide” base, without satisfying the desires and needs of the body, we cannot work with the “top”. We will be skewed. A hungry, angry and fearful person, who has not had sex for a long time, is not able to adequately conduct ALL frequencies of the body, and therefore will not be able to reach any heights in esotericism. Overdeveloped top with undeveloped bottom = schizophrenia, because perception working on high frequency kills Ajna seriously and forever. Overdeveloped bottom with undeveloped top – earthiness, stupidity, cruelty, impossibility of normal thinking and imagination… A balance is a thing.

Shaman’s Illness

To summarize, we can say that the body is a harmonious system, where energy flows and transforms in a bunch of points and slices, so you can not exclude something from it, or ignore it, because the problems of a block of one slice will drag the block of another, then the organs will get sick, and on and on it goes. For example, having experienced unfortunate love, we put a block on Anahata, the energy starts to go in wrong angles, and this gives diseases of the heart and Venus spectrum (hormones start to malfunction).

Therefore there is no special meaning to work on the chakras, ignoring their natural slice: working on the planets you AUTOMATICALLY work on the chakras, just as an attachment to this work. When a person’s body is healthy, blocks are worked out, chakras are relatively evenly developed, and energy flows without obstacles, such a person can already consider himself enlightened. Ninety percent of the world’s population is doing much worse.

And a little curious fact that was asked to be told. Shamanic illness. This is a phenomenon that occurs when a new shaman tries to enter the profession – he suddenly becomes seriously ill and may not survive. This happens because the shaman’s main instrument is his body, not at all a tambourine or a jaw harp. The shaman runs kilotons of energy through himself, so the shaman does not really need a tambourine, he works with the whole body at once (and this is dozens of slices, pure planetary energy!) and can spoil you by just knocking on the table with the palm of his hand. It’s just that the tambourine is more convenient and “ automated”. But to achieve this pure state, all planetary slices are cleaned AT THE SAME TIME. All blocks fall, chakras are cleared and energy is forcefully pumped through them in huge amounts. The body goes crazy with pain on all levels, there is fever and psychosis, but all slices are hammered into the right grooves literally with a hammer. Sometimes it ends with death because the body just isn’t ready to work “as it should”, but if a person survives, the Qi splashes in them in all directions and they are capable of amazing things! In fact, any balanced and pure person is a shaman himself, because any of his desires quietly go from the body to the world and are embodied there.

As you can see, it seems to be nothing difficult, but it is a whole unplowed field of work and information, which is quite far from “anahata is green, and muladhara is red, I remember, I am a sorcerer!”.

(c) Mylene Maelinhon \ Material from the Marginal Metaphysics Project

Reposts of this material are welcome only with attribution to the author and source of the material. Stealing information, text or parts of it is severely penalized, and I don’t mean lawyers. Keep honesty and respect other people’s work, then this respect to you will return a hundredfold.


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Extrasensory perception and Synestesia They who have ears will see (Maelinhon) Shamanism: Synchronization with the World (Maelinhon)

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  • Красиво, понятно и с долей юмора. Очень хорошая статья. Главное достоинство, что при рассмотрении соответствия планет чакрам, всех “под одну гребенку” не причесали. Потому что действительно у каждого из 8 млрд людей эта система работает индивидуально. Кто как сам ощуает и понимает – так все на самом деле (лично у интересующегося) и есть.
    Спасибо большое)

  • “Йоги не какают”(с)
    Шикарная статья, спасибо за дельное объяснение принципа работы чакр. Для меня было открытием, что чакры это по сути органы, и полное прекращение их работы равнозначно смерти.

    Как работает связь при использовании лекарств, мы же лечим себя. Получается, что “лечение” планеты эффективней лекарств, но тогда почему таблетки работают? Есть ли чакры у животных и растений? если это орган, соответственно его нет у неживой природы?

    • Хороший вопрос.
      Таблетки работают на уровне мяса, а мясо имеет тенденцию к необратимым изменениям с возрастом или с травмами. И если проблема на начальном уровне, то логичнее лечить тонкое. Если же проблема уже доросла до мясного плотного тела, то уже лечим органы таблетками, хирургией и тд. Есть некий рубеж, после которого тонкая помощь уже будет только вспомогательной, например приносить онко-больному цветы и ставить растения, чтобы убавить землю. Опухоль это не уберет, но состояние улучшит.

      У животных чакры есть, а вот растения все будут работать на срезе Юпитера, то есть растение, особенно корень, и есть единственная его чакра. 🙂

  • Великолепно написано, я залипла и перечитала пару раз!

  • Здравия, Милен!
    Как специалиста по иглотерапии, меня самого всегда смешила дичь по поводу “закрытия” чакр. Да и болезни представлялись, как некие чернила, которые плеснули в сосуд с чистой водой. Но то, что главной причиной хвори является планетарка… умом понимаю, но “душа противится”). Ведь получается, что вся медицина.. одна сплошная цепь случайностей? Всю историю врачи работали (и работают) по сути, с завязанными глазами? На полгода полегчало – начинай болеть сначала… Разве это лечение? Но другого, получается, и быть не может.. И никакой материальный достаток тут.. не в счёт. Чего стоит Д. Рокфеллер с его четырьмя пересадками сердца.
    Ничего поделать тут нельзя.. ни-че-го..
    Поистине, тысячу раз прав был Кастанеда, сказавший: “нет никаких достижений, нет никакой магии. Есть лишь люди… которые умрут”
    ЗЫ. Искренне благодарю за статью. Таки подбросили идейку.

    • Ну не ВСЯ медицина, а европейская и то относительно недавно. Китайцы это всё отлично знают, как и индусы, как и многие другие до них.
      У меня много клиентов-врачей, которые это всё знают и консультируются, и работает у пациентов, просто это не афишируется, ибо маргинальщина по отношению к науке официальной.

  • Здравствуйте, статья интересная, впрочем как всегда)))), но у меня вопрос, получается что человек который посвящается в шаманизм, он фактически прорабатывает все планеты? Так что ли? И может ли человек получить посвещение в шаманизм к примеру от духа, а не от другого шамана? Благодарю.

  • На Марсе или на Плутоне работает Манипура по натальной карте можно определить?

  • Здравия, отличная статья, как считаете ведь чакры по сути фильтры восприятия части энергии (силы) и их можно соотнести с эндокринной системой человека? А отсюда и воздействие на органы человека

  • Великолепная статья! Благодарю Миленочка!  Не устаю восхищаться и удивляться как информации так и автору! БРАВО!

  • В плане темы чакр ещё одна дурость уморительная ходит среди веданутых родноверов, что определённые участки тела, например, низ живота женщины и грудь, обязаны быть закрыты одеждой полностью, потому как там находятся особые чакры, от которых зависит благополучие всего рода аж до 20 колена. И не бывать тому благополучию, если живот под одеждой не скрывать, так как те особые чакры продырявят чужие взгляды. cheeky

  • Здравствуйте!
    Заметка – огонь!🔥🔥🔥
    А как выглядят люди с Плутоном в Манипуре, или по каким-другим признакам их определяют?

  • Благодарю, Милен, Вы всегда так просто описываете такие сложные вещи… Это суперспособность шедевральная у Вас. Пример со срезом раскрашенного хлебушка и фотка просто Бомба! Благодарю

  • Здравствуйте Mylene!
    Подскажите пожалуйста, а где в теле проходит энергия бедующее и прошлого. ?
    Одни пишут это виски, другие что это 7 и 1 чакра, где же истина.

    • Нигде не проходит, тонкие стихии не отражены в теле. Прошлое и будущее – это не энергии, это срезы Кету и Раху, их активность проходит вместе с Луной, и всех троих в физическом теле особо нет, они рулят психикой.
      На сайте есть статья про них.

      • Спасибо. Скажите а срезы проходят через энергоцентры, как понять через какой? Мантика показывает что идёт г…но из прошлого, с детства там нужно смотреть. Вот пока и не понимаю куда идти. Ищу информацию о прошлом и нашёл у вас про Раху и Кету.

        • “Понять” – неправильное слово. Почувствовать, ощутить, посмотреть, увидеть – да, можно. А вот “понять” – это мозгами, рационально, это так не работает, вообще всё тонкое работает в иньском спектре. Так что смотрим и ощущаем, не думаем.

  • Что-то не так. )
    А у вас есть развёрнутая информация о малых и основных чакрах?

  • благодарю,сложный доя меня текст,но кое-какие кегли всё-таки закатились.Благодарю
