Extrasensory perception and Synestesia They who have ears will see (Maelinhon)

“You can change what you do, but you can’t change what you want.”
-Peaky Blinders

Psychic Challenge!
Okay, now we’ve got the attention of web crawlers and we can talk about synestesia, NaYin and other good things! Seriously, it would be great to bring out this topic. It falls into the “obvious-for-everyone” category and that’s why we really need to put it into words.

What is extrasensory perception from metaphysical point of view?

Is “subtle vision” a gift or a basic feature any person has?

Can this vision be developed and, most importantly, how does it actually look and work?

What do they see, these people who have subtle vision? Via what do they do it?

A psychic. An extrasensory person. That’s a big word, ‘extrasensory’! This very part of it, ‘extra-‘ means something odd, something beyond norm(al). So, what do we have – the same old compromised word meaning some super ability to feel and perceive. Is that really so?

Let’s start with a simple example. You know, I couldn’t say the [r] sound until I was 8 years old. Not because there was a defect, but simply because my efforts to say it were incorrect. And I got no instructions how to do it correctly. It may sound funny nut no one taught me to speak and how to pronounce this and that and how to make the right effort. A speech therapist fixed this in two sessions 20 minutes each by simply EXPLAINING to me what I was doing wrong and how to do it right.

Here is a huge, massive problem of a very big number of spheres: we do not know what the outcome should look like, and because of this we might fail even the things we technically can do on a good level. The first thing that is important: all people can use subtle vision and everyone can be taught to do so on some level. It is not some special gift. As in every sphere, a person might be predisposed to having good subtle vision just the way they might be born with absolute hearing or good sports abilities. But anyone can be taught to play a musical instrument or run fast if they want to. Of course, the one who is predisposed to it will learn faster, but this talent also has to be “programmed” somewhere. Particularly, in the birth chart, and it has nothing to do with any mystics.

A person is a complex structural machine that consists of a lot of elements, 5 of which making up the structure of a solid physical body (anything we can touch) and 2 making up the subtle structure (we are alive but you can’t touch the essence of life). All the other elements are intangible but they play an important role for us. For example, dreams. We can’t take them into our hands, but they are perceptible and we feel the emotions and the inflow/loss of energy they give us. It means that the element of Emptiness also plays a significant role for the element of Life.

Every elemental layer is constructed be a planet and this aspect builds the whole aspect of senses and processes, of organs and tissues and types of perception. The types of perception depend on a person and the planest that are strong in their birth chart: one person understands the world well from hearing, the other needs to see it, and someone will surely put a hand on your shoulder on meeting you. But the subtle information will always flow through the same channel as the solid information.

Astrologically, any type of information flow will happen by the clear scheme:
Jupiter is responsible for Color perception and both the eyes.
Mars and its aspect catch the Shape and are responsible for touch.
Saturn feels the Taste and taste buds.
Venus perceives the Smell and is responsible for nose and its functions.
Mercury is responsible for the Sound and ears.

Simply speaking, every specter of information has the input channel but everyone has their own channel. It’s the second important thing here: if you “see” via your ears, there is no point in developing your eyes, it’s like trying to plug an audio cable into a video port. It won’t work. But films give us a different notion and make us think there is no other way but seeing with your eyes only.

The third important moment: we should separate subtle smells from solid (physical) ones. No one sees or smells anything subtle with their eyes and nose physically, but these specters work for the subtle plane as well when the information about the smell or texture of an object is processed inside one’s mind without the physical presence of these things. A person has entered the room and there is a smell of shit in your head while your physical nose can smell nothing. Or suddenly a song pops into your mind – and this is what we should learn to interpret! The information does not come directly; it’s always a set of tastes, smells and other unprocessed data.

The input channel is formed this way: the accepting planet + the Moon that converts what you’ve got into something you understand. The first aspect will accept sound/ taste/feeling, and the Moon will process the data into the subconsciousness and transfer the result into the consciousness like a tiny computer. In short, everyone detects information with their ears, eyes, nose or hands. After that it goes into Ajna, from Ajna it goes into the brain and it all takes (fractions of) seconds before the event itself, because the Moon is also responsible for the sense of time. Here are premonitions..

Mercury and the Moon give the potential for subtle hearing and reading the information via sound. With the help of Mercury a person hears with their ears and catches the frequencies of sounds, drawing information from them. From Mercury’s aspect the information goes into the Moon, where it is processed and enters the brain in the form of a sound that is understandable and can be interpreted. A person with this combination in their natal chart hears the voice of another person and understands that they are in pain or in love.

Venus and the Moon help a person smell. For example, you’ve touched a person or an object and the smell of bread has been loaded into your mind. We all smell not only on the level of dense physics when we are in some crowded bus in summer at +35 C. The subtle level also transmits smells to identify a person, and these smells are different from what we emit in our usual life. So, the smell entered the Moon, was processed there and I can make up a portrait of some kind. A person smells like damp earth to me and I start interpreting this image.

Saturn and the Moon help us taste. Here it is mostly the same as with smells but as if you licked a person/object you need to study. You taste them for a bit and then you send the information into the Moon. The person tastes sweet but they have a salty right side and the center of the salt spot tastes bitter. Cholecystitis!
Mars and the Moon detect shape. It is a special way of reading. There is a small chakra in the center of every person’s palm that brings information to Ajna in kinesthetic form. We use a limb to grope/palpate something. Or someone: a person in a photo. You might say it is some fantasy, but many people take their bearings this way. They run into obstacles and such, and make up an approximate “plan” of a territory. Similarly, you will have a “plan” of a person or an event. Mars channels the texture and shape of a surface, so the person will be like some location: they will be large, flat, rough, soft etc.

If we have the Moon and Jupiter aspects in our birth chart, we will see in the most popular way: with our eyes. The perception here is about colors and shades. Here you can try looking at a candle and doing some exercises for your eyes etc. It’s not a rare way of seeing, but beginner mantics practitioners always try to use it even though their natural channel might be their hands or ears.

To sum up, everyone has subtle vision because there are no people WITHOUT these 5 planets in their birth chart. But not everyone is accustomed to processing this information.

There are more complicated variants of reading, i.e. when a person gets the ability to “see” with all their body if their Moon is hyperactive.Such a person sees another person and reads them right away: their character and their pressure points, and feels them with their body surface, with their skin. But in any combination and variant we always have the same: the flow of images and information. Interpretation of the incoming information, not catching sparks with your eyes, is the true meaning of extrasensorics. Please don’t torture your eyes.


The №1 problem is that all our life we are persuaded to use our head and do as logics and the rational command. They say, all that comes from somewhere other than logics and brain is bad, shameful, unclear and unsure. It’s too personal and subjective and impossible to prove, they say. Feelings are bad guys, mind is a good guy. Brain is right, heart is wrong. It must be coming from somewhere, this distorted idea about everything being objective! Even the things that cannot be objective by default. Tastes and feelings are non-objective, emotions are illogical, desires might not go together with thoughts and this is okay, and this is normal. So to be able to use the subtle vision, you should shut out the whole rational perception specter.

The world is a highly irrational thing, that’s the fact. The world lives by the rule of emotions, intuition, desires and wishes, not by the law of logics, common sense and solid rational base that is flopping somewhere on the surface. Basically, it’s not things we’ve achieved through suffering and decided on using our mind that happen to us, but only the things we’ve put our feelings and energy into. It is technically impossible to imbue thoughts with energy, that’s why the world does not and will not see your rational plans and messages. It’s like a whale speaking at a frequency that’s unavailable for other whales. Energy goes into feelings only, and this is what the world can hear. In your fear of dogs you put some emotions imbuing these images with energy, but no energy goes into the hope of becoming a lawyer (because your heart dreams of becoming an artist). This is why something we fear happens to us really often – we’ve put our energy into it. We can’t change what we feel and what we want even though we do something totally different.

Where are psychics in this scheme, you might ask. There is a direct connection: it’s impossible to learn to see the world with your eyes wide open at the rational angle. ‘See’ = ‘ eyes’ is linear logics. Even though you might catch a glimpse of information – you might also torture yourself with doubts like: “Has it really happened?… “Is that really true? Maybe it only seemed so? A person walked by and I got a smell of sweets in my mind! It is irrational!” But it is your information. It is your channel. You CAN interpret it, and your interpretation will be right. Your ears or your skin can be your eyes if you don’t stick to logics.
Everything that comes from the non-rational is (what a paradox!) more accurate than a text or a logics-based opinion. Your heart always knows what it really feels. The information that comes into the irrational specter is always easily understood if we don’t try to interpret it using our brains and doubts. We should interpret it the way it comes, irrationally. You hate the smell of violets because it reminds you of pain and trauma, and some person is associated with this smell? Not good trying to persuade yourself that it means nothing and you just imagined it. You should listen to yourself and run away from this person as fast as you can because this person is going to hurt you.

This is the right way of transformation for you personally. Never mind those who try choosing the “right” and “logical”, by-the-book way of working with Tarot cards or other techniques (which are 100% illogical). It’s funny, really. The books have the vision of OTHER people, these other people have OTHER input channels and sometimes obsolete association rows.

Important: christenings and the seals of monotheistic religions have a habit of distorting the information on Ajna level. The information is correct but it is processed poorly and does not reach the point.


There are these strange people – synesthetists. Official science acknowledges the phenomenon of synestesia but hardly anyone understands its nature. When a person hears a song, but feels a taste, touches a book and perceives a color with their hands – it is synestesia. Such a person might look at the word and get some information about it that may look strange: what if I tell you that ‘Brazilia’ is blue, sparkling and smells like a willow tree? When I think about Madrid, I realise it is reddish brown and dry? Probably you’ll think me nuts and you’ll be wrong. Because a synesthetist reads the world in peculiar ways but these ways make sense for them. We interpret this information when we see the world in a full specter of planets, be it cards or lines, or a crystal ball. Woe be on those practitioners who bring THEIR OWN images to another person because this person “knows better” and “has a better vision”.

From the point of view of metaphysics, you get synestesia when the scheme Planet + the Moon in your birth chart gets Neptune in a very strong aspect. This highest category planet mixes different layers and activates an extra input channel. You get not 1 specter, but 2-3 and more. You start feeling tastes of words, perceiving music from food and other things. It’s as useless to look for any logics in Neptune’s influence as trying to catch smoke with your bare hands. This confirms the fact that subtle vision does not work with logics and it’s necessary to switch off your brain and listen to your senses.

The aspects of the Moon or the accepting planet or both, with Neptune always give strange forms of perception like hearing with your hands, healing with music, visualization with taste. So, when they make us make vision boards, wishing diaries and use all the instruments possible to pull our senses closer to what we want from life – they are trying to switch on your synestesia from the outside and switch off that A-student with their efforts to find what’s right but not see the “right” themselves. Besides, there is no wrong in this space, there is what there is and it’s all yours.

If you’ve detected information via Mercury and processed it with the Moon, it all may seem logical and having a basis. But what will you say and what logical instruments will you apply if you put a hand on a person’s shoulder and perceive music coming from them? Rap, for example. It has no logical explanation, but the information is here! You need to process it. And it depends on your skills: how well do you know yourself? Have you any set patterns and/or images imposed on you?

I have a free of charge service of scanning a person’s subtle body. You know what I do while I scan it? I look at the photo of a person or at the person themselves and I touch the surface of the table or some other with my hands and I detect the texture, the smell, the color. And I feel the entire structure of the person in front of me at once. It is intricate: a person might be like a glass vial of some complicated form (I really feel like I am touching this thing), with hollows, edges, texture, temperature, smell… All this makes up the information about the person’s subtle body, and I give this information to the person in the form that is clear to them. For example, it’s me who understands that a rough patch on the bottom of the vial is gastritis, but I need to tell the client about this somehow.


There is one more unfortunate, forgotten, unpopular and unclear thing in this paradigm, and it’s the NaYin system. There is practically nothing people know about it, and we’d like to fix this.

We all know about the existence of the 5 sciences of Chinese metaphysics, we’ve all heard about Bazi and Feng-Shui, but the NaYin system is outside the specter of well-known, in search engines as well. The best you can find is some vague description like “Nayin is like the melody of your chart”. It doesn’t speak to me. Whatever the fuck is this “melody”?

But if I touch a birth chart with my hands (and I do that, and I also do Tarot readings with my hands), I always detect a kind of smell and texture from every element, and they always fall together with the NaYin point if there is one in the astrological calculator. It’s been checked and double-checked, blind tests included. It means the ancient Chinese knew full well that every object has a readable elemental structure which can be used for deeper understanding of a person, a place, a line – whatever.

To put it even more primitively, the NaYin system calculates the smell of a chart, the texture and the element of its sensual perception, its taste – everything a person RADIATES. The very same information that we get in a crude, unprocessed sensual form. A birth chart might be an Earth one, but for a synesthetist, the person might have a smell of water and wood. Or, a chart might be very hot and smell like sand. This is a huge chunk of information about a person’s health and aura. The ones who believe in thinking with their head only don’t take this chunk into account and simply miss it all! And without subtle vision, astrology and metaphysics are totally impossible. So, in a broad sense, NaYin is a system of calculations for the subtle perception of a birth chart, its elements and a person on the whole.


1) Elements are all-encompassing. We understand the world and we hear it through the elemental aspects the planets have installed into our bodies.
2) Our perception of the subtle and the solid works through one and the same channel, audial. So, sound improves the process of reading.
3) Look for your own channel for receiving information. Don’t stick to things you see in films and/or numerous gurus who want you to stare at the candle for hours daily or scan people’s auras. A channel that is alien to you will give you little information.
4) The answer will not come to you as something easily understood. It won’t be a clear picture with words typed all over it. It will be just information, or a flash, an image, a smell, an association and what not, and you will need to interpret it on your own.
5) Switch off the rational and Youtube, close all these books and listen to yourself.
6) If you’re into astrology, add sensual perception to your practices and you will receive twice your usual volume of information
7) Synestesia is a cool and useful skill, not some strange unnecessary brain feature
8) Subtle vision cannot be a gift. All the more so, it cannot be passed down within generations because we all have unique birth charts and these charts reflect one and the same range of planets.

(c) Mylene Maelinhon & Astrovelle \ Archaic Heart

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Write a comment
  • Добрый день, Милен.

    Вопрос такой – что даёт соединение Луны с Ураном и Плутоном в натале?

    • Добрый день, Анна.

      Уран – способность к прогнозированию, особенно астрологическому.
      Плутон – способность видеть в людях бурлящие реки говн, коими полнится та или иная личность. Предугадывать их мотивы, вычислять подковёрные интриги. Иногда – способность шарахнуть магией (или сугубо личным желанием) так, что обидчики будут зубы собирать и на долгие годы окажутся в аутсайдерах.

  • Публикация этой статьи оказалась последним рубежом перед тем, как я доверилась себе и начала видеть. Позволила, скорее. Милен затратила кучу усилий и нервов, чтобы написать это, за что ей огромное спасибо от лично от меня и всех прозревших 🙂

  • Здравствуйте, Милен. Для определения своего типа восприятия мы смотрим аспекты луны в натальной карте?

  • Как найти свою планету!?В натальной карте у меня солнце в стрельце .Можете разъяснить???Поооожаааалуйста !!!

      • У меня первоначально была развита эмпатия. Вреда от неё больше, чем пользы. Хотя я кое-как и научилась закрываться, всё равно крайне сложно получить уровень защиты, сравнимый с работниками сферы услуг.

        В экстрасенсорике сначала развились яснотрогание и ощущение габаритов сущей и предметов. Позднее подключились яснонюхание, ясновидение. Яснослышание тоже есть, но оно ниже по уровню относительно остального.

        На тонком плане габариты ощущаются как визуализация инертности (?) сущи. В то же время, я понимаю, что никаких гараритов нет и это – примерно то же самое, что и раскраска карты мира, показывающая распределение температуры или силы ветра. Я же понимаю, что регион не фиолетовый.

  • Милен, как всегда Браво!!! Все что я хотела узнать, но боялась спросить, изложено четко и понятно! Снимаю шляпу (в который уже раз)))

  • Милен, вы писали о том, что у вас есть бесплатная услуга просмотра тонкого тела. Куда можно обратиться к вам, чтобы вы осмотрели мою фотографию? Фотография должна быть в полный рост? 

  • После того, как Милен сняла мне крещение, начала проявлятся синестезия. Музыка начала ощущаться движениями и вибрациями в теле, оргазм получил цвет и текстуру. Это очень нобычно и непривычно, но однозначно круто. Спасибо!

  • В очередной раз подумала о своём везении и своевременности знакомства с вами.внятнопонятножизненно…есть вопрос и ситуация:утеряна(всплывает конечно,но редко и туманно) синестезия.а проживала её и по ней ярко продуктивно долгие годы.как результат-отсутствие результатов и энергии.есть ли возможность её восстановить с помощью кругов маагаль,которые будут сейчас в 20х числах? Была впервые на антидепрессант и алиирмеи,скажем так,поражена ощущениями.сейчас идут круги по акции для тех кто коментит,но поняла что по условиям акции не подхожу,а хотела бы участвовать. с донатом конечно.или лучше подождать до 20х чисел?и какие ещё есть варианты восстановить утраченное?возможно у вас есть методы или у ваших коллег?заранее благодарна за ответ

      • То самое,да)когда сама в сознательном.и когда это было совсем не популярно.мне лет дофига сейчас..и когда принято в окружении,что вокруг только атеизм,а я верю что все масштабней и дело не в религии.при этом по роду первосвященники и финоугорские бабки с травами и копытами козлов и рунами(разновидность).я умела..ну и ещё гонимые бабтисты-украинцы встретились со староверами Сибири на д.востоке.и те и те гонимые и суровые.мне не мешало,нравилось,это сильно-договариваться со всеми..я и по статье вижу,что мне близка королева запада:тварей по паре,пары-разнообразны и у Мироздания есть место для всех и договориться можно.У мира Творение)после смерти отца не могу С Собой договориться,солнечное сплетение болит и прочее,что с эти связано-решения,дерзость,вкус к жизни,реализованные хочу/могу-на границе до 3х из 10,а было от баллов 6,7 и выше..лет после смерти отца прошло много,а накрыло четко на 9 день.отлично помню как)Маагаль может помочь уравновесить?или диагностику какую нибудь порекомендуете?спасибо

  • Ох как же вовремя мне попалась Ваша статья!!! ИСКРЕННЕ БЛАГОДАРЮ ВАС!!!! Постараюсь попасть к Вам на приём.

  • Ух, статья блеск, да, интересно, помню четко шла я к мужчине знакомому, а в голове песенка Пикника- Квазимодо урод. Квазимодо урод…Или ты или я вот такая игра..Это ж оно!Я тоже как всегда снимаю шляпу Мастер Милен

  • Здравствуйте! А если мне информация как-будто загружается в голову и начинаю просто что-то знать-любую информацию, все о человеке, иногда прям картинки в голове возникают. Это с какой планетой связано?

    • Ни с какой, это уже трактовка сигнала. Вы упускаете первичный его вход.
      То есть они всем “подгружаются”, но до этого есть какой-то короткий этап, когда приходит сам посыл, и уже потом распаковывается в понятную форму.
