Знахарские руны

Svartmans letur – Letters of black people, healer’s runes

A shamanic healer’s runic alphabet with a very broad action spectrum. Please note that this runic alphabet also has a veterinary version. The healer’s runic alphabet is used to purify the blood, in case of poisoning, to increase endurance, relieve bladder inflammation, swelling and fractures.

1. a Metabolism, driving something through the digestive tract and through the body, accelerating the liver and blood filtration. Detoxification after poisoning.
2. b Relieves fatigue when a person is tired or exhausted after an illness.
3. c A letter for normalizing kidney function, cleansing from stones.
4. d The work of the spinal cord and nerves along the spine and in the limbs.
5. e Battery, increasing endurance. Helps to do more, lift weights, etc.
6. f Removing a splinter or arrow so that there are no splits or pieces left, cleaning wounds from dirt and infection.
7. g Flight. It makes sense for a forest hunter to reduce weight and increase dexterity. To “fly” between tree branches and be more accurate.
8. h Bladder. Urinary or gallbladder. Relieving inflammation, cleaning ducts.
9. i Help with a fracture, for rapid consolidation and support of bones.
10. k Tumors and swelling, erythema. Removing swelling, reducing something swollen and overgrown, including stopping tumor growth.
11. l Veins. Tonus and cleansing of blood vessels and arteries, regulating blood pressure.
12. m Capillaries, strengthening small vessels and nerves, for example with frequent nosebleeds or other bleeding.
13. n Analogue of Nautiz, extortion, pressure.
14. o Woman. Both as a person and as a system that distinguishes a woman from a man.
15. p Man. Both as a person and as a system that distinguishes a man from a woman.
16. q Embryo, influence on the fetus, through a pregnant woman.
17. r Path through the forest. So that a person does not freeze, does not catch a cold, but reaches and returns with rich bag. That is, mobilization of strength and immunity before stress and cold.
18. s Removing pus and drying out rotting tissue.
19. t Testicles. Shamanic analogue of Teivaz – a man, in terms of his health. Potency, glandular function, fertility and hormones.
20. u Cleansing the intestines and digestive tract, antihelminthic.
21. x Removing skin defects, papillomas, acne, spots.
22. y Stretching muscles, warming up and strengthening. Apparently, it was needed for physical strength and endurance during training.
23. z Painkiller.
24. ? Increased secretion of any glands
25. ? Fractures and dislocations, for the fusion of tendons and bones.

(c) Reading by Mylene Maelinhon

знахарские руны

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  • Вязанка B+E – это просто находка при большой нагрузке на работе!

  • Доброго дня! А от кого берут силу эти глифы?

      • Спасибо, есть ли способ позаимствовать эту силу у кого-либо (дух, божество, стихия)? Потому что оператор, который будет использовать эти глифы, в силах задействовать их полностью.

  • Добрый день!Подскажите пожалуйста, куда нужно наносить и какой оговор делать?Спасибо!

  • Можно узнать из какой книги вы берет значение каждого символа, можете дать ссылку на древний оригинал или перевод. А то в инете слишком много разной информации по поводу Литер. В одном месте одно описание в другом, другое и кому верить непонятно

  • Если соединить а +к – ускорить метаболизм и снять отеки с нижней части тела ? правильно будет?

  • > t Яички. Шаманский аналог Тейваз – мужчина, в
    > плане его здоровья. Потенция, фертильность.
    мужское здоровье и фертильность это Ингваз, а от этой руны поток какой-то совсем слабенький, чуть-чуть в районе простаты что-то тюхается, но даже близко не Ингваз и совсем не Тейваз 🙂