Subtleties of Physics: Magic and Sex on the Ceiling (Tsemra Igly)

Hi everybody. It’s been over a year since the first article of the Archaic Heart project about a subtle view of physics, in the writing of which I took my fair share. All this time, your junior engineer was busy with matters no less important for him and our sect. And yet, I feel rather ashamed that he has not produced reading material for the audience for so long, even if meta/physics is not that interesting to them. Therefore, even being not entirely satisfied with the dug up material, I still decided to post this article.

Let’s talk about what the physics of the subtle world is very similar to and explain why paradoxes actually live on the dense ones, and everything is fine with subtle physics.

I would like to start with the fact that I like the term “density” less and less as a designation of the difference between the subtle and physical worlds. First of all, because it does not fully reflect all the shades of difference between these phenomena, and in some places it is completely misleading. Reasoning based on it, a hostage of an imprecise conceptual apparatus will assume that the properties of matter during the transition from physical to subtle will change similarly to everyday examples of differences in density. Which is fundamentally wrong.

The world visible to Ajna and the civilized world would be more correctly called different aggregate states of the same substance. The dense world in this case would be a solid phase, which is consonant with the term used to describe the physical on the subtle plane. In poetic translation into earthly languages, it would sound like a Crystallized World. Subtle dimuts, having some kind of permanent appearance, call their home the formed world or the Balanced World. And the universe before the appearance of forms and objects in it is called the Whole World. I suggest that everyone continue to use these terms as true marginals.

I would also like to grumble a little about the names of the elements. Because when it comes to the elements, there are often some platitudes that try to prove that different manifestations of one element are not one. “How can Metal and Air be one element? Have you ever seen metal hanging in the air?” These guys also fall into the trap of a mossy and imprecise conceptual apparatus. Because people first found some specific manifestation of an element in the world, discovered the element behind it and named this element in honor of its sub-element. And then they noticed that this element has several more forms and wrote down this fact, but already with a conceptual trap. In fact, Air-Metal, which is so incendiary for Western schizotericists, belongs to one element according to the same principle as petrol and plastics belong to substances obtained from oil. These are different branches from the same root. And there is no normal conceptual apparatus that separates the maternal element and its manifestations in the Crystallized World. But here I will not offer alternative names, since it seems to me that an attempt to introduce them will complicate contact with new readers.

About holograms and quantums

Now let’s get down to business. All physical properties of objects are determined by what they are made of at the microscopic level. Here is a brick. It is what it is because it is made of certain substances that determine its color, hardness, and other properties. And the substances are able to impart these properties to the brick due to the atoms that make up them, depending on the structure of the nuclei and the arrangement of the electrons in the orbitals. And so on down the list, until we come to the final indivisible objects, which are elemental slices. (Read about what slices are here The Astromantics: do it yourself! (Maelinhon)) Due to their colossal size, it is difficult to call them microscopic levels, since they are literally equal in size to the universe. But yes, the most elementary particles are made of them. It is quite ironic and beautiful that upon reaching a certain limit, the largest objects in the universe turn into the smallest. Scientists of the Crystallized World came across the concept of elemental slices in quantum field theory, according to which these fields fill the entire universe, and the most elementary particles are just random inhomogeneities of these fields. Peas grow in elemental fields, similar to wheat in quantum fields.

We are all nothing more than a bunch of disturbances in space. And you will have to come to terms with this fact, no matter how outrageous it may be. In the universe, particles as independent and separate objects do not exist. Yes, the particles seem to be in different places, but as a whole they are still part of the elemental cross-plane. It is this situation that allows such a mysterious thing as corpuscular-wave dualism to exist. Particles of the Crystallized World, such as an electron or a photon, are small enough lumps in the jelly for a wave passing through the jelly to sway them along with the rest of the volume.

And this same integrity of plans and “particles” allows us to do many things in the Balanced World that, alas, are not available in the Crystallized World stuck in the Crystallized World. Because there are no molecules, atoms, living cells or other steps between the objects we are accustomed to and the elementary heterogeneities of the elements in the other Worlds. The Earth, the infernos, coffee with a bun and even cats consist directly of points pulled together in a heap, in which the elemental planes have slightly shrunk. They are like a three-dimensional pattern on fabric, which they got by making stitches from the inside. That is why our subtle guests, who tried to describe the structure of their own bodies and objects of the Balanced Aggregate State, compare them to holograms. In the Whole World there was no such thing at all, all entities were pure consciousness, immersed directly in the plane and perceiving it approximately as we perceive our body. The living examples of these creatures are now the weavers and the Grahas.

Because of this specificity of the structure of dimuts and objects in the Balanced World, there are no objective physical parameters familiar to us. No mass, no friction, no gravity. Only the principles of the behavior of the elements, like a tree growing gradually, and water being turned off for two weeks. And yet, the cabinet has a stable shape, a bucket of bricks is heavy, not all floors are slippery, and demons fall down. But why?

Because that’s how it was intended. I’m not kidding. Every object, subject and phenomenon in the universe has a set of parameters that someone once intended. A crowd of disturbed particles came running from the elemental plane, fixed themselves in the right position and began to act as a whole macro-object according to the laws that the author invented. Someone came up with the concept of a chair and now it is a chair. Someone invented the matrix of your ancestors and the concept of the Amadakh body – you were born the way you are. Someone came up with your toenails – so now you have to cut them every week. The will of an evil genius decided that you need it so do with it what you want.

As for the physical forces in the Balanced World, they are also all someone’s idea. I don’t know who came up with this, when and how, or how long it took to form the set of physical forces we are accustomed to, but one day in the Balanced World they came to the conclusion that it would be convenient for the inhabitants if there were some stable default settings in the world. They are installed and supported in the Worlds by special structures that are similar to our servers and computers, but do not look like them at all. Those who have access to such things can sometimes adjust the physics and make updates to it as needed. Access, of course, is severely limited.

So if they have everything set up like we do, then what is the difference, you ask? The difference is that you walk on the floor with your feet because you have to, while a hypothetical Lelram does it because he wants to. But if he suddenly feels like running along the walls or having fun with a lady on the ceiling, he will simply consciously change the direction of the gravity vector to the earth relative to his beloved self and do what he has in mind. In the same way, he can create anything at will with inanimate beings in his dimension. Make a piano the weight of a shirt, mix a mug and a guitar into one object, put a sofa in a pocket, reducing it to the size of a hair clip. The only things that can be insurmountable for him are large-scale thingamabob that he simply doesn’t have the strength for, or tricks that contradict his basic characteristics with which he was born. Because someone put them out long before he was born or even the formation of the Amadakh as a species. This is the case in the entire formed part of the universe. And only in the Middle Worlds of Yggdrasil is an offensive exception.

Astrology, magic and subtle vision

Since we are talking about the structure of elemental planes and Grahas, it would be stupid not to analyze a few interesting questions. Why and how do astrology and magic work? Why are entities not visible with dense eyes? Why does the universe respond to my requests differently than I ask? Let’s talk about that physical limitation that no one designed (Probably. Not sure.)

To begin with, let us recall the material presented in the article “50 Shades of Physics”. It discussed a very important fact for us now, that all elemental planes are also spatial dimensions. Now it is worth adding to this information that an independent dimension can be called not only a piece of space consisting of the flows of one planet, but also polyelemental pieces of space.

Imagine a polyhedral figure. Any. Each face is essentially an independent flat figure. A hexagon, for example. This is an elemental plan. And any point within its surface is part of the corresponding spatial dimension. But what happens if we move to the edge of this face? We will find an edge. And on the edge we will encounter a number of points that simultaneously belong to two faces and create a segment, which is, in fact, also a geometric figure. And, following our analogy, a separate spatial dimension. Here you have a visual principle of the formation of “unusual” spatial dimensions. Just always keep in mind the fact that the spontaneous polyhedron visited Chernobyl and was so distorted that not only two, but all 13 dimensions can converge into one segment, and even several times into separate edges.

Examples of such polyelements are the following plans:

— Astral, or emotional plane of space (sum of all elemental reactions Venus – Others – Mercury)

— Causal — Chaos, Mercury and flows of elements influencing the main lines.

— Whole, Balanced and Crystallized Worlds. Admit it, you didn’t expect it. They all contain a whole set of elements, but due to the specifics of the structure they are allocated to separate plans.

What about the principle that no one designed? You, as a being consisting of several elements in different aggregate states, have access to a certain set of spatial dimensions, of the elements and types of matter of which you consist. Think of the set of dimensions that is available to you as your coordinate system. Then our principle will sound like this: you can interact with other subjects and objects only when your coordinate systems have one or more common axes or there are intersections between them. And they also limit your perception. Simply put, to meet someone, you need to be in the same place.

Let’s start with the largest and, unexpectedly, the simplest personal coordinate system: Graha and its plane. The conventional Shani is immersed in his elemental plans and perceives the world as a solid elemental canvas. Therefore, for him, a stone on the dense is a part of him, as is the principle of karma, since even a crystallized element does not cease to be just a cluster of disturbances in space. At the same time, the Whole dimension is available to him, in which dimutes-dimensions deprived of any form interact and hang out – due to which reactions between planes are possible. The possibility of reactions between the elements and their penetration of these elements into everything and everyone underlies the work of astrology.

If you have a drop of the element of Shani’s plane somewhere in you (and you do), then you have a common coordinate axis for interacting as subjects. This allows you to do upaya and get an answer. But here, Bill, there is one nuance. Your system of measurements has two whole planes that Graha does not have: Balanced and Crystallized. His system does not have the concepts that are present in these dimensions. Yes, his plane includes the number 8, the color brown, stone objects, a part of your body and much more, but Shani sees them as if from the inside. Well, he does not see, but perceives. Graha has no eyes. Saturn has nothing with which to perceive something from the world that has a form. Shani does not know a single rational concept from the formed dimensions. He “hears” your feelings and emotions, because they are a pure impulse running along the plane. And if you irrationally want security, but rationally ask for popularity, Grahas will consider the first message, ignoring the second. And the response will be appropriate.

The same trick with coordinates works with the perception of the subtle plane and entities through the senses. As was already indirectly said in the previous paragraph, in order to see something, you need to have some kind of “vision device” similarly arranged to this something. Therefore, with subtle eyes you will see only the subtle, with dense eyes – only the dense, but with both you will only see, and not smell or hear, because your eyes are in the Jupiter plane in both aggregate states. And since you have both pairs of eyes, in order to learn to see you need to get the hang of switching attention between different inputs of information.

As for magic, its mechanism is as follows: an energy impulse is directed to the object of influence through the plane in which it is located using intention. For example, if we want to cure someone’s liver, we can influence the plane of Jupiter, since liver is related to the manifestations of wood, or we can add water to the patient to nourish this liver along the Wu Xing circle. In its pure form, only energy and expression of will are enough, rituals in this situation are crutches. But if you decide to use crutches, then you need to know one thing: all that a crutch can provide is to direct energy in the right direction along a given path. This means that it is enough for this something to be able to serve as an entrance to the desired plane, that is, to be a piece of it and to have a connection with it by some feature. A green candle (the material is not important), citric acid or even a stick, which a neighbor’s grandson used to beat nettles a second ago, can “let you in” to the same Guru plane. And nettles will do too. The rest is pathos. The naturalness of stones and wax does not matter. To become more familiar with the properties of Astral-type slices and better immerse yourself in the issues of how magic works, I recommend that you contact Mylene Maelinhon for the corresponding recording of the lecture (the lectures will be translated later). There everything is explained in much more detail to the point of elementary disturbances in the plan.

And that’s all for today. I’m cunningly running away to work on an article about chemistry in a Balanced World, and instead of a decent completion of the text, I’ll leave you with a question to think about: What does consciousness consist of?

(c) Tsemra Igly / material from the Marginal Metaphysics project

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  • Правильно ли я понимаю, что существует несколько (13?) видов изначальных “кирпичей”, из которых, в разных сочетаниях и состояниях, строятся объекты тонкого и плотного мира? Также, можно ли примерно сравнить плотный и тонкий миры, соответственно, с состоянием частицы (проявленной и застывшей в определенном положении и с определенными свойствами) и суперпозиции (где больше вариативности относительно позиций и свойств)?
    “Довольно иронично и красиво, что по достижении некоего предела самые большие объекты во вселенной переходят в самые маленькие.” – тут вспоминаются фракталы, потому что такой принцип является уровнево-воспроизводимым структурированием – то есть кажется логичным для обусловливания такого взаимоперетекания.

  • Я всегда буду приходить на лекции этого преподавателя. У него самая крутая физика.

  • Невероятно интересно хоть и очень сложно читать. Статья оставила меня в полном восторге и заставила мозги прям заскрежетать. Вау👍 ухожу думать и уже жду новую статью

  • А статья-то не такая уж и маленькая оказалась, спасибо вам за отборную порцию физики, доем и приду за добавкой!! ❤️

    Я так понимаю, сознание будет тоже комбинацией срезов, но там уже замешаны Солнце, Луна и/или Меркурий? Я не очень умная, а вопрос очень интересный 😀

  • Фото к статье подобрано идеально 🤣 мое состояние во время прочтения примерно так и выглядело как у героини

  • Какая шикарная статья. Продположу, что сознание это те же неуравновешенные кирпичи. 🤔

  • Крутотень ☺☺☺

    Это чем-то похоже на азот газообразный и жидкий азот?

  • Очень интересно и еще сложно представить картинку сходу, потому, что с таким видением мира сталкиваюсь впервые.
    Спасибо большое за статью!
    Мне кажется, что сознание состоит из тьмы, пустоты и ничто 🙂

  • Хм, неужели это:
    «Точно так же он по желанию может сотворить что угодно с неодушевлёнными предметами в своём измерении. Сделать рояль весом с рубашку, смешать кружку и балалайку в один предмет, поместить диван в карман, уменьшив его до габаритов заколки для волос» – рядовые возможности разумного тонкого димута? Или все не так просто?
    Людям тоже доступны технологии генной инженерии, разгона частиц почти до скорости света и т.д. Но это не значит, что каждый человек может не выходя из дома замутить клона любимой собаки или построить космический корабль.

  • Можно предположить, что сознание – это нулевая точка фокуса, в которой, при определенном уровне осознанности и чувствительности к стихиям, можно настроиться на частоту тех стихий, в срезы которых включен димут, и проложить/задать вектор движения по соответствующей оси.
    Возможно, сознание также можно рассмотреть как точку суперпозиции посреди частиц… Как бы уравновешенное мини-поле в застывшей среде.

  • Сколько эмоций от прочтения. Как в детстве, когда открыл для себя научно-популярную литературу и каждая новая книга – это праздник. Двойное спасибо автору – и за прекрасную статью, и за это забытое ощущение.

  • Читала статью с удовольствием, но некоторые предложения приходилось перечитывать по несколько раз , чтобы понять . Мое сознание , видимо , еще сложно воспринимает такие вещи . Сложно представить бывает что-то , если ты ни разу не видел или не сталкивался с подобным .
    Уверена , что если прочту эту статью через пару месяцев , будет проще для восприятия, распаковка информации пройдёт лучше )
    Спасибо за такие ценные знания !

  • А как же описание возможных манипуляций в Уравновешенном Мире напоминает работу в редакторах уровней видеоигр! Как прочитал, так сразу представил как запускаю Unreal Engine, открываю нужный файл, и начинаю расставлять ассеты.

  • Очень иныормативно и красиво… Надо перечитывать много раз, чтобы как-то уложилось и осозналось. Благодарю

  • Нормально, учёные пытаются поймать бозон Хиггса, а от стоит на месте…

  • Во время чтения попыталась представить все стихии и срезы сразу – чуть крыша не дыманула. Милен эта статья просто космос!

  • Статья очень интересная и требует (для меня) повторного прочтения, чтобы лучше осознать трудно осознаваемое. Спасибо автору за изложенную идею и иллюстрации, помогающие её осознать ❤️

  • “…сознательно изменит направление вектора силы притяжения к земле относительно себя любимого и сделает что задумал” – вот тебе и антигравитация!

    • Истинно вам говорю, 4 мая 2025 года Земля налетит на небесную ось (с)

  • Какая же вкусная статья, как кружка горячего ароматного чая. Хочеться смаковать и растягивать удовольствие, периодически переводя дух. Информация настолько объёмная, что начинаешь её как-то встраивать в свою систему мироошущения и одного прочтения явно не хватает. Огромная благодарность за ваш труд.

  • Возник вопрос – можно ли представить Застывший мир как аналог фиброза в пространстве Уравновешенного мира – который тогда можно считать обычной тканью организма. В фиброзной ткани плотная структура, плохо проходят сигналы, нарушена иннервация. Интересно, как влияет наличие застывшего мира на физику тонкого? Не вызывает ли перекосов, нарушений, сбоев в движении энергии?

  • Спасибо! То есть всетаки можно магией или технологиями в первую очередь закрыть быт, во вторую эффективно лечить болезни. И по мелочи – немного менять внешность например. Про доступ к информации молчу, гугл есть и у нас.
