The Mental Field and Its Corn (Maelinhon)

This will be a long, easy and summer article about patterns in the head.

Not long ago I published two rather large articles concerning the mental field. One was about this section of space itself, and the second was about leaving the dense world, including through the rejection of patterns. And over the past few months I have received many questions about them, so I will try to answer them in detail! But seriously, yes, there are a lot of questions, but a huge part of them concerned patterns as such, and perhaps this topic is worth considering in more detail. What does a pattern and an obsessive pattern look like, which the mental field of a territory or the world in general is constantly trying to slip us? Often so successfully that most people take this bullshit for their own thoughts and ideas, and do not even understand how it is possible to think any other way. How to distinguish it, catch and overcome it? What is it, to think and live consciously?

Let’s look at the brightest ones, a couple in detail, and just list the rest. There are many more, but sapienti sat.

Let me remind you that the mental field is a section of the element Mercury and the totality of all information, history, languages ​​and even just thoughts that make up the infofield of a certain territory. Each location has its own, and depending on this, we can paradoxically feel good and bad in different places. For example, there is a feeling of home in a distant country, but it is not there in your native one – this means that your personal mental section does not coincide with your native location, but is completely synchronized with the distant one. And the world loves to shove into this field thoughts that are harmful to you, but useful for the system, which greatly interfere with your life. But they simplify the management of you and others like you. Just in case, I will clarify that I do not call for getting out of space at any cost, organizing revolutions, convincing someone … Relax. You are not obliged to share your thoughts and breed thinking competitors for yourself. Observe, look for these patterns in YOURSELF, catch them, examine them, smile at the catch, become better, richer, smarter… This is an interesting part of self-development, and not a passionate ass-kicking for world peace. And for some reason, many people think so.

So, the top patterns. Add your seeds in the comments.

Pattern 1: If you are good, nothing bad will ever happen to you!

This infection is so firmly entrenched in the brain that many have practically grown into it. It is believed that the events of our lives are directly related to our behavior, and if you are especially good, modest, sweet, kind, or whatever, then no bad events will happen a priori. And if something happened to you, it means you were bad, did something wrong, did evil, etc. But you should have cut your nails on time, listened to your mother and drank warm milk, and then…

No and again no. Events as such are approximately 90% dependent on a) the planets and b) the time in which the event or action occurs. The world is designed in such a way that you seem to be walking through endless labyrinths, where axes fly randomly, stones of different sizes fall on your head, but there are also fireworks of candy and money. There is no particular logic in the arrangement of both axes and candies, and besides, it all changes chaotically every 2 hours — yesterday there were candies, and today there is a kilogram of shit. I am serious, the arrangement of successes and failures on the lines is almost chaotic. You do something, and it does not bring results or bring a disaster. If you did it 2 days later, the result would be completely different. Why? Time shapes the position of planets and lines, lines shape events and the arrangement of axes and candies on your way. And most events do not happen “why” or “for what”, but simply as a result of a confluence of a bunch of random factors. Because a necessary employee got sick that day. Because the plane was late. Because a virus was flying down that street… Do not look for strict logic “action = consequences”. Everyone has their own set of axes, and it is determined by the natal chart and time, and not by good or bad behavior. Even if you were the most humble person on earth, that co-worker would still get sick and the result would be the same.

You can only learn to maneuver in axes, but not to avoid them. That is why a talentless person can get a cool job, and you cannot. But the opposite is also true, you are also lucky in something and at some point, the question is when each of you came to the interview and what kind of specialist you got. The natal chart and its karma determine only the amount of “ammunition” and health.

If you got on a bus and it crashed, it is a matter of time. You got on a bad line. If you got on the bus an hour later, you would have gotten there normally. It is not possible to say that you behaved badly, were cheeky, wore a short skirt (and you are a man!), and that is precisely why… No, not because of that. Other people on the bus did not wear a skirt and listened to their mother, but their heads were blown off in the same way. Because the driver is an idiot, and all of you were unlucky not to dodge a flying ax today at 2:43 PM.

But many people literally live by this. They write exactly like this: “Why did this happen? I’m a modest person, I didn’t do anything bad to anyone, I didn’t butt in…” This is a direct, multiple quote. That is, the pattern dictates to us that if you are NOT modest, you will definitely get it! But what does it mean to be modest or immodest? How is that? And where should you “not butt in” in order to feel good? Can you list such places? And what does it mean to be kind? You know, I have never met anyone who has never done harm to ANYONE or interfered with their life, for someone we are all “that very scum”. There is no clear definition of how to be convenient or good, you will still annoy and disturb many people. Regardless of your behavior. So butt in wherever you want, be immodest, be evil, whatever. The thing is that you will STILL get hit on the head, sooner or later. Both good and bad get axes and candies. But if you “climb”, then at least you will have a chance to break out into more well-fed, needed and convenient locations.

Pattern 2: Verbal parasites and constructions

A huge, vast, immense topic. This is when a bunch of words and constructions float in the mind, which the majority of people around constantly break through, and they do not analyze these words in any way and never. When your head is empty, and the mental field is replaced by the general one, it is difficult to generate your own thoughts and expressions. And people collect all sorts of biting phrases and quotes, which they begin to shove everywhere they see, in any conversation. And over time, they even stop noticing that for the 28th time in half an hour they said “mama don’t cry”, “to each his own” or “I heard you”. Swearing, devoid of emotion and pronounced every other word is a pattern. Here is also a bullshit about bunnies-lawns, purposes and exclamations of “Lord!”.

There are so many of them that it’s a shame. And they are all so similar, like those tasteless markers that you want to shove up the ass of everyone who repeats this phrase about the taste and color of markers. Phrases pour out of the TV in tons, which then are literally used by aggressive pensioners and other lunatics. They think it is a good phrase, but they do not understand that you have heard it 1460 times in a month from other people and this is already a little scary.

This also includes all sorts of tricky, standardized questions and thoughts that obviously lead to the same pattern. “Do you believe in God?” instead of “Do you worship our god named Yahweh?”, or “You need to find yourself” instead of “Create yourself”, “Are these the forces of Good or Evil?” etc.

A separate and rather controversial spectrum is made up of set phrases, which are in fact also patterns. “Humanity”, for example. “They behave like non-humans!”, “We need to be more humane! This is inhumane!”, “He acted like a real person!” The pattern reads: Human = Kindness, to act humanely = mercifully, and not human = a priori bad (by the way, why?). Wait, wait, but what did humanity do for most of its history? That’s right. Killed, tortured, maimed, tormented, devoured and raped. That is, we can say that these traits, actions and qualities are quite the norm for people. They are generally characterized by being cruel and stupid, thinking only about themselves and their pleasure, enjoying sadism and the like. Yes, not only this, but THIS IS ALSO included in the concept of “human”. That is, no, Chikatilo did not behave inhumanely, he behaved humanely! Hear how it crackled, yes?

There are many such word patterns. “Traditional relationships.” On what basis do we determine traditionality? If by the degree of old age, then all types of relationships were tried by people at about the same time and none are newer or older. Then none can be considered more traditional. With “non-traditional”, multi-thousand-year-old medicine it is even more fun when it is called such by representatives of medicine that is 150 years old…

Pattern 3: Good one god and past tense

There are only Christians and atheists in the world. And in the other half of the world there are Muslims and atheists. All the rest existed a long time ago, and now they don’t. In short, the pattern tells us to argue whether God exists or not, but we never discuss God himself, because that would break the pattern.

In many atheistically minded publics and resources, the following thought is often cultivated: “Look at the horror that happened here! Isn’t this an indicator that God doesn’t exist?!” Read: “This couldn’t have happened if He existed! He wouldn’t have allowed it.”

Wait a minute… So, am I understanding correctly that the author of this text is trying to build his ideology of fighting religion on… the ideology of religion? He takes THEIR pattern, but doesn’t destroy it, but simply uses it from a different angle? What’s the point of this fight if the pattern stays in place? … Look, the pattern says: “There is only one God and he is a very, very kind, merciful guy who loves and adores everyone.” That is, by saying that since evil happened, it means THERE IS NO GOD, the author essentially agrees with the concept that God is good, whether he exists or not. He does not argue with the basis of the pattern, which means his efforts lead to nothing. This is a classic trick of propaganda and demagogy: direct the enemy’s efforts to a false message, and let him go in circles, because applying ANY amount of force in the wrong direction will not bring results. And these two morons begin to endlessly pull the banner of the pattern: – There is no God! – And I say that there is!

And it goes in a circle. And the pattern “there is one God and he is good” is still hanging. Going beyond the framework is simple: deconstruction, approaching from the other side and breaking the very basis of the message. Okay, your God exists, you’ve convinced us. But if we read the Bible and look around, we will easily come to the conclusion that he is a bloodthirsty psychopath for whom what is happening is not just “normal”, but he himself started all this. And he gets off on suffering, blood and pain. You say that he exists? Well, I’m not arguing with you, but why the hell should we bow to a sadist? And the proof of my rightness is right here, right in your book and around us.

Monotheism also very passionately wants to impose the idea that all other forces of the universe, nature and the rest are a thing of the past. Have you noticed that ALL articles on the topic of paganism, Wicca, some deities and spirits are written in the past tense? The authors don’t even notice how they write: “The ancient Ololoi people believed that the god So-and-So…”, “Such-and-such a goddess was responsible for…” or “Such-and-such a god lived there.” In the distant, gray distance of the past, those blurred silhouettes that once lived there and did something are dimly visible. And now they are like that, right? Died? Ended? They don’t live, don’t exist, don’t do, don’t speak and in general there is no progress in their lives? … Hello, are you pagans or Yakut drug addicts pretending to be ethnographers? The world is alive, entities are alive, everything is constantly in motion and changing, and the majority have not gone anywhere and have not particularly changed their activities.

Pattern 4: It was better before

This is where a gorgeous bouquet of patterns grows, which say that life was sweet before! Everyone was rosy, happy, healthy and lived for 200 years, not like now! And they were so smart that, damn it, their necks hurt by the evening from such a heavy brain in their heads! But they still didn’t lose heart, because they were optimists (not like you!), and then they smeared their necks with an ancient super-healing ointment and everything immediately went away! Well, because it was ancient, it was cooler, you understand, right? And their cows gave 50 liters of milk per hour, wheat ears were the size of a tractor, and the sky was blue-blue! Not like now!

It was worse before. No, it was WORSE before, you can’t even imagine how much. People everywhere were starving, dying from lacerated and chopped wounds in the war, dying of all sorts of diseases by the millions. They had no basic things or communications, no hygiene, and had no idea how diseases were transmitted. All these ancient miracle recipes are a panicky hopelessness, when your loved one is lying in a fever, it’s 1461 outside, and you’re ready to smear him with shit and violets, if only it would help… They didn’t know how to treat it! They tried everything by trial and error – honey, onions, dough, hot water, fat, some herbs, bloodletting, prayers, sparrow liver… What if something works? There’s nothing else. And many of these recipe stubs are now passed on to each other as a sacred secret. Look, in the 1460s this is what they treated themselves with, apparently they knew something, and not this chemistry of yours! Even articles start like this for credibility, that this is not just a recipe/advice, this is sooooo ancient, our ancestors, a family recipe, all that stuff… Guys, your ancestors would have sold their homeland for “chemistry” (or physics?) back then! For simple antibiotics at least. They didn’t “know better”, they didn’t know anything and just wanted to live.

Why do we need this pattern? To prevent evolution in consciousness, because sooner or later it will destroy the system itself. Normally, a lot happens during an era, and most of it is meaningless, and there is very little useful left from each era. Events, inventions, fashion – everything goes into oblivion, people keep only what they need, and throw away the trash, becoming smarter and taller, reaching new heights and achievements. But it is very unprofitable for the system for you to move forward, so the patterns will constantly hammer you with the message: “Chemistry is bad, here is a complicated recipe for boiling onions in honey, donkey shit and St. John’s wort flowers! For bronchitis – super! Not like these antibiotics of yours! Look back, your ancestors knew better!”

It’s hard to move forward when you’re looking back. You can try, but the best thing to do is to just take the best and the most successful from the past and then move forward without looking back. We don’t need the rest of it, it’s slag. Therefore, talk about gods in the present tense, and about all sorts of obsolete crap – in the past. That’s how you break the pattern! “Our uncouth ancestors tried unsuccessfully to treat bronchitis with onions with shit, but sometimes the patient recovered, despite all their efforts. Well, Kronos deals with the element of Time, right now.”

Pattern 5: Global rules of life

Well, you all know them all. Men should live with women and have children. Lots of children. Religion is good, politics is bad. You should buy an even number of flowers for a funeral, and an odd number for a girl. You can’t give flowers to a man. Blue for boys, pink for girls. You definitely need to have children, you can’t do without them. If the package says “for hands”, then you should buy a second cream for your feet, this one is for your hands, are you stupid or something?.. Sex is dirt. Psychos go to psychologists, but if you come, the psychologist should immediately do good and say good things. Doctors are heroes and all the best. Duty to the motherland, duty to parents. Demons are evil, gods are good. If you do something easily, then you are doing it wrong, everything can only be achieved through sweat and blood!

I can go on forever. There are negative patterns, there are positive ones. There are personal patterns and there are family patterns, hammered in by parents and also for their own benefit. But any of these patterns falls apart with 1-2 questions and is a source of endless trolling. Come to a flower shop, ask for 6, for yourself, I will put some at home. To the bewilderment and shock of the seller, you can ask whether you will die from an even number of flowers in the house (let’s check!). And if you bring 5 to a funeral, will the corpse come back to life? Or how does this even work? …

And here’s another – Do you know that the red range (and pink) is a masculine color? After all, it belongs to Mars and is quite aggressive in fact. While blue is a calming, yin, feminine color. Our ancestors all knew this, I vouch for it!

Pattern 6: I am very important!

The pattern “I am so fucking special” is an extremely important topic, in particular for esotericists. The pattern in space is trying to tell us that we are very, very unusual, special, unique individuals. Just like a snowflake created by a mathematician, and not a random face in a cap from a microdistrict. And such a complex human being simply cannot have simple problems! Everyone has problems like problems, but I have real problems! …

In fact, the system does very, very much hurt with this pattern. First, it instills in us that we are special, and then time after time destroys this belief through other people. Until we break (to devour us) or rebuild our self-esteem. We are NOT special, and we are NOT important. In a global sense, in general, your life and personality are not and will not be important for anything or anyone. Come to terms with it. The Universe is billions of years old, countless numbers of creatures have lived and died in it, the life and qualities of one (any!) statistically do not change anything. Even the lives and qualities of a million. Every second, approximately 2 people die in the Middle Worlds alone. And this does not affect anything.

But the pattern is stable. In connection with this, a bunch of all sorts of hilarious things are growing, like faith in Higher Powers, conspiracy theories, mysticism and especially my favorite – an infinitely open mitten, from which priceless advice pours out. Well, because the advice of such an important person, of course, cannot be stupid!

These people are convinced that Higher Powers are watching them, doing something with them there, helping, punishing, etc. Such a Person cannot live without outside attention! Or politicians\Masons\reptilians are so concerned with their personal conviction\capture\etc. Because no one will do all sorts of things without caring to shut the mouth of Such a Person! And in general, he is the reincarnation of Napoleon. And before that, the incarnation of Zeus himself. There are no ordinary people, everyone is extraordinary. Everyone is so extraordinary that everyone is already ordinary again.

Sometimes the patterns get mixed up. “If I behave very well, then the higher powers will reward me.” Well, those who are supposedly watching from above (why not from below?). As if they care how you live there…

By the way, another pattern grows from here: the expectation of a certain scenario of your life. For example, that a prince will come, there will be crazy love and all this stuff that is persistently visible in everyone you meet. By the way, I confess, I am constantly being hammered by this pattern, although I caught it a long time ago. Or that you will be rich, win the lottery and are simply obliged to build a business empire! Or that you are special and an owl from Hogwarts will soon arrive. In short, there is a certain vision of a life scenario that is obliged to be realized, because well, you are special, how else? If it happens differently, then you are doing something wrong and see point 1.

And the stronger this belief, the more painfully it breaks against reality, because the scenario is most likely a carrot in front of your nose and will not be realized. Don’t take yourself seriously, don’t take anything seriously at all, and look the other way instead of the pattern. And go in the other direction. Are you tired of waiting for the princes? Do science, you are almost guaranteed to succeed there.

Want another example? I’ll give you my favorite one at the end, it’s called “I have to say something!” Well, like, I’m important, I can’t say that I don’t know how to help you… It’s not my pattern, but I encounter it so often that I could write memoirs. I’m such a dimwit… independent and somewhat detached from others. If I have a problem, I first try to solve it myself. I google it thoughtfully, read articles, discussions, look at possible solutions, try it. If the 1st/3rd/5th option doesn’t work for me, starting with the obvious, then I can ask somewhere, from real people. And it begins. A person opens Google, then opens his mouth and blurts out the obvious.

— There is a problem.
— Have you tried the Most Obvious Option from the 1st and 2nd search engine lines?..

— I’m sick
— Oh, where did you do that?
— *what, what should I answer and why?!*

— I’m sick
— Are you being treated?
— Was it possible?!

— My drain is clogged
— Have you tried cleaning it?

— I have a problem
— Oh, that’s bad
— Oh, come on?! I thought it was good!

You are an adult, you have been sick many times in your life, you have experience using medications, you have a first aid kit at home, you know the basic rules, maybe you even remember the dosages. If you don’t remember, you can google it or go to the doctor. But as soon as you mention that you are sick, the circus begins without an application. Literally every person considers it their duty to tell you to drink more water, preferably with lemon! Depending on the territory, they can drip broth, ginger, paracetamol and God knows what else on your brain. Why? Because this shit floats in the mind and flows out of the mouth almost uncontrollably. You need to blurt out something in response, but you have to come up with something! You really have to turn on your brain.

If you are prone to this, just ask yourself: So, what just happened? Did I just advise an adult, sane person to drink water with lemon? So, I assume that this person won’t be able to think of drinking water with lemon without me, do I really think so? And he doesn’t have a search engine? And he can’t turn it on and read a few paragraphs? Why am I saying this if he knows and I know that he knows? Can I say something else to express sympathy? For example, “I’m very sorry, can I help you with something? Maybe I need to bring you something?” And yes, here you have a breakdown, and humanity, and a rejection of importance.

There are thousands of them… Think about what you say. Think about what words, actions, events, people mean. Where thoughts come from, are they yours or not at all… And here, in this search, the main thing is not to turn into a maniac, looking for these patterns everywhere. Or into a cynic, considering everyone to be morons, and himself alone – to have figured out the system. Or into a passionary who is simply obliged to re-educate everyone and bore them with his opinion. Relax and take care of yourself, in this you will really be an unusually special and original person.

(c) Mylene Maelinhon / Material of the Marginal Metaphysics project

Translated by Schwarzenstern

When copying material or part of it, copyright and a link to the source are strictly required, otherwise it is punishable by law and I’m not talking about lawyers.

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The Element of Fire, Mars and Positive Mindset (Maelinhon) Upaya to Venus: Thoughts about transformation

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Write a comment
  • > «надо обязательно что-то сказать!»

    Конечно, надо. Вот вы говорите, "Я заболел". Или "Есть проблема". Значит хотите какой-то реакции – совета, помощи или сочувствия. Чего именно вы хотите в этой фразе не уточняется, значит держите самый "дешёвый" для человека вариант – совет общего плана.

    > То есть, я предполагаю, что этот человек без меня не сможет додуматься попить воды с лимоном, я правда так считаю?

    Именно так я и считаю. Я же не знаю, что у человека в голове, и что он делал, чтобы решить свою проблему. Может, ничего не делал? И поисковиком пользоваться не умеет. И про воду с лимоном не слышал, а вдруг? (я, например, не слышал, в моём окружении предлагают пить чай с малиной и просто тёплую воду). У айтишников эта проблема актуальна, там целые сайты есть о том, как правильно задавать вопросы, не писать "привет!" в чатах, и переходить сразу к сути дела.

    > Могу ли я сказать что-то другое, чтобы выразить сочувствие?

    Самим не хватает. Да и не все его могут выражать. Размышлял на эту тему, пришёл к выводу, что человек может сочувствовать только тому, что переживал сам и счёл для себя проблемой. Если не переживал, то не может вообще понять, в чём дело. А если не счёл проблемой, то не может понять, почему это проблема у другого, даже если ситуации похожие, личные переживания и опыт разные.

    Одна знакомая как-то расстраивалась, что распалась её любимая группа. А для меня это было "И чо?", потому что я никогда ни с чего не фанател, и не понимал, что в этом такого. Их же песни никуда не делись – слушай, пой. Или вот во время ковида люди постоянно жаловались, что нюх пропал. И вкус еды вместе с ним. А я больше 10 лет так живу, особой проблемы в этом не вижу, и им не сочувствую.

    А теперь вопрос по 1 пункту – как весь этот великий рандом взаимодействует с кармой? Притягивает к человеку нужные события, чтобы он в них точно попал?

    • Вы, по моему, вообще не понимаете посыл этой статьи. Хотя я его проговорила. Посыл пункта о варежках – задуматься, а всё ли из того, что я говорю – реально нужно? Многие люди не затыкаются часами, им почему то кажется, что их мнение и рассказы всем жутко интересны. Это симптом высокого ЧСВ и прочих проблем.
      И я привела примеры. А вы смотрите на конкретику примеров, а не на сам посыл. Почему? Говорите что хотите, это личное дело каждого, моя идея вообще не об этом.

      • Спасибо, посыл я понял. Статья вообще интересная, и со многим я согласен ) Я просто считаю этот пример не очень подходящим, и не вижу в нём особого ЧСВ, скорее банальную экономию энергии. Человек пытается сэкономить личный ресурс, и при этом не вести себя грубо в духе "Мне нет дела до твоих проблем, зачем ты мне это рассказываешь?". Возможно, так было бы честнее, а с другой стороны, зачем действительно рассказывать им о своих проблемах?

        Другое дело, если человек вдруг начинает обижаться, если его совет не принимают, вести себя агрессивно, или навязчиво, продавливать свой совет и т.д.

        • Фарид, вы своими комментариями отлично демонстрируете пункт про бесценность собственного мнения! В последнее время тут на любой чих – ваш комментарий, причем часто просто нудно разжевывающий всё то же самое или очевидное для всех. Задумайтесь, а нуждается ли мир в таком обилии вашего мнения?

          За статью спасибо, выловил пару паразитов

          • С первым согласен, иначе б я его тут и не писал ) А вот очевидно для всех – для кого "всех"? Для всех читателей этого сайта? Или вообще для всех? И насчёт "нуждается ли мир" – да мне всё равно. Я имею право высказывать своё мнение не меньше, чем вы или уважаемый автор статей. Может, я не имею права его навязывать – так я этого и не делаю. Просто пытаюсь максимально точно донести свою мысль, чтобы другие поняли её как можно ближе к тому, как я её сам понимаю. 

  • А насчёт "раньше было лучше" надо просто уточнить, кому именно было лучше, когда именно, и в какой сфере. Даже у вас в статье про Сансару пишется, что раньше люди жили 800-900 лет, быстрее взрослели, и проще было выйти. С моей точки зрения – это лучше, чем то, что есть сейчас. А ещё мне кажется, что под "лучше" часто понимают "проще" – можно было меньше думать, и вообще разбираться в том, что происходит в мире, и почему.

    • Да всегда надо было думать, и раньше даже больше, потому что чтобы выжить в прежних условиях, надо было больше мозгов. Сейчас у идиотов выживаемость очень высокая, и это проблема

      • Класс
        Сейчас у идиотов выживаемость очень высокая, и это проблема

  • Есть еще один странный баг о прошлом. Когда считается, что раньше люди были добрые и честные, а сейчас – сплошь жулье, только о деньгах и думают. А люди, тем не менее, совершенно одинаковы всегда, и сейчас даже в чем то лучше – они таки стали думать о природе, ресурсах, толерантности и тд

    • Совершенно согласна, люди не меняются. Или немного меняются в лучшую сторону.

      В наше время ваша жизнь хотя бы условно защищена какими то законами и вас скорее всего не убьют за углом и не продадут в рабство, раньше – запросто.

  • Милен, какой профит и для кого может быть в попытках вернуть содержание ментального поля РФ к паттернам мышления полувековой давности? Как будто локально создавая застопоренность движения информации. Механизм похож на то, как вы описывали искажение работы Колеса Года, но как более мелкая голограмма проявляется в ментальном поле, остановив обновление, движение вперед, в будущее, обоснованные изменения. Это проявление агонии ХЭ или какой-то отдельный процесс?

      • Спасибо, понятно.
        Но чтобы настолько…
        Там точно нужны психологи ))))) Или аналог ПНД )))

        • Для кого то это вопрос жизни и смерти. Если человек или какая то группа людей слишком морально устарели, то они в новых реалиях не выживут – они там просто нафиг не нужны никому, им там нечем заниматься. А ничего другого они не умеют и иной жизни не знают. Поэтому им проще пытаться разрушать и не допускать нового, чем принять его и приспособиться к нему.
          Ну примерно как человек хорошо умеет воевать мечом и колесницей, а вокруг уже сверхзвуковые истребители летают и дроны с самонаведением. Придется учиться новому, а это страшно и мозги давно закостенели.

          • Да, я это понимаю. Просто не могу отделаться от мысли, что такое не в первый раз происходит, как здесь, так и на тонком плане, и столько сущностей от этого страдают и уже пострадало, что даже человеческое восприятие говорит, что так нельзя, это путь в никуда, и хочется надеяться, пусть совершенно иррационально, что хоть на других планах, где существа живут дольше, имеют возможность осознаваться дольше и двигаться дальше, развиваться, – что у них будет возможность это как-то остановить, хотя бы в своем мире, защититься от этого, исправить поломанное, позаботиться, чтобы такого больше не происходило.

  • Половину из перечисленных шаблонов выявила у себя😏 Предстоит работать и работать над собой👍

  • Каждый раз, когда кто-то говорит: “раньше было лучше”, хочется спросить – кому? Тому, кто это раньше и не видел толком?

  • А так хочется быть особенным 😁😁😁
    Ох, Милен, Мастер взрыва шаблонов и паттернов.
    Благодарю ❤️