Chandra, Ketu and Rahu: Future in the Past (Maelinhon)

Have you ever thought about the fact that after some time you will die and be buried. In a coffin. Most often, coffins are made of wood, which means it is worth admitting that the tree for your death box is already growing somewhere. Think about it, imagine: here you are standing and looking at a pine tree, it is so ordinary, rustling, smells pleasantly of pine needles… But it is this tree that will later be sawn into boards and a coffin will be made for you.

It’s a wild thought, isn’t it? There’s something about it that’s fascinating and unusual, something the mind hasn’t encountered before and that the mind rebels against. It’s like it doesn’t fit into the normal. Register this sense. And it also happens that you say goodbye to a person or a group of friends, and some vague sadness overcomes you, sometimes even tears. Although technically nothing bad happens. And then it turns out that this was your last meeting, and you will never see each other again. Did you know then? You didn’t know, but somehow you seemed to have this information… Where did it come from?

In the article about the Sun, we have already discussed in detail how the ego and its artifacts arise. But the ego is a process and a sensory component, we FEEL our greatness or inferiority, and only then they become clothed in thoughts and words. And until now we have talked mainly about feelings, about what comes to us through sensations. Today we will talk about thoughts and consciousness, and about three planetary flows at once – the Moon and the shadow planets Rahu and Ketu, which are mainly considered in Vedic astrology. Western astrology… well, as usual.

With the Moon, everything is simple, and at the same time, very difficult. The Moon is considered one of the key planets in Eastern metaphysics, because it performs several very important functions at once: Time, Imagination and the flow of Yin polarity.

The first global role of the Moon graha – Chandra – is the connection with the element of Time. Time is an element that transforms the lines of probability and every object on them: people change and grow old, fresh yogurt turns sour, a fool turns into a wise man (and vice versa), and the living into the dead. That is why Time is always at the point between life and death, at the zero coordinate, where you are now, passing the flow of the element through yourself. You cannot find yourself tomorrow or return to yesterday, for you it is always today.

When you live your Life, it is as if you are walking along the road forward, and a strong wind is blowing in your face, it moves from front to back, washing you and always remaining behind you. So the future passes through the point of “now” and remains in the past. You move against the flow, dimly seeing what is ahead. It is this feature of time that gives rise to prophetic dreams, prophecies, premonitions and contemplation of future coffins in the pine trees. And in this scheme, the triad appears: Chandra – Ketu – Rahu. Westerners do not know the last two grahas, and all information about them is reduced to some kind of nodes…

Let’s simplify. Have you ever seen an eclipse? Of course you have. The shadow of a planet creeps onto another planet and it seems to us that another planet has appeared in the sky, ghostly and dark, made of shadow. In reality, there is no planet made of shadow, but we see it with our eyes… Do you get it? Here it is, the Emptiness, yes That which is not there, but it seems to be there. If we see a shadow during a solar eclipse, this is a phenomenon of Rahu. During a lunar eclipse, it is Ketu. They are the North and South nodes in astrology, they are the same inflators of the flow of time in which you go through life.

Rahu is the wind of transformation that blows in your face. Rahu generates events and lines that only after a certain time reach reality and build it. Passing through reality, the flow of events passes through the Moon and then this ball flies behind your back – it is received by Ketu. The last graha is the keeper of the past, of what has already taken shape and cemented. And it is its flow, intersecting with the Moon, that gives memory and an “archive” of past events. Ketu coldly and detachedly records everything that happened at point Zero, catching the transformed flows of Rahu. A child came from Rahu into the life of his parents, walked the path and died, becoming a memory for the world.

And here is the triad Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow Ketu and Rahu are usually written down together, since they work together, and work with their flows to restore order to the past and shape the future.

These three are very closely connected by their flows and even by the logic of their work. When you think and dream about something, you are always in the realm of one of these three. Or you look to the future (“this is how I will be lying on the beach next summer!”), or you imagine something that does not exist and will not happen (“this is how I would have torn my boss’s head off!”), or you chew over the events of the past (“oh, I should have answered like this then!”). In any case, you are in the Emptiness and in the Chandra flow, but always in different planes of this flow. It is important that these non-existent events give rise to a very specific range of feelings, thoughts and images, reactions. Imagine how your loved one will die – you were upset, although he is not dead yet. Yes, he will die someday (Rahu), but now he is alive (Moon). Draw a picture in your head of how you receive a lot of money – you are happy, although no money has appeared. And here there are imaginary grievances, and distorted perceptions, and traumas from the past…

From this follows the second role of the Moon in metaphysics – the management of the slice of thoughts and the memory of all living things. While Venus rules sensory and emotional experience, the Moon and its planetary genius rules thought and imagination. Everything you think and scroll through your head, see in your dreams, fantasize and imagine. And here it is the element of Emptiness, and Chandra is strongly connected with Emptiness, since its flow invariably intersects with what formally does not exist, but it is manifested on a subtle and imaginary level of existence. Convergence of Emptiness and Time: imagined – got scared – you are afraid that it will happen. Every time you imagine this or that situation (which either doesn’t exist at all, or doesn’t exist yet, or doesn’t exist anymore, in short, it doesn’t exist in real life), you let Chandra’s flow through you. All your thoughts are the Moon. The energy of the Moon, working correctly, gives rise to a vivid imagination, when entire worlds, stories, characters flash and live in your head… It is on the element of Chandra that literature and cinema rest, when people blow out entire exciting stories out of nothing. These people do not exist and never existed, but we cannot tear ourselves away from the fictional story, so much does it come to life under the influence of our own Moon in the natal chart.

If you look deeper, the slice of the Moon flow controls the interpretation of everything and everyone. You take an image from your memory, and it gives rise to thoughts and the development of certain ideas. Let’s say the writer Thomas Harris once saw an unusual doctor in a hospital, then read about a British maniac who ate the brains of a living person… These memories stuck in the writer’s head, and he began to fantasize about a brilliant doctor who is also a cannibal and a psychopath. The result was Dr. Hannibal Lecter. A personality that does not exist in real life, but when we read “The Silence of the Lambs”, he is just like alive… That is, the writer passed his experience through the Moon and created a character, and we, reading the book, (also through the Moon) reproduce this image in our heads. And we are afraid of him quite tangibly.

Broken and malfunctioning lunar energy is the entire luxurious spectrum of psychiatry. From beginning to end.

We see what is not there: schizophrenia. By the way, about the dopamine theory of origin, the broken flow of Chandra really moves along the “hormonal” points of the etheric body, causing a fixation on a certain image, from which dopamine is actively released. We think of something that doesn’t exist and are scared to death of it (paranoia). And someone obsessively gets stuck on thoughts about a turned-off iron or a locked door, which drives him crazy: the imagination draws terrible pictures of a fire or theft, hands tremble, it is impossible to think about anything else … Far-fetched jealousy (“I can just see my wife sleeping with the neighbor!”), escapism, hysterics and incontinence of emotional boundaries, bipolar disorder… Continue the list yourself. The basis of this entire list is Chandra’s misdirected energy. Or excessive, as in the case of manias and schizophrenia, when the brain is completely absorbed by an idea and stews in it for years, because other topics do not cause the release of the satisfaction hormone. Or completely absent in psychopaths, who are deprived of empathy. A psychopath is unable to imagine himself in someone else’s place, he doesn’t have such an option because it is not supported by Chandra, and he can easily cut out your eyes because he is interested in how they work. Imagination without the Moon cannot draw a picture where something is cut off and he howls in pain, so a psychopath cannot try on the situation and stop doing something… The Moon is directly connected to the brain and Ajna, so all their ailments are from it. A psychopath is unable to imagine himself in someone else’s place, he doesn’t have such an option because it is not supported by Chandra, and he can easily cut out your eyes because he is interested in how they work. Imagination without the Moon cannot draw a picture where something is cut off and he howls in pain, so a psychopath cannot try on the situation and stop doing something… The Moon is directly connected to the brain and the Ajna Chakra, so all their diseases are from it.

And – wow – here are mood swings in connection with the phases of the moon, relapses in psychos, sleepwalking. The Terminator on the Moon always creates its shadow side, which creates distortion of images not only in a dark, dark room, but also in dark, violent heads.

And they often say that the Moon is female energy, female power and all that… The Moon is much more interesting and deeper than just sighs about women’s power, Yin and full moons! I’m sick of the phrase “female power”, to be honest, I can’t stand it at all. One of the most vague, stupid and pretentious terms in esotericism, which arose thanks to Chandra’s third role – supporting the Yin polarity. If the Sun and Surya rule the strong, bright “male” Ego, which shines and acts openly, then Chandra is the cold, dark and secretive Yin, the gray cardinal. The subconscious, from where both beautiful images and ugly fears crawl out. People really like to simplify everything, so Yin is reduced to women, and Yang to men, although a developed being lives in their balance, switching as needed. A man perfectly knows how to be gentle and calm, knows how to hide and dream, soothe and cool. Just like a woman can be a fiery psychopath who leads an entire army forward. And male writers inflate SUCH masterpieces on Yin energy that sometimes it becomes uneasy. So Chandra is directly related to women only by a more subtle intuition, emotions and physiological cycles.

Speaking of bibs and baby clothes. Did you know that pink is a masculine color? It is very aggressive, sharp, in a pink room you start to get a headache and become irritable. Blue calms, lulls, cools, because it is a feminine color, the Yin polarity. Oops, guys. Why do we (you) dress girls in the masculine polarity from infancy, and then try to suppress hysterics? And boys in blue, forcing their Yang to fight through this stupid stereotypical garbage? How was it in the Soviet classic films? When society has no color differentiation of pants, there is no goal!

To summarize, the Moon is the most important component of the life of any creature in the plane of our reality. This is the flow of thoughts, intuition, imagination, perception, plans, and memories. And passing through the intersection of other planets, the Moon is colored in “their” features: a person experienced violence, and Mars, through the prism of the Moon, made him a maniac, constantly taking revenge on people from his memory. Intersected with the Sun and shone with balance. Intersected with Venus and gave birth to an art of unprecedented beauty … The Moon gives thoughtfulness and depth to everything. Through it, it is convenient to dig and work through the past, restore the forgotten, prepare for the future and just live. Use your own head.

(c) Mylene Maelinhon / Material of the Marginal Metaphysics project

Translated by Schwarzenstern

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Mars: Doctor, Warrior and Butcher (Maelinhon) Saturn: Time and Labor (Maelinhon)

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Write a comment
  • Подскажите, пожалуйста, на что делается упайя Чандре? Может, свечи, цветы или еще что?

    • Делается по понедельникам, белые цветы, белые свечи, можно брать молоко или молочные напитки, конфеты белого цвета (рафаэлло какое-нибудь).
      Мантра читается после заката, потом дары оставляются на окне в лунном свете на часик-два.
      Потом дары употребляются в пищу.
      Это базовая.

        • Теперь понятно откуда мои навязчивые страшилки в подсознании. Как только выхожу из дома, бурная фантазия рисует страхи о пожаре, ворах и прочем. Долго не могла справиться с навязчивыми мыслями. Как то даже довела себя до панических атак.
          Буду обращаться к Чандре, прорабатывать. Благодарю за информацию ❤️ очень полезно и актуально.

  • Здравствуйте, подскажите, делаются ли упайи Кету и Раху?
