Mars: Doctor, Warrior and Butcher (Maelinhon)
78% of a human body consists of water. You can’t put a frostbitten limb in hot water right away – it will make things worse. Wounds need to be washed, and antibiotics need to be tested and taken for a certain number of days. These are common truths, but how do you know them? And if you come to the hospital with frostbite, the doctors also know from somewhere exactly how to treat you, and how not exactly, what blood can be transfused, and what can’t, how to calculate the doses of drugs and contraceptives, they have many volumes of this information. And where does the information come from? Like the one about 78% water, for example? This information was discovered in the 1930s by the kind Japanese doctor Shiro Ishii, who dried out a couple dozen living people alive and subjected a couple thousand more to painful and terrible experiments with frostbite, operations on the living, and infection with bacteria and viruses. For example, he could carefully cut open a living and immobilized person, open his chest and stomach, and watch for hours the development of an introduced infection and how it changed the poor guy’s internal organs. A person would lie ripped open for many hours, like a fish on a board, and they could pump him out again and again to watch the process longer, and with honest scientific interest. They froze people’s limbs and experimented with water temperatures and medications for treatment, checking both, they cut off arms and legs, checking the doses of anesthesia. And so that today’s pilots and cosmonauts knew the table of limiting pressure and altitude indicators, many Chinese prisoners of war were blown up alive in pressure chambers, watching how their eyes and intestines gradually crawl out.
Another famous philanthropist, Dr. Mengele and his team, similarly studied pregnant women and the processes of conception, wound healing, tissue fusion, blood purification and transfusion, and a bunch of other things… As a result, we have oral contraceptives, we know how antibiotics work and how foreign bodies behave in the body (yes, they were first inserted into someone), we have plasmapheresis and experience in healing various injuries. And pregnant women can carefully study what and why they should not do and take: someone gave them all this not so long ago and deduced the patterns. This information required a lot of suffering and death of people, but both doctors had an excellent laboratory and unlimited access to living materials. And there are a lot of energies of Mars. And these are only two cases, in fact, almost all medicine is based on this. When someone freaked out and, sending ethics and morality to hell, went into battle for the sake of a better life for other people.
Let’s talk about Mars, also known as Mangala in Vedic astrology.
Any planetary energy and personal flow of the graha of this planet have their own characteristic slice and global principle of work in space. And they can be carried out in very different ways, in connection with which all the tables with the properties of the planets are a very general and extremely dubious thing. Different people digest the same flow of the planet in their own way – one digested it, was renewed and ran inspired, and another choked on the flow, fell and began to vomit. And then broke down and died. The flow passes through everyone in the same way, but each person has his own set of parameters and data, with which the incoming planetary energy enters into a different chemical reaction. Due to which a bunch of aspects are obtained that are visible only during personal work with the planet and its genius. Well, and a little in the natal chart. As well as they can manifest themselves in completely different spheres, so it is incorrect to say that the Sun = Art, or Mars = War. The properties of each planet and element carry a PRINCIPLE, and it can manifest itself in any sphere.
There are two spectrums of Mars energies, and even in palmistry, two hills on people’s hands are dedicated to Mars – active courage and strength, and passive courage and strength. And, speaking of Mars, both of these principles can be characterized as “Fast, Strong, Unethical.” Mars is strength, passion and speed in its pure form, but it crumbles into a billion aspects and tones of expression of this strength and fortitude. To go into battle, to go against the system, to sacrifice yourself or someone else – this is strength, but also to silently endure blows, not to bend, not to whine, to protect the weak and to forgive the pain caused – this, you must agree, is also strength. As well as to curb oneself, to direct one’s power into the right, precise channel… Mars gives passion, but passion, like any fire, cannot rage forever: one must either throw more Chinese affairs and challenges into the firebox, or change the principles of activity, because even a berserker is limited by physiology and endurance. Sooner or later he’ll
Therefore, mixing with various other planetary flows, Mars gives both brave warriors and selfless doctors, as well as butcher-maniacs, and it is not a fact that these are all different people. While large planets, such as Jupiter, develop an ethical, correct and legal algorithm for working with nodes, Mars will simply cut these nodes and say “puff!” Moreover, it quickly turns on and quickly turns off, having achieved the result, the fiery planet washes its hands: the node is no longer there, and it is not interested in further, you fuck with the consequences yourself.
Is the analogy with doctors during World War II clearer now? The scientific community would have spent another 50+ years hem and haw, trying to understand certain mechanisms in anatomy, because cutting people alive is unethical and immoral, and collecting consent is long and tedious. And here – bam – a stack of tasty results for a couple of years. Is this bad? The Universe has no concept of “bad” or “good”, the Universe only has Balance and Imbalance. In Manchuria, more than 3,000 people were killed, but how many millions (billions?) survived thanks to this data? Preserved their arms and legs, eyes, vision and hearing? How many billions of people use antibiotics and contraceptives? On top of the unfortunate people who died in agony for this information. Does the balance add up? … Well, it’s not for me to judge.
More often than not, Martian destruction is for the good, as tectonic activity creates new lands, and explosions and collisions form new planets. However, if the flow passes incorrectly, poorly digested Mars generates hysterical aggression, creates boors and rude people, psychos, butchers and rapists in their purest form. Moreover, this is superimposed on what is already actively manifested in the natal chart. For example, a person has a broken and incorrect flow of the Moon (Chandra), which constantly hammers at the psyche and consciousness, causing painful flashbacks about past failures and traumas. He is already in depression and psychological agony, and if Mars is included, an affect sets in: hit by Chandra, he goes crazy and runs to smash, cut and rape everything he can reach. Then he may not even remember how he did it, because the Martian passion quickly died out, and now the bodies will have to be buried somewhere.
And thus, each planet and element inside you will mix and give one or another cut, attracting events, emotions and directly influencing the body through the points of the etheric layer. With Surya and another aspect of fire, Mars gives positivity and bright self-expression, useful egocentrism (or self-destruction). With Buddha – ardor and creativity, an engineering mindset (or crime …). With Shukra – apathetic, but very sexual people who have difficulty deciding anything and are not busy with much (“lying around like a fucking bohemian” (c)), but madly attract everyone. Shani and Mars are old friends and often work together when, due to the energies of Mars, Saturn brings supreme justice and genocide punitive events, giving birth to spies and the military, executioners. Or maniacs. Maniacs can also bring retribution, why not? In the spectrum of smaller planets and nodes, Mars works rather negatively, for example, with Neptune it gives stupid fanaticism and a slide into bad habits, and with Pluto – the most powerful and bright evil geniuses, adventurers and attractive scoundrels.
Pure energies of Mars will indirectly correspond to the element of fire in the body, and these are: the brain, heart, blood vessels, pericardium, sweat, joy and laughter, mouth and tongue, speech and acupuncture points where fire passes or accumulates, and everything related to temperatures and blood. The energy of Mars when working directly with graha is like hot bloody puree, under which a very hard and smooth hot stone is hidden. This is exactly what the flow of Martian energy looks like in meditations and this gives a good idea of Mangal: it is constructive, but cruel, it is passionate, hot, raging and hard, and this is exactly why you can and should address it with upayas and direct work. If you are freezing, if you lack strength and inner fire, passion, do not have enough courage or spirit to make a decision – this is your version of upaya and work.
Summarizing what has been said about the famous saying “men are from Mars”, we can say that this is so-so Jyotish. Different people can be from Mars, like fiery singers and Nazi doctors.
(c) Mylene Maelinhon / Material of the Marginal Metaphysics project
Translated by Schwarzenstern
When copying material or part of it, copyright and a link to the source are strictly required, otherwise it is punishable by law and I’m not talking about lawyers.
Полезно,познавательно,но все же я плаваю в астрологических штуках.Нужно знания подтягивать и перечитать ещё раз)))).Статья как всегда отличная.Милен вы молодец.
Читайте весь цикл 🙂
Только сегодня сильно мёрзла с 10 дня до 13-ти. И все думала, ну какой энергии мне не хватает? Почему все время мёрзну. Я из-за этого в Сочи переехала из Новосибирска, потому что лет в 18 начала сильно мёрзнуть.
Буду общаться с Марсом.
Это не от энергии, а от того что Ци слабо ходит по телу. Разгоняйте ее, направляйте внимание в мерзнущие части, станет теплее
Воспользовалась лайфхаком переноса внимания на ступни, чтобы быстрее уснуть, если голова напряжена. Как ноги-то начали гореть, прокалывать и пульсировать, аж почувствовала себя живой! Само состояние сна было тоже необычным
Статья интересная. Вот теперь понятно, хотя бы по этой штуке, что можно корректировать.
Буду ждать другие статьи по грахам, потому что из них можно многое для себя почерпнуть. Как для обыденной жизни, так и для практики.
Спасибо за статью. Я об этой теме совсем не думала, теперь буду пробовать работать
Так это основа основ… Без этих потоков и принципов невозможна никакая магия.
Как же ,по -другому, воспринимается статья ,когда сам начинаешь ” копать” глубже и работать в этом ключе. Милен,статьи про грах- это очень ценный опыт. Перечитываю заново, как говорится, созрела до понимания, осознание пришло с работой над ошибками)
Огроменное спасибо!
Здравствуйте, Милен. Что вы думаете о донорстве крови? Может ли это подойти в качестве упайи для Марса и Сатурна
Дерзайте, почему бы и да.
Сильно проявленный Марс в карте действительно даёт тягу ко всему, что связано с кровью и хирургией. Уже один их вид даёт какую-то психологическую разрядку, даже если ты не маньяк.
Мощная статья, кровавая! Собираюсь к Марсу за смелостью!