On the Inaccurate and Unnatural (Maelinhon)
Thought. If there are exact sciences and natural sciences, then there must be inexact sciences and unnatural ones. And even counter-natural ones. Mysticism is inaccurate and counter-natural nonsense. So is religion.
I just watched a short horror about sleep paralysis, where a stereotypical wise professor says that people used to explain this phenomenon with all sorts of supernatural forces, but now science has explained everything rationally! There are brain areas and their neurotransmitters that paralyze muscles so a person doesn’t harm themselves in their sleep. Sometimes they short-circuit, that’s all. And there are no such evil entities, energies, planets, only neurotransmitters! It’s all just a physiological malfunction, no mysticism.
And I want to open a window and yell into it – Why, oh why do you separate one from the other? Normally, it’s not opposed to each other on a principle of either-or!
Materialists have some kind of insurmountable concrete wall in their heads that draws a clear, uncompromising line: there’s science and neurotransmitters, and then there’s all this obscurantism about energies and planets. Mystics, accordingly, have the exact opposite. That is, physics and metaphysics are not connected in logic and are completely different, detached phenomena and mutually contradictory explanations of what’s happening. And according to the physics the “subtle plane theory” almost denies the existence of tissues, biochemistry in the body, bacteria and other microscopic magnificence. And diseases and events there appear in some mystical, irrational way, completely inexplicable by science, and we, you see, have discovered bacteria and viruses.
But no, no! Again and again! Metaphysics doesn’t explain phenomena with mysticism, only very stupid people can explain them with mysticism. It’s obvious that any noise has a source, any phenomenon has a physical, tangible cause, and diseases of the physical body are caused by bacteria, viruses, wear and tear and damage to tissues, etc. The question is that the body is not one, and there’s not just one layer, and the root cause of these biochemical malfunctions can quite logically lie beyond the physical. After all, science really doesn’t know WHY these very neurotransmitters suddenly start malfunctioning, or why tissue begins to grow, or anything else. They explain it with genetics, build theories, shrug their shoulders. And continue ignoring the huge elephant standing peacefully in the same room.
Imagine the world as a very thick tablecloth with two sides, each featuring a different pattern. These two fabrics are connected at certain points to prevent them from shifting apart. Our dense reality has two sides: on one side, there’s the subtle world and its energy, while the other (the one you see) is composed of dense, material objects. Here, yes, everything is perfectly solid physics, medicine, and biochemistry. I’m not arguing with the microscope or telescope, I’m not even trying to, because it’s pointless. Yes, there are tissues, bacteria, trees, brains.
But! The initial impulses of illnesses and events originate on the subtle side of reality. In our bodies, subtle side is connected to the dense one through the brain and its biochemistry with the endocrine system. Jyotish, like Eastern medicine, considers the brain areas directly related to the planetary aspects. In simpler terms, the brain is connected “on both sides of the tablecloth”. When a signal is sent from the planetary side, it pulls on the brain’s aspect from the back side, and then the dense part on the other side is affected. This triggers the release of chemical substances in the physical body: hormones, neurotransmitters, and other compounds that control our sleep, wakefulness, metabolism, and so on. This mechanism initially affects the subtle layer, and the dense one reacts with a delay, leading to those premonitions and inexplicable sensations, after which something happens.
Think of it this way: You pull a thread on the back side of a fabric, and with a slight delay, the fabric on the front side starts to warp, even though it’s made of different threads. It’s still the same fabric. One doesn’t negate the other; it’s the same process, just explaining the initial impulse that set these things in motion. When the planetary aspect is pulled, an incorrect impulse occurs, resulting in a distorted chemical substances release — this starts the illness. Whether it’s sleepwalking, cancer, schizophrenia, a weakened immune system, or anything else. Even a brick falling on your head is moved from the backside or caught by a passing impulse a few seconds before it actually starts falling.
The same applies to events. If someone hits a wall with his fist from the subtle side, you’ll faintly hear the sound (because you also have hearing on the backside!), and eventually, a crack will appear on the dense wall. The impulses seep through with a delay, sometimes lasting years. On that side, yes, you’re ill because of bacteria, viruses, and malfunctions. But what came first?
This is the subtle cause of dense events. It doesn’t negate the existence of biology, biochemistry, anatomy, or mechanics in any way. Biology explains HOW it happens; metaphysics explains WHY. Why events occur, why and how the heart starts beating in an embryo, why people go crazy and get sick. Eastern medicine treats the root causes, while Western medicine treats the consequences. If your physical body is already distorted, then whispering prayers and drawing runes won’t help. You’re fighting on the wrong side, and you definitely need to see a surgeon. Ideally, combining the two would be harmonious and beneficial: remove the root cause and then correct the damage done to the physical body with a surgeon or other doctor.
Now, mystics, mysticism, and their cousin monotheism are the domain of the feeble-minded, those who can’t grasp physics or biology, and find it convenient to explain things with vague nonsense. “God’s will,” “the devil made me do it,” “inexplicable phenomena we’ll never understand,” everything is so nebulous and hazy! It’s amusing to read, but to seriously believe it? … And the fact that most proponents of the subtle are either crazies or charlatans doesn’t change the fact that this mechanism really exists and works. There’s a huge percentage of greedy, fraudulent, and idiotic doctors who harm and profit from your problems. Does their existence make surgery or pharmacology a charlatanism? No, it doesn’t.
And from this perspective, it’s quite interesting to think about different mythological things, especially prophecies. If people wrote that certain events would be accompanied by a hum from under the ground (for example), it’s clear to anyone that a hum from under the ground doesn’t occur without physical causes. Yes, it’s some kind of tectonic activity, underground communications, or something else that hums and makes sounds. But again, why should it contradict anything? They just wrote that there would be a hum. Or that the water would change color (chemistry, plankton, etc.). Think about the connection between ships made of nails from Norse mythology and the number of artificial nails in the world in the 21st century.
Mylene Maelinhon blog (c)
– О, вы наверное много медитировали, познавали мир, читали труды великих?…
– Не, я это за завтраком придумал .______. Пока пил кофэ с бутербродом и смотрел какую то хрень на Ютубе
Огромное спасибо за статью! Понимала, что тонкое и плотное должны быть уравновешены и их можно и нужно воспринимать вместе. Но найти нормальное объяснение где искать истоки этого равновесия на тонком плане не получалось, пока не нарвалась на Ваш ресурс и не прочитала про срезы планет. Теперь осталось разобраться куда грахи мою тушку завели 🙂
Как интересно, никогда не думала, что болезнь начинается с тонкого. Очень и очень полезная статья
Милан, подскажите, пожалуйста, а как понять под какими планетарными срезами, где какое влияние и каких грех, в разных городах? Так сказать, астролоккцию как понять?)
Извиняюсь за опечатки, Милен, не проверила при отправке, что Т9 тут сделал мне 😣
В смысле “как понять”? Мозгами, всё понимается мозгами, другие органы понимать не умеют
Из доказательной медицины и ба-цзы мог бы выйти прекрасный альянс.
По наивности я пыталась одному помешанному на науке знакомому (который ни дня не проработал ученым, хоть и умеет устройства собирать) и про то, что эволюция и сотворение людей никогда не противоречили друг другу, и про то, что тонкие тела никогда не отрицали достижения европейской медицины, про то, что в некоторых государственных организациях обучают экстрасенсорике ради выживания в бою и на местности. Но меня послали.
А ведь я знаю, что в науке продвигают в красивые журналы лишь те статьи, которые проспонсированы грантами для ученых. Как без грантов пролезть дальше эфемерных теорий, хз. Некоторые из научных направлений намеренно не развивают. Потому что могут пострадать карманы нефтяных магнатов. Или потому что кто-то ещё власть/деньги потеряет.
Наука вполне имеет возможность дойти до изучения каких-нибудь тонких тел, до биофотонных принтеров и т.д. Деньги есть, мозги есть. Тогда часть явлений из “несерьезных” справедливо бы перекочевала в зону серьезных. Но стоит ли такое изучать, пока люди фукают на всё чужое и поддаются стадному инстинкту, хз.