The Sun: Hierarchy and Ego (Maelinhon)

Do you know what globally distinguishes a human from a non-human? The geometry of thinking. Yes, geometry. A person brought up in human society and its realities, from childhood perceives the world as an endless mountain, which he climbs up, rising higher than others. This mountain has one peak, from which a certain mug smugly looks down. A certain absolute, perfect, ideally strong and maximally wise mug, the status of which can be reached if you really diligently destroy competitors and strive to the top. At first, the role of the peak is played by parents and the cult of the fact that listening to mom, mom knows \ dad can do everything, and if you listen to dad&mom, then your life will be happy and cloudless (no). Then, with age, a person learns that there is someone higher than mom and dad, for example, the president or the king. So, is there a step higher than dad?! Wow! And what about the fact that above the king is God? We reach the level of “Nightmare” and understand that there is more than one god, and we begin to solve the well-known children’s dilemma about who is stronger – a tiger or a lion. Which, as we know, leads nowhere, because the question is incorrect, the comparison is incorrect, the clash is unlikely, and the cats live on different continents.

For entities, the world does not look like a mountain, it looks like a plain with a bunch of mountains. High and low, from very tiny to those going into the clouds. And their path is a path along a plane, pumping THEIR height, and not looking for a higher level to stick to and become a vassal of the victorious animal. If we leave out metaphors, then in nature there is no peak absolute, in anything and nowhere. There is no “The_most_important_god”, the strongest force, absolutely immortal and most powerful creature. We walk along a plane and here and there we come across luminaries of different sizes, and while walking, each of us is also a mountain of nth height. Someone is more developed, someone less. There are people for whom my writing is the ceiling of reason, the top of thought and an unattainable height. And for me, in turn, there are also authors and mentors, to whom I, in a humble reverent whisper, sometimes ask questions. And I listen to the answers, dumbfounded by how far I am from their level. So. Those people and non-humans also ask someone their questions…

Hello though. Today we will talk about the Sun in Vedic astrology and metaphysics, and its graha named Surya. As a rule, everyone has an article “Sun and Moon”, but I will have the Sun as a separate item, and the Moon will come out together with Ketu and Rahu. Both options have their own logic, because the Sun and the Moon really are a metaphysical pair: pure polarities of Yang and Yin, bright, light and hot, active male against quiet and cold, dark female. Activity and passivity. Consciousness and subconsciousness. God and the Devil. Then write it yourself, under the tag “Dualism” on the Internet there is a lot of this garbage, for every taste.

The Sun, as a planet and a global principle, is responsible for the ego and the self, what makes us us and no one else. The first solar principle is always brightly masculine, and the canonical man loves to prove to the whole world how cool, alpha and strong he is, how he goes forward, overcoming high mountains, crowds of enemies and any trials. And in this way he sharpens his ego, which then shines like Surya in the sky. Pure Yang probably does not exist in nature: a man takes breaks, sometimes goes roundabout and intrigues, sometimes is weak, sick, he is scared… Then Yin, passive and cautious, is more activated in him.

But in an abstract, pure form, this “alpha-being” and “Me” with a capital letter: this is the first principle of the Sun in metaphysics, manifested in every being. Its awareness of itself as a unit and a separate living individual.

And the better each individual has developed, the more Sun and its energy he has, the stronger he is as a person. These people no longer need someone higher up to decide for them; they themselves decide what to do and who they should be, by the right of the strongest. The color of this force can be very different. Venus gives this ego force a softness and aesthetics: a cool artist who paints in a distinctive and original style is a combination of the Sun and Venus. An inventor who breaks the mold of science because he has developed above his colleagues is the Sun with Mercury or Jupiter. The military leader is a fusion of the Sun and Mars. The ideal balance of the Sun and the Moon is a complete harmony of polarities, when a person is alpha and a pioneer where necessary, but easily switches to the mode of a cunning gray cardinal and back. And here it is, the balance of Yin and Yang.

Personalities who cannot digest the planetary flow of the Sun are usually the most disgusting of all types of the unloved grahas. It is from their flawed thinking that the artifact of the type “God is watching over us all!” In practice, this could be a spiritual leader, a boss, a president, or even a spouse for someone… Someone, the most powerful one, sits and looks down from top to bottom, what you eat there, how you live, who you sleep with and generally keeps watch, so that you don’t do anything. Such people do not have their own inner strength, and when a person is weak, undeveloped and always afraid to say a word across the crowd, it is doomed to look for that very god and leader who would explain to it how to do it right, take it under his wing, provide stereotypes and templates and generally give it a place as a kind of lackey in his powerful gang. In a word, replace it with the Sun, which doesn’t exist. This is what a flawed picture of the world looks like on one side of the spectrum, where there is no Sun inside.

This model of perception of the world, alas, is transferred to the planets, gods and sins, they say, Jupiter sits and watches you squirm down there. If anything happens, he will give you a slap on the head. I will surprise you, but no one is watching you. The planets conduct their flows through all the worlds, and you can either digest this energy and use it, or not digest it and get it, choking on a flow that does not fit into your throat, but you have to digest it somehow. This is how the process of personal development and the balance of carrots and sticks occurs.

The other end of the spectrum are the puffed-up alpha males who tell everyone about their victories and the equally puffed-up bitches with predatory faces and expensive fur coats with diamonds on every visible surface. They all have one principle of life: Me and for Me. I am cool, I need, I want, everyone owes Me! This is an undigested, flawed and broken Sun in the natal chart, with its hypertrophy. These people are internally very weak and undeveloped, but their inflated ego demands unquestioning worship from everyone and everything. And only a very strong Yin can bend them, which will knock their arrogance down along with their heads, through a complex and multi-step revenge that they did not expect. Or the appearance in their orbit of Yang of such a scale that they go blind and deaf from its very appearance. And although shouting down the bully is, of course, also a victory, not everyone wants to get dirty about it, so often these people with cardboard crowns go unpunished.

The correct flow of the Sun is, first of all, self-development OUTSIDE comparisons and patterns, as a harmonious personality should develop. The Sun gives awareness, and awareness first of all of oneself, with all the weaknesses and peculiarities. Its path is the path to the top, but this is your personal top, and not just clinging to someone else’s power and someone else’s hierarchy. The Sun is its own sun, it does not need a second sun, as well as someone else’s mountains. A person of the Sun is a mountain itself, to which the weakest will run to cling, and let it be a small hill, but your personal, created by you. The sun inside gives an attractiveness to which even strong people are drawn, because such an individual is perceived as something bright, open, very powerful and proud, original and unique.

The wrong flow of the Sun gives rise to either the statement “I am nobody, mold under the feet of the great,” or vice versa, “I am the very best, and the rest are mold! Glory to me! ” The correct Sun gives rise to the question: “Who am I?”. Who am I, what is inherent in me, why am I me, how can I develop upwards, using my strengths and gradually, wisely developing my weaknesses? This is how a conscious personality appears, which gets out of the dense world, because it has already become the pinnacle of its name. When going beyond the orbit of development, the Sun moves to the Uranus, which performs the same functions for large objects (states, for example) and entities.

For the same reason, those in power were and are often compared to the Sun. The sun-faced emperor and the viceroy of God! The luminary shines (like a fucking copper basin) and makes the crowd of the weakest revere itself, listen to its speeches and catch every word. Power is indeed strongly connected with this planet, but only in terms of its quantity: the leader of the country can be a despot and a complete nonentity and an illiterate tyrant, but with a strong Sun in the chart he acquires the ability to collect smaller objects into his orbit and shine on them. Like the Sun collects planets around itself. And space junk.

The Sun and the element of Fire of its polarity are most active in the summer (from May to the end of July), when juicy fruits ripen, the juicy ego fills up and all manifestations of Fire gain strength. In the body, the Sun (in some places halfway with Mars) will be responsible for the heart and cardiac muscles, spine, spleen and diaphragm, some parts of the brain (especially the pituitary gland) and blood vessels, blood circulation and temperature conditions, as well as potency in a man. Surya as a separate stream is responsible for the Yang channel in the body and all manifestations of the Yang polarity and its specifics in human life.

The flow of the Sun with upayas towards it is easy and simple to imagine. This is the Sun. A transparent, honey-like and hot flow of energy that can give growth and life, or can also incinerate. The planet, contrary to stereotypes, is very heavy and cruel. Surya forces you to overcome no worse than Shani, but in this case it is more about overcoming yourself for the sake of rising to a higher level. Forging yourself is very difficult and painful, it is a huge work on self-development, overcoming self-doubt, developing a healthy balance of ego and altruism, activity and passivity … Therefore, you need to adjust the Sun carefully, because under its flow you can break down, falling into one of the polarities or damage your mind on the basis of your own greatness or lack thereof. I don’t even know what’s worse.

(c) Mylene Maelinhon / Material of the Marginal Metaphysics project

Translated by Schwarzenstern

When copying material or part of it, copyright and a link to the source are strictly required, otherwise it is punishable by law and I’m not talking about lawyers.

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Saturn: Time and Labor (Maelinhon) Mental Field: Mercury and Zombies (Maelinhon)

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Write a comment
  • Шикарная статья, как и весь цикл про грах. Огромное спасибо за структурированную информацию

    • Спасибо! С нетерпением жду продолжения цикла статей.

  • Замечательная статья, как и все, написанные Милен. Благодарю за знакомство с Сурьей.

  • Благодарю за статью )
    А вот что может значить неприязнь к иерархическим отношениям как таковым , нелюбовь к представителям власти , неприязнь к тем кто считается выше в человеческой иерархии или пытается себя таковым показать, и при этом полное отсутствие стремления к власти и занятию более высокого места в иерархии , и вообще нелюбовь к вниманию к себе ?

  • Здоровская статья, спасибо!))
    Вспомнился период в жизни, когда пришлось быть умнее себя самой и править некоторые черты характера. Тяжко было, но полезно

  • Превосходная статья большое спасибо!
    А как по логике должна идти работа с грахами – от Сатурна и до солнца? В западной астрологии читала мнение, что с солнца. Или это индивидуально, и можно спокойно работать с теми, к кому “душа лежит”?

  • Я извиняюсь конечно, но если способ гармонизировать злые планеты. Просто джйотиш предлагает только усиление слабых планет без негатива. А что делать, если планета злая и сильная. Например солнце во Льве-хорошее положение, но в 7-м доме- сильная зависимость от чужого мнения плюс квадраты к Марсу и Плутону. Прям мучение несное.

    • Джйотиш утверждает только одно: всё индивидуально, нужно идти и договариваться, и прорабатывать и слушать ответы. Коррекция возможна вплоть до перестановки в другой дом.
      Но это нужно отрабатывать и говорить с грахой

  • Саморазвитие это действительно очень и очень больно, но весьма интересно. Не поехать бошкой главное и не сломаться. Благодарю за статью