Mercury: Fateful Puzzles (Maelinhon)

Do you like to put together puzzles? I really do. The process of finding the right piece and its rightful, logical place is a special kind of pleasure. Now imagine for a second that each piece on your table is someone’s life and health, and the neighboring piece is the money lying under their mattress. The scattering of blue pieces on the edge are the roads along which people walk, and all the red squares are accidents and happy incidents along their path. You have a million colors and a 1000-piece puzzle that never ends, new elements are constantly being added to it. And your task is not only to structure and collect all this motley mass into a picture, but also to be guided by the combination of intuition, reason and the schemes that Shani will give you from the second article of this series.

There is nothing higher in this world than the grahas and their flows: the whole world is literally assembled from pieces of various elements that are placed in place, merge, move, are born and die by the forces of planetary energy flows. To simplify, nothing in you and the world around you happens without the influence of the planets, no matter what you think. By and large, there is no such magic. There is only forced movement, accumulation and work with these flows. And there – even if you influence a sick liver (the element of Wood), even if you make a love spell (simulate the Venusian fusion of elements), even if you make a curse, hitting the elemental components of the victim’s body … All esotericism works precisely on this.

It is wrong to say that “Saturn punished me,” Saturn doesn’t care about you. Each graha does not work with these flows personally and does not watch over your life. It simply passes its flow through everything living and nonliving, like X-rays, and under these flows the world begins to structure and change, depending on which graha is working and how its flow is reacted to. If you digested it poorly, had debts – the flow will destroy you, and vice versa. This is how money, private life, children, success and troubles come into life.

In previous articles we studied Saturn, which brings everything to balance, Venus, which creates a fusion of elements and attraction between them. We studied Mars, which saturates with strength and fortitude. Now let’s talk about Mercury and his graha named Buddha. Graha is very ambiguous and is pretty much overgrown with stereotypes and nonsense, such as the fact that it patronizes thieves and swindlers. This is both true and not quite true. Let’s figure out why.

The first and main activity of Mercury is compiling events and event lines; it works with literally everything that happens in all worlds and on all Trees. Every living being has a natal chart, and gods, and inferns, and people, and even cats have a planetary-elemental scheme, according to which their life and destiny moves. For subtle beings it will be relatively free in terms of framework and timeframes, for dense ones it is limited by the framework of life and diseases of the dense body. But, one way or another, this scheme in a different format exists for EVERY living being, including countries, layers and egregors. This is a scheme of what and how should happen to them, based on the environment, actions, neighboring lines, risks, etc. And this means that someone must compile and implement these schemes, collecting, like beads on a string, lines, resources, events, bodies and bricks falling on the head. That’s what Buddha does.

Simply put, for a brick to fall on your head today at 11:07 on some route, you must:
1) Have a case that will appear on this route on this day.
2) Be scheduled to meet so that at 11:07 you will be exactly where you need to be.
3) The housing and communal services of this particular area have maliciously neglected to repair houses and it is there that the bricks are falling.
4) Circumstances (wind, gravity, old buildings…) should trigger exactly at 11:07.

Can you imagine HOW MANY puzzle pieces need to be assembled to achieve this? This is Mercury’s work. Or rather, the flow of Buddha simply passes through objects and time, putting together a picture and making events happen according to a pattern. Saturn often gives the pattern, but this is not necessarily the case. In addition to strong “natal” patterns, Mercury also controls the puzzles themselves: money, time, lines, destinies, bricks… You are also an event on many lines, so Mercury directly influences the causal body. And in order to put something on the line of the causal plan, you first need to have something. Take it from somewhere, get it, and put it where it is needed. If you are destined to earn money on this segment, this money must come from someone, which means that Buddha must first find this resource, and then deliver it to you according to logical patterns and lines.

The second main activity of Mercury is speed and movement. He loves the flow of life and changes, when nothing stagnates, everything is renewed, boils and is in motion. He himself also moves quickly, works quickly, moves resources quickly, and thinks very quickly. Otherwise, the bricks would not have time to form over the right heads. It follows from this that most of all, Mercury is enraged by passive and locked money, hoarded goods, information hidden from view, and in general, he punishes dogs in the manger harshly and painfully. It is due to this that people who rot money under the mattress often lose it due to theft, fraudsters and fires: Buddha simply releases the resource he needs for work in the fastest and most optimal way. The stash was lying under the mattress, the thief took it away, and this money immediately got into motion and someone’s life, went from hand to hand, and rushed where it was needed. And here are the thieves and scammers. Mercury doesn’t care whose hands to work with, but he loves those who contribute to the movement of everything and the achievement of the set goal. If thieves move the capital lying dead weight – let them be thieves. That is why it is very important for financial channels not only to earn, but also to spend, even in vain, even to squander a little money.

The third activity of Mercury is goals and structuring of everything and everyone. It puts the fallen pieces in place, outlines the frames, connects the broken lines and draws the schemes of movement of everything and everyone. Any line of probability has important points and final results, and it loves to speed up processes and move successful lines to those who are moving towards a goal that appeals to it. Everything will be sudden, fast, but exactly right. Therefore, Mercury loves traders (movement of goods and money), travelers and all kinds of pilots, scientists and inventors (puzzle of resources and schemes + goal), loves doctors (movement of life), philologists (outlining schemes and explaining something to people), and everything that is connected with movement and schemes.

Mercury is indirectly connected with social life, but rather precisely with its linguistic aspect and love of finance. And finance and words, as is known, are connecting people. When people digest Mercury well, they are agile in mind and body, eloquent and witty, quick on the uptake, quick to adapt, able to make money and have vibrant creative projects. A broken Mercury in the chart causes all the same, but the other way around – a person is indecently talkative and stupid, absent-minded, constantly makes senseless fuss, superficially smart and indiscriminate in everything, is often immodest and intrusive. He moves his mind too quickly through the information, without having time to build cause-and-effect relationships and grasp the essence. That’s how he lives.

In connections with other planets, Mercury acquires very different features; of all the planets, it most strongly adopts the properties of those it intersects with. It accelerates the apathetic and greedy Jupiter, structures the flow of the Moon, and generally harmoniously fits each graha into its appropriate place.

In the body, the flows of Buddhi correspond to the element of Water in the Bazi, but it also shares this element with the Moon. Its flows control, first of all, the connections: the musculoskeletal system and nerves, the connections of different types of nervous systems, water circulation and water-salt metabolism, kidneys and the genitourinary system, fertility (without water, conception is impossible), and everything where there is movement and current, for example, movement through the vessels. Indirectly – speech and organs of the speech apparatus, very deeply – the skin. A broken and incorrectly positioned Mercury is the cause of psoriasis: terrible (though not contagious) spots repel people, they intuitively want to move away from the patient, which has a bad effect on the social sphere of the unfortunate, as if pushing him out of the social “scheme”, like an extra piece of a puzzle.

It is very pleasant to work with Buddha, he is charismatic, friendly and responsive to problems, if you yourself are ready to move, change, not spare resources and take risks. It can help both with problems of the body and resources, and with speeding up things that have been dragging on for a long time. His flow is transparent emerald, often with a metallic sheen, like the back of a bright green beetle. The energy is bright and fresh, like spring grass, from upaya there is a feeling of refreshment and renewal in all spheres, removing stagnation.

(c) Mylene Maelinhon / Material of the Marginal Metaphysics project

Translated by Schwarzenstern

When copying material or part of it, copyright and a link to the source are strictly required, otherwise it is punishable by law and I’m not talking about lawyers.

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Mental Field: Mercury and Zombies (Maelinhon) Jupiter: Maslow's Pyramid and Guru (Maelinhon)

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  • Никогда бы не подумала, что Меркурий собирает по кусочкам буквально ВЕСЬ событийный план. Спасибо за очередную взрывную статью надо будет попробовать самой попробовать упайи планетам.

  • В интернете упайя по Буддхе состоит из мантры, янтры и ношения зелёного цвета по средам. Ну, и множества действий самых разных. Насколько разумно, непонятно. Если можно, поделитесь опытом. Статья чудо. Совсем неожиданный взгляд, вики такой информации не даёт.

    • В интернете много чего пишут. Информация на основе книг и вики – это не то же самое, что собственное проживание грахи и работа с ним, когда ты можешь описать его как знакомого.
      Упайи делаются по средам, на мантру (после заката, на зеленые свечи, рандомно), но остальное – на усмотрение Буддхи. Нужно спросить, что и как нужно делать. У меня упай было несколько, в самой первой заряжала медное кольцо с зеленым камнец (на мизинец) в качестве амулета. В других чаще требовалась помощь кому-то бесплатная, оказал – сразу свои дела пошли быстрее.

      • Буддха это вариативность,движение вперёд?Для работы с ним и определения упай нужно обращаться через мантру или каким либо другим образом?

  • Милен, спасибо, что делишься очень нужной информацией, в доступном и читабельном варианте, мозг не кипит.
    Это тот двигатель, который помогает “копать” дальше и глубже самому

  • Чем больше читаю Ваши статьи, тем более понятно становится устройство мира (миров) и жизни вообще. Ни у одного автора, начиная от историков и заканчивая эзотериками, я никогда видела подобного. А старые тексты (Веды, Эдды и прочие рамаяны) – это сплошной треш, ещё попробуй оттуда что-нибудь достать вразумительное из междустрочья и иносказательных шифровок – можно мозк сломать. Современные эзотерики больше воду льют, потому что сами толком не знают, а продавать себя надо – кушать хочется всем. Вот и возникают кучи книг ни о чем. А Вы написали статью – и все по делу четко и ясно, понимаешь как дальше действовать и жить вообще.

    • Так я их и не читаю… Только личный опыт и контакт. Мой наставник, Сателард, любит всё познавать через опыт, прикосновения своими руками и душой, а не переваривая чужой опыт и мысли. И я это поддерживаю.
      Да, для цикла статей я конечно прошерстила Вронского, Хэммона, джйотиш и даже Халаама, но в целом, это написано на основе прямой работы с грахой 🙂 Прошу раскрыть свои свойства и показаться во всем великолепии.
      С классикой сравниваю, но не более.

  • Благодарю за статью, очень ценная, все интересно было кто отвечает за движуху всякую и в том числе путешествия, всё то что так люблю и чего всегда мало 🙂

  • Внезапное про Меркурий и псориаз, никогда бы не подумала. Получается, лечить его надо через упайи? Или это не так работает?

  • Шикарная статья, все по полочкам) А вот этот изумрудно зелёный цвет спинки жука – мой самый любимый))