Mental Field: Mercury and Zombies (Maelinhon)

— Congratulations, you are now a dad, you have a healthy baby!
– Hurray! A boy?!
— No…
— Then who?!

(c) An old joke

I am often asked where zombies come from. Well, I mean those who are zombified by television and/or religion, of course. And yes, I know that in the language of bloggers and other media guys, the phrase “I am often asked …” usually means “I can’t wait to tell you …”, but this is not the case. Honestly. Recently, due to some unimaginable pressure from TV propaganda, many people have come up with this question in general and to their elderly (and not so elderly) relatives. Therefore, they began to ask very often. How is it that some people suddenly started using the same words? They ask the same questions, give the same arguments and sit with their eyes shining with delight in front of the flickering screen, catching every word from there. And then they dump on you what they heard, retold in their own words, without reacting to any evidence or arguments. Why is this happening? How it works?

Today we will talk about Mercury, the mental field and how any propaganda is constructed from a metaphysical point of view. A bonus will be a lifehack on how to learn foreign languages faster and easier using the same mechanics, because I will give mainly linguistic examples.

I start almost every article on the topic of metaphysics with the planets. Planets are just lifeless and boring rocks in space that perform one single function: they transmit elemental energies to the worlds. This means that the main spectrum of planets in the Solar System is a huge control panel for our world. There are 13 elements in the world, 5 of which are manifested in dense form. You can touch a tree, but you cannot touch your thoughts: this is a dense form of matter and a subtle one. It works like this: each planet produces and directs a flow of energy, which, reaching some worlds, condenses and builds the “fabrics” of existence. Both literally dense atoms and molecules, and bricks of subtle, intangible objects and flows. Each planet builds its own “section of space”, which includes millions of objects, types of substances, emotions, numbers, body parts, etc. And if the planet changes degrees and positions, it pulls and shifts the entire section in space behind it, due to which changes occur, in us and around us. That is why we have fires and mass deaths of heart patients going together – the planet shifts ALL the objects that it has generated. This is how astrology works if you finally take those pills and turn on your brain and get rid of mysticism.

Each planet primarily carries a certain principle that plays out in its entire slice. For example, Venus creates chemical reactions between objects, Jupiter is responsible for sequence and rules, Mars is for filling forces and their peaks, etc.

Mercury is a small planet that creates big and important puzzles. Mercury, as a metaphysical object, generates the element of Water and its main principle is to collect many small pieces into one whole. Anything in the world where there are many segments and they are collected into one is a slice of Mercury. For example, speech is many words that make up one language. Or many people constituting one nation. There are also kidneys, a bladder, the emotion of fear, pregnancy and a bunch of other things, but the most important thing that graha Buddha does is a mental slice of space.

A mental slice of space is a collection of ALL pieces of information that exist in some area. For example, ALL books that existed and exist on planet Earth are part of its mental field. All languages, all history, all biographies of those who lived and are living. This is zettabytes of information, as you can imagine. Multifaceted, multifaceted, partly forgotten, partly relevant… Mercury doesn’t analyze what’s in his slice, he just stupidly keeps these puzzles within a certain framework and we use them, constantly being in the information field.

To understand how languages and culture, propaganda, indoctrination and control of the masses work, you need to understand how the mind itself and the mental body work. There are four postulates:
1. The mental field is heterogeneous and varies greatly depending on the territory: in each country it will be slightly different. For example, comparing the mentality of France and Japan, the former will include a different language (all its words-pieces), a different history (events-pieces), other realities, problems, other thoughts of people, etc. These pieces make up a single information field-puzzle in which the French live. There’s always a ton of ideas and information floating around there, but also a ton of garbage, social patterns, attitudes, etc. And the Japanese will have a completely different space.

2. There is a common mental field and there is a personal mental field. Simply put, you have your own personal mentality in your head, made up of your thoughts, ideas, words you know, information, experience, etc. And they are almost always mutually exclusive: you live either in the common field and its realities, OR in your own, created by you, and use the common one to a minimum. For example, you speak the language of this territory, know its history, realities, but you think outside the templates, do not perceive information and patterns from the outside, etc. This is conscious existence, in a broad and primitive meaning. People who live and swim in the common field are 90 percent of all living people.

3. The mental field of a territory will always be more powerful than the mental field of an individual. Therefore, the actual nationality of a person does not depend on blood, but on the field of which country he belongs to for the most part. You can move to another country and completely blend in, you will not be distinguished from the locals. You have been absorbed and transformed. Even the field of your native territory, where you live, will constantly try to bend you and replace your thoughts, ideas and impulses with common and accepted ones in this field. And the mentality of another country will absorb you in the same way if you move there. Old cultures are usually less aggressive, but young ones always try to gobble up more people. And a person who studies Chinese or Japanese (or martial arts, or metaphysics, or accepts Islam …), immediately becomes a little Chinese or Japanese. Or a Taliban. Asia has an extremely aggressive culture, and it instills its mental patterns in everyone it can reach.

4. The Samsara system uses the mental field to control the masses in the dense world, because not only languages ​​and information float in the mental, but also some common morality and rules. If everyone thinks the same thing and lives within the prescribed information framework, then this is very convenient for everyone. And for the main god and his system, and for the authorities and for the idiots who are too lazy to think with their heads. It is always simpler and easier to live on a ready-made template. But this mental field will always dictate who you are and what you can and cannot do, and this is often at variance with reality.

Therefore, the mental field of the physical world is literally stuffed with thousands of patterns that endlessly pick at you and try to replace your own conclusions and experience. It is sometimes difficult to catch them, but the characteristic feature of a common idea (not yours) is that it is there by default. Everybody knows that. It seems so obvious that what questions can there be about this fact, understandable as the sunrise? These thoughts, ideas and realities are so soft, so convenient, so slippery that it is difficult to protect your head from these parasites, it seems that they have always been there. But, it’s worth asking a couple of uncomfortable questions, and the person creakingly switches from the pattern to his own field. And he begins to think: really, where did I get this from? Has anyone ever told me this? No! What if that’s not true? But as long as he floats in the common pond, these things do not raise questions or doubts.

For example, a person seemed to know that “you have to be modest and kind” (what does that even mean?). Or “we need to give birth to children” (for what?). Self-righte0usness = bad (why?). There are gods and demons (and how are they different?). Even a certain “god” is by default for everyone here and one (and where are the others?). This is so much in the field that we do not even attach any importance to these things. Although, if you simply ask questions to them, then this “immutable knowledge” will fall apart with half a kick… We will immediately see their insignificant absurdity and isolation from life. In essence, teachings like Taoism are entirely based on spinning the general mental field and having one, whatever it may be.

By the way, distortions and bugs of the common mentality cause hilarious things like the Mandela effect. This is when literally everyone knows a certain fact or a common phrase, and then suddenly it turns out that the fact is false, and the phrase does not exist in the original. But EVERYONE knows this! For some reason, everyone “remembers” that Nelson Mandela died somewhere in the 80s, but he died literally recently. In the books about Sherlock Holmes, there is no phrase “Elementary, my dear Watson!”, but we kind of “remember” it there. These are the very patterns and data that smoothly slide into your head from the mentality, it’s just that here a factual error has crept into them.

The problem is that if you are a bright, special dimut with your own little world, much more aggressive patterns will start to creep up on you in order to crush you and bring you back into the mainstream. You will be obsessively hammered with patterns like “you can’t influence anything, it’s stupid, sit down and shut up, don’t interfere, you don’t know how to do it right…” and other tricks that you can safely send away. These are not your thoughts. These are ideas from the world where Mandela died in the 80s.

Now I’ll show you a magic trick! You’ll literally feel the transition from the common mentality to the personal one. And then we’ll move on to zombies. Think for a bit and say out loud some complex phrase in your native language. A really long one. Something like “Last year I renovated my kitchen, but then at some point I thought that maybe the color I chose for the walls was too bright and inappropriate.” Did you say it? Now say this phrase in any foreign language you can, one you don’t speak every day. It may be awkward, but say it in any form.

What do we see? In the first case, you all thought WHAT to say, but none of you thought HOW to say it. That is, the work of your thoughts did not go along the lines of “so, this is such a word, you need to conjugate it like this, and then, according to the rule of word order, make this composition.” No. You were entirely in the language field, it was turned on in your head by default. In the second case, you had to switch to another field and literally THINK about each word. This is not a question of knowing the language at all, no matter how paradoxical it may seem! You can know the language with your brain, but not speak it, because you are trying to speak from behind the fence, without crossing into their territory. And you feel a strong barrier.

That is why the speech of foreigners seems intuitively wrong to us, too formal, we feel discomfort, because “it seems correct, but they don’t say it that way”. He speaks OUTSIDE your common mentality. A foreigner thinks what to say in your language, for him it is a rational process, a rational thought. And language is 95% OUTSIDE the rational spectrum of sensations, we feel what to say more than we think. And we use the mental field that was implanted in our heads since birth. And if a foreigner starts speaking correctly, it means he has switched. This is the grossest mistake in studying languages ​​at school and universities: they push rules on us and make us think, but we need to listen and feel.

Talk to any foreign child 4-5 years old on occasion. He speaks his language fluently and quite correctly, although he does not know any of its rules, regulations, he knows nothing about gerunds, conjugations and articles. Most likely, he doesn’t even know these words. I will surprise you, but most adult natives have no idea about conjugations and gerunds! This is why it makes no sense to cram the rules when studying a foreign language: for some reason they ask you to do something that even native speakers themselves don’t know and don’t use! Because the rules are derived from an existing language, and the language itself is not constructed according to these rules. And they are trying to make us THINK about what we need to FEEL. We speak native words, but we don’t think if they are correct. And here is the mentality! This is why people who simply watch movies, listen to music and speak to foreigners, learn the language faster and easier. This is a natural and intuitive process of immersion into the common field of that other territory.

Why do I give this particular example? Because language is a striking example of how we use some information but do not analyze it at all. It is simply in our heads as if by default, we do not think about why we said it. Zombification also works on the same template, the mechanics are identical.

And if we cannot invent our own language and simply use what we are given, then we can generally develop our own thoughts, ideas and patterns. But the majority still absorbs what is given to them. Language is given to them by society, morality by religion, thoughts and ideas at best by books, at worst by television and media, realities and postulates out of thin air. And the person doesn’t think about not only how to speak. He doesn’t think about anything at all, which seems to come into his head on its own. We don’t think about what conjugation to use in such a case, it arises on its own in the head, and people just don’t think about where they get these or those attitudes in life. You have to live like this, you don’t have to live like this. The truth is this, why delve into it. Everyone is used to it and does it, me too. In difficult situations, they also don’t think, but look for a template. What would Lenin do? What would Jesus do in my place? That is, they look for a reference point in the external mentality in order to commit an act that should (must!) come from the internal mentality.

And here it is propaganda, yes. A zombie is a person who has completely replaced his field with a common one. This is why I think religions are evil. They quite aggressively replace with their patterns what a person should derive independently, in the course of self-growth.

If the general field completely replaces the personal one, then you can shove anything you want into this field. They’ll swallow it! The mass of people don’t have any critical questions, because their mental body is 99% made up of what floats in the general. That’s why they all speak in the same phrases, it’s frighteningly simple! That’s why they all speak the same phrases, it’s frighteningly simple! And they go into a stupor if someone lives and speaks in a different way, or asks questions to the “obvious” (- God will punish! – Which god? What’s his name? – Eeeeek…). Ask a fanatic some uncomfortable question and watch his face. He freezes, then for a second seems to switch off from the dialogue, and continues from the same place where he left off. Or goes into aggression. But he didn’t think. While he was being stupid, his mental body was pinging the common layer and getting answers that “need” to be told to you. If he had thought, he would have heard you right away.

But such people are not used to analyzing what is happening and building their own little world from their experience. If the source of their information is TV or some external authorities, then any other information smoothly flows from the ears down and does not even try to penetrate the head. And you try to give them some arguments, facts, bring witnesses, show a video… They do not hear this and cannot hear it, because their reality is already rigidly formed and has clear boundaries. There is no place for other information. And a person cannot perceive both his own and the general equally, one will always outweigh the other.

(c) Mylene Maelinhon / Material of the Marginal Metaphysics project

Translated by Schwarzenstern

When copying material or part of it, copyright and a link to the source are strictly required, otherwise it is punishable by law and I’m not talking about lawyers.

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The Sun: Hierarchy and Ego (Maelinhon) Mercury: Fateful Puzzles (Maelinhon)

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  • Ну такое себе если честно. Вот вы говорите что человек на территории рождения и проживания имеет черты коренного населения, так почему же это не работает со странами постсоветского пространства. Я вообще не ощущаю себя ни на миллиметр аборигеном, а наоборот чувствую что это не моя земля и стремлюсь в другое место. Значит не для всех это работает. И насчёт замещения установок религиозными….такое ощущение, что вы свое мнение считаете единственно верным и подгоняете под него все остальные, в чем то да я мыслю солидарно с вами, но вы уж очень агрессивно пытаетесь выставить себя правой, а большинство дебилами. Это очень заметно со стороны. 

    • Так я же в статье напрямую это говорю: это работает не для всех… 
      Ваше ментальное поле и его особенности и потребности могут глубинно не совпадать с территорией, где вы живете. Поэтому нам хорошо или плохо в каких то местах, куда мы приезжаем. Приехал в страну Н – не, че то не то, некомфортно. А вот в стране К ощущение синхронизации полей происходит и нам там "хорошо", есть ощущение дома. Если вы родились в стране, где общее поле к вам в штыки – то это не противоречит идее ментала, даже наоборот.
      Наверное, стоило это проговорить в статье.

  • У меня аж пульс подскочил от удовольствия, пока я читала. 

  • По поводу комментария выше, нигде не увидела в статье попытку автора "агрессивно выставить себя правой". Каждый читает по своему и видимо отзывается у каждого "свое". 

    • У людей есть такая глобальная проблема, что частное путается с объективным, особенно в эзотерике. Проще говоря, там где нужна объективная картинка, одинаковая для всех, люди начинают растекаться в субъективное. Всё так зыбко, туманно, у каждого свой взгляд, а я вижу по другому, всё не точно… Но мир не может быть субъективен! Это объективная схема, она просто есть и я ее описываю. Вот отношение к миру – да, субъективно.
      А вот там, где нужно подумать о том, а как видишь ты и что нужно лично тебе, твое мнение – внезапно жёсткие, объективные, внешние догмы. Типа, вот оно так и точка, не смей думать иначе.
      В итоге получается сбой. Должно же быть наоборот всё.
      И если ты говоришь об объективных вещах уверенно, то ты навязываешь свою точку зрения. 🙂 Но нет же, это как раз тот спектр информации, где есть только одна точка зрения. Мир – это не что то частное, субъективное и у всех свое. Отношение к миру – да, сам мир – нет.

  • "Планеты — это просто безжизненные и скучные каменюки в космосе, которые выполняют одну единственную функцию: транслируют в миры энергии стихий."

    Из интереса – планеты и звёзды в других звездных системах тем же самым занимаются?

    • И ещё из интереса, есть пояс астероидов, между Марсом и Юпитером. И ещё один, где-то за Плутоном. А эти объекты чем занимаются? Про первый пояс в некоторых статьях говорится, что там была ещё планета, Фаэтон, которая взорвалась, хотя наука считает, что не было ничего, слишком мало их. А была ли планета? Чем она занималась, если была?

  • Интересно, когда говорят, что все ограничения у нас в голове – это и есть про общие паттерны, шаблоны и установки 🤔 Получается, я прошла тренинг на снятие ограничений в голове, в течении 3 месяцев после этого полностью изменила свое место жительства, личную жизнь, работу, финансы. Получается ограничения снимает не только техника вопросов. У нас на тренинге было типа полосы препятствий, когда понимаешь головой, что невозможно это сделать, но как-то получается. 

    И интересно с точки зрения изучения языка. Есть ли техника быстрого погружения в общее ментальное поле?

  • Чудове у вас слово, Мілено. Натхнення вам🌷

  • И правда, логика и доводы против шаблонов бессильны. А вот вопросы работают и на других и на себе.

  • А мне пока очень сложно отличить свои мысли от тех, что пришли из метала😥

  • Прекрасная статья. Есть над чем подумать. В целом, Милен, то что вы делаете – очень включает голову. Благодарю вас

  • Лучший инструмент для дефрагментации чужого ментала – наводящие вопросы. Люди не ценят чужого мнения, люди ценят свое мнение. Поэтому лучше аккуратно задавать им наводящие вопросы, вместе попыток кому-то что-то объяснять.

  • Очень хорошая статья. Вместо того, чтоб раздражаться на навязывающих свою религию, надо просто завалить их шаблоны своим менталом и простыми но наводящими на мысли вопросами. Всё гениальное просто! Теперь я не буду грубить и отсылать или переубеждать сектантов, я им взорву мозг наивными вопросами.
    Благодарю, Милен:-)

  • Теперь фраза “город поглощает людей” играет новыми красками. В одном городе одно настроение, в другом другое, а за пределами города в лесу на природе совсем по-другому все… )))