Love & Demons (Maelinhon)

You can close your eyes to all the things that you don’t want to see about me,
But you can’t close your heart to the way that you feel about me

Rey Villalobos “Honeybee”

Isn’t it annoying to see so many identical people around you? It’s become fashionable to get a tan, and everyone is rushing to get a tan until they’re black! It suits you, it doesn’t suit you, it’s harmful, it’s not harmful – no one cares, the main thing is to be like everyone else and not be ashamed to post it on Instagram. The same hairstyles, manicures, brands of devices and clothes, style, music – everyone is so thirsty for originality that they are losing it at a tremendous pace. As they say, everyone has already emphasized their individuality, you should emphasize it too! And when a person wants to emphasize an individuality that he simply doesn’t have, he begins to do it according to a template.

The same nonsense has been happening to art in recent years. I don’t know, maybe I’m getting old, but it seems to me more and more that the music industry has nothing more to say. Everything has already been done and more than once, everything has already been seen, heard, digested and rethought, and no one can come up with anything new. Or it’s so microscopic that it’s extremely difficult to find. This isn’t the 70s, when there were literally plenty of untrodden roads in music, take any of them. Everything has become the same, slick, frankly boring and not new, it’s become extremely difficult to meet a truly original and unusual person or a bright song. It will happen later, but now we live in pitiful and unpleasant times.

Any idea what it is? It is a property of superficial perception and inability to digest the global flow of energy of the planet Venus and its patron, Shukra. The Slavs know this Grakha under the name Stribog. It is one of the oldest and most powerful planetary geniuses, since the principle of its work was laid down much earlier than this world and its features appeared. Speaking globally, Shukra controls three elements: Darkness, Metal and Air, and his status and characteristics often allow him to freely interfere with the flows of the elements of Time.

In a narrower sense, Shukra is engaged in the fusion of elemental elements and the construction of a new substance (matter). Everything in this world consists of elemental elements and works on them, which means there must be a mechanism by which elements that are useful to each other attract each other like a magnet and merge into one whole, entering into a reaction.

Shukra is the genius of novelty and individuality, the uniqueness that appears in opposition to the mass and the boring. I really don’t like the “classical” opinion that Venus patronizes art. This is not true. Shukra generously distributes its flow to everyone who can digest it, and the fusion of elements occurs in many areas – we literally enter into hundreds of such reactions every day, when the elemental base of our body reacts with the surrounding place, objects, people, animals… And produces something new. Fusions in Bazi are the purest work of Venus. And there is love, and art, and individuality, and the very basis of the worlds and a thousand other aspects!

Why is that? Think about how something new is born? A new feeling, a new life, a new idea, music? Two people meet, the elements merge, love is born. Then the cells merge and a new life appears. A scientist finds himself in fortunate circumstances, the elements of his body receive a powerful boost, he catches inspiration and makes a sharp leap for all of humanity with his discovery. A musician finds himself in a situation where his emotions go off the scale and he pours them out into new, magnificent music. This is how something appears that did not exist before – either due to the fusion of elemental elements, or due to “pumping” and purifying what already exists, by adding new elements and ideas. This is the main principle of Shukra’s work. He brings elements together, getting something new, then brings this new to mind and new horizons. The sphere is not important: the chef can also mix ingredients with inspiration, obtaining a culinary masterpiece and a new taste.

And the brighter the newly-emerged element, the more the Grakha of Venus likes it. His favorite principle is – the brighter and more unusual it is, the better! Shukra adores individuality and awareness, the feeling of being oneself and development within the framework of this feeling. Shukra’s ideal favorite is not like anyone at all, lives in his own head and is a talented innovator on the verge of marginality. Rules are alien to him, the concept of a team, some “it should be like this”, patterns and laws are completely alien to him: he moves according to the principle of “I feel this way”, and not according to logic or profit. Shukra works outside the framework, because only beyond the fences does something new, bright and outstanding happen. He records the most exquisite works, the brightest geniuses and especially strong connections and mergers in the flow of time, as if at an exhibition. They remain for centuries and will never be forgotten.

This is where the famous conflict between Venus and Jupiter begins. Jupiter loves rules, ceremonies and templates, regulations and collectivism. Everything that is alien to Venus. You can’t write a masterpiece according to a template, a masterpiece is always fresh and fundamentally new, and novelty is alien to Jupiter, it brings to the maximum what already exists and is recognized by everyone. On the other hand, in order to write something new, you must first learn the old, gain experience and skills, just according to boring rules and dogmas. This is why all sorts of crap appears in art and science: on pure Venus there will be a furious and incomprehensible arthouse (so original that only a few understood it), and on pure Jupiter there will be boring, dusty academic cinema based on templates. The middle ground is needed. Well, for a breakthrough and courage to bring something new – already an admixture of Mars or Saturn, because masterpieces can be written “for the drawer”, fearing condemnation or rejection of the masses.

Venus imparts grace and magnetism to everything, but one can also overdo it with dosages. Therefore, the inability to perceive it results in ugly, unaesthetic and boring phenomena, when, to the detriment of aesthetics, something “ugly, but reliable” is done. An excess of Venus produces idle, painful laziness, flawed hedonism and excess, when a creature lies in pillows, sleepily looking around in search of: what else to eat or who else to fuck? This satiety of sensuality is almost more dangerous than its deficiency…

Why is Venus associated with feelings? Since knowledge is objective and boring, Venus’s work almost always goes through feelings. Shukra never gives information directly and head-on, it will rather give a sensory experience, emotions that will allow you to feel and understand, even without knowing with your mind and without seeing. Magnetized elements are always attracted, even through barriers, so the elements that must merge feel and see each other at a more subtle level than the eyes see or the brain understands. They are drawn by an irresistible force, and the bearer of that very element seems special, incredible, unlike others, and here it is, the manifestation of the global principle of fusion, which people call love. And here let’s think about love spells. If love is a fusion of elements, then a love spell is a forced bringing together of those who do not have this fusion. There is no attraction, but someone else’s will forcibly drags to another object… I think the Venusian punishment for such impudence and violation of harmony is terrible.

The same principles underlie the attraction to the mysterious, to magic, mysticism and even all sorts of horror stories around the campfire: this aura is also an elemental element and it draws us in the same way. Just as it draws us to what we lack in life: housewives love movies and books about passion, office workers – about adventures and dangers, satiated and lazy bohemians love black stuff about hunger and pain. We are drawn to the missing element, even if it is drawn on paper, and this attraction is laid by Venus.

The history of “his” people – demons – grows from the work and characteristics of Shukra. They are his children, and the element of Venus is their main engine and heart. The most important feature of the Infernos, as a species, is a morbid craving for individuality and isolation from the masses. There are no schools there: each child is taught individually, fully revealing his or her potential, in isolation from the masses. Each demon is a unique and unlike anything else, a beautiful creation, which is laid down by Shukra. He has saved them more than once, he looks after them and helps them, simultaneously endowing them with irrational sexuality, attractiveness and an aura of mysterious attraction to “charismatic evil”. For this reason, by the way, movie and book villains are usually more pleasant than good guys: we always associate ourselves with the “good” (oh, of course …), so the element of Venusian magnetism arises for the opposite element – the bad guy.

The flow of Venus’s energy is very soft, shimmering with mother-of-pearl, similar to white snake skin or polished white metal. One of the frequent manifestations of Shukra (for example, in a dream) is a white snake, and the trajectory of the planet Venus forms a pentagram. Due to all these facts, the shimmering snake, the patron of Darkness and demons, is chronically called the Devil and Satan. There is no such creature in nature, but Christians, having read old fairy tales, attribute the features of Venus to Lucifer, running across the ceiling from the sight of a pentagram, which, in fact, never meant anything terrible.

In terms of physiology, Venus correlates with the organs and tissues of Metal: lungs, mucus and lymph, nose and smells, skin and hair, uterus or prostate, testicles. In terms of emotions, it can be correlated with aching sadness, nostalgia, craving for something, weakness for some phenomena or people.

It is very easy and pleasant to work with Shukra if you are not afraid of something new and open up easily. This planetary genius, like no one else, helps in finding and becoming oneself, developing one’s personality and individuality, teaches new things through feelings and intuition. He loves sorcerers and magicians, loves people of art, scientists, any innovators or those who want to know themselves and rise on a personal level.

(c) Mylene Maelinhon \ Archaic Heart

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Devil: A Nonexistent hodgepodge (Maelinhon) Mars: Doctor, Warrior and Butcher (Maelinhon)

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  • Нечего и добавить, круто описано!
    Когда то, будучи юной девой, была любовь, наивная, возвышенная, воздушная, и грезилось-единственная. Потом дева повзрослела и была любовь, дерзкая, яркая, взахлёб, мечталось-навсегда. И снова прошло время, и, случилась любовь – тягуче- томная, обволакивающе- уютная, глубокая и сочная, заставляющая уже не думать.

    • Очень интересная статья!

      А я, по традиции, с глупыми вопросами. Уважаемый Ларгсамиэль Лангсиарович, вы говорили, что в арамейском 12 понятий для описания любви. Можете их описать, пожалуйста? Просто греческие мне давно известны, а хочется узнать что-то новое, понять отличия. И как то, что Вы испытываете, звучит на вашем родном языке?
      Второй вопрос. А можно как-то подкорректировать стихии и потоки в системе тонкого тела, чтобы не тянуло только на определенный тип личностей или не застревать только в одном виде любви? Что-то типа гармонизации, но не для уже имеющихся отношений, а, скажем так, для успешного складывания будущих?

    • А ведь так и есть – любовь разная с множеством оттенков.

  • Начну опять, как обычно , снимаю шляпу . Вот Она, ЛЮБОФФ ❤. Наверное, все-таки вся это штука❤работает поэтапно. По возрасту. Чем старше, тем больше окрас этой эмоции и химии. Почти все эмоции были прожиты. Ээээх, любофф. Спасибо большое за статью. Заново были прожиты воспоминания.

  • Ох уж эта любофь- моркофь и столько о ней писано, сказано,спето)
    Но вот так, по полочкам, может разложить только Ларгсамиэль) спасибо Милен за перевод такой тонкой и щекотливой темы. Казалось бы, всё просто, если бы не “но”.

  • Как же ждала эту статью! Возникло 2 закономерных вопроса. Во-первых, если любовь есть слияние элементов, то она до определенного момента длится? Согласно знакам, которые используются в бацзы, используются 60 ричные такты. Тобиж по прошествии этого времени, карта перерасчитывается. Может оказаться так, что изменились точки соприкосновения и все угаснет? Т.е. воспеваемая веками вечная любовь не существует, это миф и фантазии? Второй вопрос, видны ли, по каким-то намекам хотя бы, в карте человека отношения на тонком плане (в случае жизни на 2 мира, как у инкарнаций или осознавшихся людей)?

    • А почему ты думаешь, что сливаются только элементы тела или тактов? В матрице тоже есть стихии 🙂 И они могут сливаться и конфликтовать на уровне еще тоньше, чем смотрит ба-цзы.
      И вот она вечная любовь. А у людей да, такт прошел, столп поменялся или вообще сдвинулось что – и всё, ушла любовь, завяли помидоры.
      В карте отношения на тонких не видны, но его довольная рожа часто говорит о многом… 😀

      • Довольный это хорошо :))) Рассмотрим гипотктическую ситуацию: 2 человека на физе притягиваются. Возможен ли их союз одновременно и на физовом и на тонком плане? Полагаю, что для этого они должны оба вести жизни и там и там, при этом. И каков шанс слияния такого не преднамеренно?

        • Да, возможен, особенно если матрицы активны и могут нащупать друг друга. Хождение на тонкие при этом необязательно

  • Здравствуйте. Можете кто-то подсказать или направить: как побороть любовь-манию? Я понимаю, что это плохо, что это разрушает меня, рушит семью. Есть полное осознание. Но ничего сделать с собой не могу.

  • Как отнёсся бы уважаемый Ларгсамиэль к экранизации его жизнеописания? Возможно есть сценарий? Смотрю на портреты и вижу знакомого, внешне подходящего на роль

  • Такая вкусная статья ☺☺ оттенков действительно очень много и каждый раз по-новому

  • Здорово наверное, когда любишь и тебя любят взаимно, эх! В основном встречала только одностороннюю любовь, либо я люблю, либо меня